Biz and Tech Podcasts > Business > Workplace Psychology with Dr. Martha Grajdek
Workplace Psychology with Martha Grajdek addresses a wide variety of topics related to the workplace. The podcast examines current issues through the lens of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (I-O Psychology), a branch of psychology that focuses on improving both performance and the well-being of individuals and organizations. In addition to discussing various topics, the podcast will explore potential solutions to workplace-related issues. Intended to stimulate conversation, listeners are invited to further consider each topic as it applies to them and their workplaces.
Last Episode Date: 13 January 2025
Total Episodes: 251
In this episode, Dr. Grajdek explores the art of navigating challenging workplace discussions. Highlighted are ideas such as the importance of active listening, emotional regulation, and setting clear goals to ensure successful outcomes. Dr. Grajdek stresses the role that leaders play in modeling effective communication strategies as the episode encourages openness and empathy as key tools for fostering a healthy work environment. Tune in to learn more. Check out Stress-Free With Dr G on YouTube The Stress Solution: Your Blueprint For Stress Management Mastery
In this episode, Dr. Grajdek discusses the value of fostering a coaching culture within organizations, where leaders act as mentors to support employee growth and performance. Key elements of a coaching culture, such as leadership training, ongoing feedback, and personal development opportunities, are explored. Dr. Grajdek offers actionable steps for implementing such a culture, from securing leadership buy-in to measuring its impact, emphasizing the long-term benefits of coaching for both employees and organizations. Tune in to learn more. Check out Stress-Free With Dr G on YouTube The Stress Solution: Your Blueprint For Stress Management Mastery
In this episode, Dr. Grajdek explores the growing prevalence of workplace wellness programs, examining their common components, such as physical health initiatives, mental health support, and financial wellness. Dr. Grajdek further discusses how to measure their effectiveness through ROI and employee satisfaction, and offers best practices for tailoring programs to diverse workforce needs. She underscores the importance of ongoing evaluation and inclusivity to ensure wellness programs deliver meaningful results. Tune in to learn more. Check out Stress-Free With Dr G on YouTube The Stress Solution: Your Blueprint For Stress Management Mastery
In this episode, Dr. Grajdek addresses the challenges of leading remote teams. While communication gaps and maintaining team cohesion can present problems in an on-site environment, they can become even more pronounced. Dr. Grajdek provides best practices and practical solutions while reminding the audience that effective management of remote teams calls for everyone’s participation. Tune in to learn more. Check out Stress-Free With Dr G on YouTube The Stress Solution: Your Blueprint For Stress Management Mastery
In this episode, Dr. Grajdek delves into the psychology of workplace motivation, differentiating between intrinsic and extrinsic motivators and exploring strategies for fostering motivation. Aligning tasks with employee strengths, creating recognition programs, and addressing sources of demotivation are discussed. Tune in to learn more. Check out Stress-Free With Dr G on YouTube The Stress Solution: Your Blueprint For Stress Management Mastery
This episode focuses on the critical role of onboarding in ensuring employee success and long-term retention. It outlines the essential elements of effective onboarding, while addressing common pitfalls like information overload. As the episode unfolds, strategies for measuring onboarding success are shared. Finally, actionable advice for organizations to refine their onboarding practices. Tune in to learn more. Check out Stress-Free With Dr G on YouTube The Stress Solution: Your Blueprint For Stress Management Mastery
In this episode Dr. Grajdek examines the evolving role of AI and automation in the workplace, highlighting both their benefits and challenges. Taken into consideration are ideas pertaining to how employees can prepare for the future, and how organizations can support smooth transitions. Furthermore, the episode encourages adaptability and innovation in embracing these technological advancements. Tune in to learn more. Check out Stress-Free With Dr G on YouTube The Stress Solution: Your Blueprint For Stress Management Mastery
The phenomenon of quiet quitting refers to employees continuing to fulfill basic job responsibilities while doing the minimum of what is required of them. This episode will examine the root causes of quiet quitting as well as its implications for organizations. The importance of identifying and addressing quiet quitting is key for employers who seek a proactive approach. Tune in to learn more. Check out Stress-Free With Dr G on YouTube The Stress Solution: Your Blueprint For Stress Management Mastery
While many have heard of gratitude, this concept is less known in context of the workplace. Today’s episode explores the transformative power of gratitude in the workplace, emphasizing its many benefits. Practical ways of expressing gratitude are offered for both employers and employees. Barriers to adopting gratitude practices, as well as ways of overcoming them are highlighted. Tune in to learn more. Check out Stress-Free With Dr G on YouTube The Stress Solution: Your Blueprint For Stress Management Mastery
While burnout has received its fair share of attention, this episode tackles the issue of burnout among high-achieving employees. Research indicates that high-achieving employees are more susceptible to burnout. As such, it’s critical to focus attention on strategies for preventing and recovering from burnout. Tune in for specific suggestions on how individuals as well as employers are encouraged to recognize the signs of burnout early and provide necessary support to maintain long-term well-being without compromising productivity. Tune in to learn more. Check out Stress-Free With Dr G on YouTube The Stress Solution: Your Blueprint For Stress Management Mastery
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