Biz and Tech Podcasts > Business > Tim Andersen, The Appraiser’s Advocate Podcast
USPAP doesn't mention time adjustments. They are not useless or unnecessary. Measuring and analyzing changes in market conditions are critical and fundamental to real estate appraisal. Indeed, they are the foundation of an accurate opinion of value. This is simply because such a value conclusion has as its base a specific date in time. This is the effective date of appraisal. So, from within the neighborhood boundaries appraisers delineate at the beginning of the appraisal report, they must analyze sufficient sales data. To do what? To determine if there have been any changes in market conditions over the passage of time. Typically, this time starts when the comparable goes under contract. Then it ends on the effective date of the appraisal. Has the market has measurably changed over that period? That change means the appraiser should market-adjust the comps up- or downward, as the market demands. Again, USPAP doesn't mention time adjustments. But this raises the question of which time period should the appraiser measure? As you’ll understand from the podcast, the GSEs assume the appraiser will measure the subject’s relevant market(s) over at least twelve (12) months. There is no black-and-white answer to the question, “How far back should I go for time adjustment data?” 12-months is a minimum, however. Since USPAP doesn't mention time adjustments, assume a twelve percent (12%) net increase over that one (-1-) year period. Assume prices increased twelve percent (12%) from January to August but went flat as of September 1st. If a comp went under contract September 14th, closed escrow November 27th, and the effective date of your appraisal is December 23rd, your time adjustment would be zero (-0-). The market went flat three (-3-) months ago. This is, therefore, the difference between the annual change per year and any current market trends.
A hill to die on. That sounds way too serious for a real estate appraisal podcast, right? These are supposed to be about USPAP, and education, and more practical stuff. But I've been studying on this topic for some time. Frankly, what AMCs do (or don't do) does not bother me as much as it does some appraisers. Those appraisers complain that AMCs do not distinguish between their gross fees and the proration of that fee that goes to the appraiser. That's true. But when you buy a car, the dealer does not make transparent the contributory cost of the spark plugs and drive shaft, either. And the fees the AMCs pay are not, in my opinion, a hill to die on, at least not right now. That time is coming - soon. So, unless the AMC withholds some pertinent information from the appraiser, or somehow misrepresents the situation, then the appraiser sets the fee by accepting it. But there is a hill to die on when it comes to AMCs. And that hill is USPAP, of which all AMCs, you'd think, would be aware. But while the GSEs are pushing appraisal waivers, it also seems AMCs are stressing appraisers to accept lower fees for the same quantity of work, all to sustain the AMCs' fee structure. Remember, the AMC can ask the appraiser anything it wants to ask. If, however, that request includes a knowledgeable request to violate USPAP, then it is time the appraiser should fire that AMC and get a new client. Today, right now, get out of AMC work and into private work. I'll be happy to consult with you on that. And make sure your E&O insurance is as relevant as possible. It will help to have expert legal counsel in your phone's directory, too!
Compliance with USPAP can be a major pain! But, really, we have not choice.
There's too much going on in AppraisalWorld. It is essentially impossible to keep track of what's going on. FHFA just announced, in the most neutral of tones, that appraisal waivers could now be had, under certain conditions unheard of before. Again, conditions apply, but waivers are going to be available up to a 90% loan-to-value ratio (and 97% with a property data collection requirement). One of the conditions that applies is that the borrower would have to possess a killer FICO score. But that condition is current at the end of 2024. Given current political and social forces, who knows what those will be six-, twelve-, and eighteen-months from now? If real estate appraisal is the adult supervision of the mortgage lending industry, it appears that industry has found a way to remove the adult's influence. And, there's too much going on in other areas, too. Fannie Mae is still sending letters to state appraisal boards about time and GLA adjustments. Certain states that do not accept anonymous complaints just trash them as a matter of course. Other states that accept such complaints insert those letters way at the bottom of their to do list. This may help the state with its administrative work load. But it does not help the appraiser to sleep well at night as this hangs over the appraiser's head, family, and business. And speaking about there is too much going on. There are now grumblings that USPAP needs to replace the ambiguous word credible (credible to whom and how to measure it?) with the word reliable. This is especially true now that the ROV process assumes the borrower is an intended user of the appraisal report. So, what to do? Consider making friends with an administrative law attorney in each state in which you have a credential. And please make sure you have proper E&O insurance coverage.
Financing concessions and USPAP! More on this? Haven't we heard enough on concessions, cash equivalency, and stuff they don't teach us in appraisal school?! If you listen to what Fannie and Freddie have to say on these topics, the answer would have to be an emphatic "NO!". Why? Because Fannie and Freddie continue to tell us we are not making the necessary adjustment when we need to. If we can't believe Fannie and Freddie, who can we believe, right? Financing concessions and USPAP are real issues! When it comes to making adjustments, any adjustments for that matter, education is the key. We may not make the necessary adjustments because we don't know we are supposed to make them. Or maybe we don't know how to make them. Well, education solves those problems. And this education is easy-to-access, as well as easy-to-afford. So, what's stopping you from getting the education you need?! As you know, NAR settled the Sitzer-Burnett case. And this case, in part, dealt with financing concessions. Now, is the party who pays the buyer's broker's brokerage commission granting a sales or financing concession? Or, is that party merely negotiating the best purchase and sale deal they can? How you, the appraiser, choose to answer those questions is important. One answer will require a sales financing adjustment. One answer will not. But there is no one-size-fits-all response. So it will be necessary to do the analytics on this question for each and every assignment. Critical thinking is a hallmark of a real estate appraiser. So, think critically about your answers to the financing concessions question. Your answers will affect how you make a living. And don't forget to make sure your E&O insurance is up-to-date. If you answer the above critical thinking question properly, you won't need legal counsel to get you out of a jam!
What do technicians, mechanics, and engineers have to do with USPAP and Real Estate Appraisal? Maybe nothing. But, at this point, it is easiest to conclude that a technician is one who knows that something should be done, though not necessarily how, when, or why. Technicians, mechanics, and engineers understand there is a process involved somewhere. A technician understands this, too, but for whatever reason, is not yet familiar with it. But a mechanic understands there is a problem within the system to be solved. The mechanic also understands there is a process involved in its solution. Then, via training and experience, the mechanic is capable of being part of that solution. Indeed, the mechanic understands the system sufficiently to solve the problem alone. So, if the mechanic can take care of the system's problems, what is the purpose of an engineer? Technicians, mechanics, and engineers all have their respective places in the natural order of things. Technicians help mechanics. Mechanics work within systems and fix the problems within them. But mechanics are limited to working with existing systems. Therefore, there must be somebody to design and implement the systems on which the technicians and mechanics work. So, without engineers, there would be little need for mechanics and technicians. So, here's the connection. Are appraisers technicians, mechanics, or engineers? Filling out an appraisal reporting form is the job of a technician. Knowing what to put into the form is the job of a mechanic. But by designing and executing the appraisal, what we appraisers summarize on the form requires we function as engineers. We do more than fix problems. We design systems to have the fewest problems as possible. Oh, and make sure your E&O is always up to date. And, when you need it, get proper legal advice.
One of the purposes of this podcast is to make you mad. Another is to open your eyes to the power the analytics of the cost approach have to analyze sales. Another is to anger you. About what? About the depth of its questions and what is likely to be the shallowness of your answers to them. With any luck at all, this podcast will do both. If it does, then you’re paying attention. Thank you! If it does not, then I’m not doing a proper job as a USPAP instructor. I’ll need to work smarter to open your eyes. Again, I want to make you mad. It is clear most appraisers do not like to engage in the analytics of the cost approach. Generally, we are not too familiar with it since most of its protocols are not market oriented. And there is a lot of math involved. Remember that four out of three appraisers do not understand math. The GSEs make it clear that they do not think the cost approach results in a reliable indication of market value. So, it is clear that most appraisers, because of these limitations, do not appreciate the deep analytical power the cost approach really has. Most of us simply do not understand how the protocols of the cost approach help us to come to a credible opinion of market value. Therefore, I’m going to ask you 10 questions on the cost approach and stuff related to it. After we’ve finished with them, you probably will still not like to tackle the cost approach (and for the same reasons). Nevertheless, you just may have a better understanding and appreciation of its powerful analytical capabilities. And remember to keep your E&O Insurance up to date, and understand the need for legal counsel.
There are two steps to the adjustment process. First is to ascertain the market recognizes any specific adjustment. Then, measure the market to determine the quantity of the adjustment.
When you think of USPAP and the State Board, chills run up and down your spine, right?
USPAP and Functional Obsolescence?! You ask, "Tim, haven't you covered this topic here on the podcast, as well as a bunch of other times, places, venues, and symposia?" Yes I surely have. But that was the other functional obsolescence. Today, on this podcast, I'm going to talk about the true functional obsolescence. Yes, the functional obsolescence the market really abhors. And this is the functional obsolescence you will not find in some crusty, musty, dusty old house. It is not the irrelevant functional obsolescence of aged cat urine. It is not the functional obsolescence of a house with five bedrooms and only one bath. No, this is a functional obsolescence factor even more insidious than any of those. In this podcast on USPAP and functional obsolescence I'm going to talk about the worst functional obsolescence of all. And what's even more interesting is this form of functional obsolescence is totally preventable. It is always curable, but the cure may be expensive, time-consuming, and difficult. But it does not need to be. So, Tim, what in the world are we talking about here? To talk about USPAP and functional obsolescence is to talk about that obsolescence that ends up corroding your brain and your heart! You likely just tore out your earbuds and are staring at them aghast that I should say such a thing. But I just said it and you just heard it. Have you ever heard an appraiser declare, "My adjustments are based on my 20-years experience in this business!"? That appraiser just declared her functional obsolescence set in 20-years ago! She just proudly announced, "I have not paid attention in the last nine of my 7-hour USPAP update classes!" Maybe I'm wrong, but isn't a superficial ignorance that profound something to hide rather than openly declare? Keep listening. Thanks!
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