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It's so easy to fall into comparisonitis as an entrepreneur… and in Karly's life long journey through entrepreneurship she has come to understand that, regardless of your level of success, fame or fortune, we all suffer from the same stories of fear, struggle and failure at times. The aim of this podcast is to eliminate the separation between ourselves and success. To know that it's possible and a reality for all of us. And to lower the guru guard and see what really lies underneath. Guests range from newbies (those who have launched their first ever event, product or service) to seasoned professionals who have done it all and seemingly have it all. It's chock a block full of inspiring stories, business tips and takeaways to implement into your life for positive change.

Last Episode Date: 06/25/2024

Total Episodes: Not Available

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25 June 2024
The ADHD Diagnosis - Your Questions Answered

After 7-8 months on a waitlist (and almost 47 years), I sat down with my psychiatrist yesterday to FINALLY receive an ADHD diagnosis. You guys had some questions on instagram, so here I am digging it and breaking it down. Obviously, this is my experience only and is not health advice.

35 min
16 June 2024
From OG Christian Fundamentalist TradWife to Married to a Queer Stripper with Liss Amyah

Liss Amyah... wow. I mean, talk about living a big life. Liss was married with a baby by 19, at 28 she left her fundamentalist church with 6 small humans in tow, she built an instagram following and business many would dream of, and then burnt it all to the ground. Today, we tell her story. Follow Liss on instagram @lissamyah Follow me on instagram @karlosophies

62 min
9 June 2024
The Autistic Experience, Music and Art with Allison Davies

Today, Allison Davies joins me to laugh uncontrollably, take over the interview and start asking me questions, and to jam on our experience as Autistic people and music.  Connect with Allison on instagram @allisondavies_musicandthebrain Or with me @karlosophies

65 min
4 June 2024
I'm on the bus!

Today, I'm on my own and jamming on how this process of bringing Karlosophies back to life is honestly going for me. Here's that link to the improv singing people: @theimpr0vguy And come follow me on instagram: @karlosophies

21 min
26 May 2024
Bouncing Back, Starting Over, and What If Your Best Days Are Behind You with Dan Norris

I've known Dan Norris for probably around 15 years, and I've seen him go from relatively unknown web developer, to the man of the moment. I've watched his meteoric rise from the sidelines; cheering him on, whilst also being a little envious of his success. He was a man who had it all... best selling books, speaking all over the globe, and one of the fasting growing businesses in the country (a brewery he ran with a few mates; Black Hops). But that all changed when after a number of years of huge wins, his work life came crashing down around him... losing everything and throwing him back to a place where he has had to completely start over. I wanted to know how this experience has been for him, and how he's bouncing back (if at all). I was also curious to chat with him about this idea I've been thinking a lot about lately... which is, what happens when our best days are behind us? Listen to the previous episode of Dan Norris of Karlosophies here Follow Dan on Instagram @thedannorris Check out Dan's new business, East Coast Roast on insta @eastcoastroastaus Read Dan's blog here: dannorris.me

61 min
19 May 2024
Luck and Timing and Going Viral with Lisa Orkin

Lisa Orkin is a dear friend of mine, who seems to have lived a bit of a parallel life to me. She's a voice over artist and podcast producer, but she's recently ventured back in to stand up comedy after walking away for well over a decade. Lately, she's had some success on instagram, going a bit viral, posting vids of her outfit of the day with a little funny story from her life. Listen to our previous episode together, from back on the 17th October 2017, here. Follow Lisa on instagram @lisaorkingram

59 min
12 May 2024
Catch up with Lisa Corduff: Part 2 - Autism, ADHD and Bringing Back Your Mojo

In this continuation of my conversation with Lisa Corduff, we talk about our own personal experience with Autism and ADHD and the impacts on our lives, and busting out of your bubble.

63 min
6 May 2024
Catch Up with Lisa Corduff: Losing Nick to Addiction and the Aftermath

After a big old period of inconsistency, I'm back behind the mic. And there was literally no one better to rip off this bandaid with than my old mate, Lisa Corduff. After all, she was my very first ever Karlosophies interview! What a monster few years we've both had. This catch up was so big we've ended up with two hour long interviews. The first one is the story of Nick passing away from alcohol addiction and where life has taken her since. To find out more about Lisa, head to her instagram @lisacorduff To come watch endless stories of my weird and wacky thought trains, follow me on instagram @karlosophies

53 min
1 April 2024
When the Walls You Build Start Caving In

It's been a while and I've really noticed the impact of not showing up here so I'm breaking down what's been going on for me lately.

13 min
25 August 2023
The Autism diagnosis - your quesstions answered

Karly answers your questions, and reflects on her experience, of being recent diagnosis of Autism.

41 min
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