Biz and Tech Podcasts > Technology > Jennifer Hand
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Today Jenn welcomes fellow author and podcaster Rachael Adams to talk about how God works through small things.
Jenn is welcoming a dream guest today, Melanie Shankle.
Today Jenn welcomes Laura Acuna to talk about her new book, Still Becoming. Laura challenges us to re-think our struggles with disordered eating, body image, and dieting through the lens of self-compassion and God’s grace.
Jenn is welcoming her friend Lucinda McDowell back to the show this week!
Today Jenn welcomes Juli Bevere to talk about her new book with Sons and Daughters, I Am Transformed. Sons and Daughters is a collective of young adults who help this generation discover the adventure, freedom, and purpose found in our Creator.
Today Jenn welcomes Trudy Cathy White to the show. Trudy is the daughter of Chick-Fil-A founder S. Truett Cathy. She is an author, speaker, and podcast host who loves to share lessons the Lord has taught her in the journey of life.
Thank you for listening to My Yes Is On The Table, a podcast hosted by Jennifer Hand and Coming Alive Ministries. Today Jenn introduces her new show and tells the story behind her new book, My Yes Is On The Table.
Today Jenn welcomes Trillia Newbell to the show. Trillia is a wife, mom, and prolific author who has written several books including children’s books.
Maddie Rey is a 23-year-old Christian Recording Artist, Youth Speaker, Author Performer, Dancer, Actress, YouTuber, and overall Influencer. Today they talk about how Maddies put her yes on the table, as we are all this season. They also talk about Maddie’s book, No More Lies, as well as Maddie’s love for the local church.
Today Jenn welcomes her podcast producer, Angie Elkins, to the show. Angie has a passion for telling stories of faith through the digital medium of podcasts. She also hosts her own podcast, Chatologie.
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