Biz and Tech Podcasts > Technology > Kari Lefebvre
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Are you internal storms creating a frenzy that want to take out those around you? Are the little boats in your life being casualties in your storm? Open up to Mark 4:36-40 with me today and let’s see how Jesus tells us to handle it.
The world makes it ugly; Christian women are rarely taught about it, and it’s all in the Bible! Listen today as we walk through the Word of God to see how we should submit as Jesus shows us first.
I have 4 words in the Bible that I love. You may be surprised at them, yet be sure to listen to this quick SALTY of my ‘why.'
Naomi joins me today to share her personal testimony on submitting. She gives several experiences with gems of wisdom!
Are you tenderhearted? Do you feel compassion for others as Jesus does?
Let’s identify what BS toggle switches on for you and how to turn it off before you create wrath. I encourage you to listen and change the next time you need to cease your flesh from reacting harshly.
When wrapping up an online class, a woman asked me that question. I’ll share my answer and reason in today’s episode.
Four points today to bring the "yes, please," back to your marriage! Sadly, the world wants to talk about it, but Christians avoid it. Not here! We are going "there’!!"
Testimony of when the Lord admonished me 3x with those words. It was a great reminder to submit to my husband in ALL things, no matter how small they may seem.
Are you ‘ing’ing your husband to death? Proverbs 21:9,19 and Proverbs 27:15,24 give clear examples of the BS ‘ing.’ Let me help you with TWO new ‘ing’s that will change your marriage!
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