Biz and Tech Podcasts > Technology > Lisa Wenninger
Lisa Wenninger is a speaker, writer, podcaster, and Kingdom Winds Collective member. She currently manages a local church with a family of believers she loves. Lisa enjoys volunteering as a Stephen Minister and being able to walk alongside others in their time of need. She is an animal lover (former assistant to the director at this fantastic location), a beach enthusiast, and enjoys hiking, museums, and eating out. Fun fact - she loves to sing but says that you don’t want to hear her do it.
Last Episode Date: 10 December 2024
Total Episodes: 86
Navigating addiction as a family is hard stuff. Yet, families are often judged by what they do or don’t do in handling these messy situations.
This Christian momma is tired—but here sits another experience in the travels of addiction. I learned it can’t be me; I can’t save, fix, or carry the weight of an addiction I don’t have.
Yes—RECOVERY IS POSSIBLE. Yes, it is amazing. People are choosing to live every single day!
Today, I took part in what is called ‘Five Minute Friday’—A writing challenge that gives you a keyword that you are to take five minutes to write on.
God saves lives. Over and over, I watch Him perform miracles in the life of someone who often plays with death.
This episode talks about realizing nothing you say helps; nothing you do changes things. It reflects on that moment you begin to sink emotionally.
If you’re struggling to move out of their addiction, start with these few steps! You deserve peace and freedom, but it will take work to get there.
One day, you wake up to a child you don’t know. A person who no longer lives outside of addiction. Your reflection screams at you, “What have you done?”… Every parent with a child in addiction wonders what they did wrong.
What do the two phrases mean? Do the words matter?
Do we call sin, "sin," in addiction? Are we afraid to offend? Why? People deal with sin every day, in every setting. There is no judgment here—I Promise! Just some basic insight from experience and the truth.
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