Biz and Tech Podcasts > Business > Transmisi³n
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Who are you talking to? How do you know that what you are selling resonates with the right audiences? In this episode of Transmisión, Graham and Juan Pablo discuss how to pinpoint your ideal customers, analyze their behaviors, and tailor your marketing efforts to make the right impression. By identifying your audience, you’ll connect with them on a deeper level and boost your brand's success. Go to to learn more. Follow us on social media: Linkedin: Facebook: And don't forget to hit that Subscribe button!
Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, Graham and Juan Pablo are going over the basics of setting up your branding strategy. A comprehensive guide with everything you need to elevate your brand and stand out in a crowded marketplace.
How often do you look back and reflect on the progress your company’s made (or not)? Separating the year into four quarters helps you understand progress, track goals, and provide well-spaced incentives. On this episode of Transmisión, Graham and Juan Pablo discuss the benefits of quarterizing your mind when it comes to business —and marketing campaigns.
Think direct mail is out of date? Think again. On today’s very special episode of Transmisión, Juan Pablo sits down with Kathy Hall, ATIME4Marketing’s CEO. They’re talking about all things direct mail in today’s marketing landscape. Listen to find out how you, too, can benefit from adding a little old school postal mail to lift your digital marketing mix. Go to to learn more. Follow us on social media: Linkedin: Facebook: And don't forget to hit that Subscribe button!
With only 22% of organizations receiving adequate conversion rates from their ultramodern marketing efforts, it is clear that digital marketing could use some support. Here’s where tried-and-true old-school techniques come in. On today’s episode of Transmisión, Graham and Juan Pablo go over blurring the lines between on and off-line efforts and how different types of media reach different parts of the funnel. Go to to learn more. Follow us on social media: Linkedin: Facebook: And don't forget to hit that Subscribe button!
You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make them drink —that’s when the marketing funnel comes in! An effective marketing funnel helps generate leads, convert them into customers and turn customers into loyal campaigners. Graham and Juan Pablo go through the process and discuss successful strategies (or not) to get those raving reviews. Go to to learn more. Follow us on social media:Linkedin: don't forget to hit that Subscribe button!
What makes Digital Ads unique? Like data-driven yellow pages, they have now become pivotal and also a huge arena for creativity. In today's episode, we dissect their different channels; discuss how they fare in comparison to SEO; and delve into their endless possibilities. And, as usual, we are adding Spanish into the mix. Come with us on this deep dive into all things digital ads. Go to to learn more. Follow us on social media: Linkedin: and Facebook: Don't forget to hit that Subscribe button!
Graham and Juan Pablo are back to discuss all things PR. Learn how the power of SEO helps boost PR and vice-versa. We are adding a zest of Spanish strategies to expand our reach! Go to to learn more. Follow us on social media:Linkedin: Facebook: don't forget to hit that Subscribe button!
Ever wonder why certain companies are consistently at the top of Google’s result pages? The answer is keywords, keywords, keywords. Or should we say “palabras clave”? On today’s episode, Graham goes over how to do proper research to find the perfect keywords to position your business and reach your audience through SEO… and in two languages! Go to to learn more. Links to the apps mentioned in today's episode: Spyfu: ChatGPT: Follow us on social media: Linkedin: Facebook: And don't forget to hit that Subscribe button!
In our brand-new episode of Transmisión, we’re staying on brand by tackling one of marketing’s biggest pillars: branding. See what we did there? From building a brand from scratch to how to stay consistent, listen to Graham and Juan Pablo discuss all things branding with a focus on online presence.
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