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ICFSFL Coach’s Corner


International Coaching Federation South Florida Charter Chapter serves professional coaches, businesses, and organizations to help them connect, learn, and grow.


Last Episode Date: 01/10/2025

Total Episodes: Not Available

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29 July 2024
Episode 41: Helena Gonzalez: The Lawyer who Coaches Lawyers

Helena Gonzalez came to coaching after a few years of practicing law and discovering that she "didn't want to measure success by six-minute increments." She decided to move behind the scenes, and now she works internally as a professional development and talent management in a private law firm, where part of her job is  coaching lawyers to improve their performance and wellbeing. But it wasn't an easy transition, and in this episode of the Coach's Corner, Helena will tell us about wrestling with her internal belief systems -- and her parents' coming to grips with her career transition away from practicing law.You can connect with Helena on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/helenamgonzalez/And for more about Eric Goeres, the host of this episode, visit: https://www.ericgoeres.com/

45 min
26 February 2024
Episode 40: Phyllis Sisenwine, MCC: 25 Years of Business Coaching for a Perfect Niche: Lawyers

Today, we’re speaking with ICF master certified coach Phyllis Sisenwine, a pioneering business coach who got into the profession 25 years ago — and is still in it today. Her practice is centered around a simple but powerful business concept: She is the coach for lawyers. And in our chat, Phyllis takes us through some of the most powerful and prolific business, sales, and marketing tactics that have built her business. We also talk about coaching skills, such as the profound impact that comes from the use of silence, and the three best questions a coach can ask: “Where do you want to go? What’s getting in the way? How can I be helpful?” Please welcome Phyllis Sisenwine, MCC, to this episode of the Coach's Corner Podcast.You can find Phyllis here: https://thelawyerscoach.com/ or here https://www.linkedin.com/in/phyllissisenwine/And, you can find more about our host, Eric Goeres, PCC, here https://www.ericgoeres.com/ and here https://www.linkedin.com/in/ericgoeres/And, of course, more about ICF South Florida: https://www.icfsouthflorida.org/

41 min
12 February 2024
Episode 39: Milena Stojanovic: Modern Day Coaching in the Modern Day

In today’s episode, we converse with Milena Stojanovic, one of a new breed of coaches who are showing up on the scene with clear ideas and ideals, eager to move the profession of coaching into the next few decades. She comes to Miami from Serbia, did her coach training at Lumia, is in hot pursuit of her ICF ACC credential, and specializes in evidence-based coaching. Her focus is fostering mindset shifts, breaking free from limiting beliefs, and self improvement, in both individual and group work. More about today's guest, Milena Stojanovic, at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/milenasstojanovic/And, more about your host, Eric Goeres, PCC, at: https://www.ericgoeres.com/

33 min
8 January 2024
Episode 38: Ernie Turner, ACC: 38 Years as a Coach

Today, we’re on the line with Ernie Turner, ACC, a true pioneer in the business, a team and organizational coach who has been in the business for almost four decades. Ernie has his own school for teaching team coaching, and has two books on the subject, 2023’s Shared Leadership Disciplines: A Better Way to Lead and Coach, and 2013’s Gentle Interventions for Team Coaching: Little Interventions That Make a Big Difference. Today he will tell us about his coaching style, share some highly-applicable coaching tools, and share some stories from his years on the job. More about Ernie Turner, ACC, at: https://www.limglobal.net/And more about your host, Eric Goeres, PCC, at: https://www.ericgoeres.com/

32 min
20 November 2023
Episode 37: Fernando Celis, PCC. Surfer, boxer, coach, instructor -- coaching pioneer.

Today we’re on the line with Fernando Celis, PCC, an icon in the industry, a coach who has been coaching way longer than coaching was a thing — all the way back to the 1980s. Today, Fernando surfs, boxes, coaches, instructs, and is the founder and leader of ILC International Life & Leadership Coaching Academy — a coach training institute founded in Caracas,  now based here in Miami, and up to very recently, a school that exclusively served Spanish-speaking students, here in the USA, but predominantly in Latin America. Welcome to the show, Fernando Celis.Fernando's official site: https://fernandocelis.com/The ILC International Life & Leadership Coaching Academy: https://ilcacademy.com/And! A little bit most on your host, Eric Goeres, PCC: https://www.ericgoeres.com/

54 min
9 October 2023
Episode 36: Annette Goodman: Coaching Careers, and Encouraging Feeling, Thinking and Doing Differently.

In today’s episode, we’re talking with Annette Goodman, who helps clients make the most of themselves and their careers. Anette works with clients of all ages, but specializes in working with those in the earlier stages of their careers — the 20 and 30 somethings, feeling that the sooner that someone enters into the coaching process, the more the coaching can help. We also get into neuroplasticity, the stories we tall ourselves, and the options we have to rewire the way we think — and how a two-minute acknowledgement of how the brain works, can bring about change almost immediately. Join us as we endeavor to feel differently, think differently and hopefully, do differently — with our guest, coach Annette Goodman.You can find more about Annette Goodman here: https://www.annettegoodman.com/ and here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/annettegoodmanny/And, you can find out more about the Coach's Corner host, Eric Goeres, PCC, here: https://www.ericgoeres.com/ and here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ericgoeres/

35 min
18 September 2023
Episode 35: Eileen Lopez Tome: Coaching Careers, Cancer, and The Ecosystem of Healing

Today, Eileen Lopez Tome joins the show. Eileen an IPEC-trained professional coach, she’s the Deputy District Director of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, and she’s also a cancer survivor — which is the basis for the coaching she does with other cancer survivors, and is also at the heart of her cancer survivor support program, The Ecosystem of Healing, which she developed at IPEC. You can find Eileen at https://www.linkedin.com/in/eileenlopeztome/And you can find more about your host, Eric Goeres, PCC, at https://www.ericgoeres.com/

37 min
22 August 2023
Episode 34: Fiorella Velarde: Fortune 500 Executive Coach, LATAM Director at Six Seconds, and Death Doula.

In this episode, we speak with Fiorella Velarde, an emotional intelligence minded executive coach affiliated with Six Seconds, who works with Fortune 500 clients — and also works as a death doula. You can connect with her on LinkedIn, bur before you do, get to know her here, on the Coach’s Corner podcast.--You can find Fiorelle Velarde on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fiorellavelarde/And you can find your host, Eric Goeres, PCC, at: https://www.ericgoeres.com/

34 min
7 August 2023
Episode 33: Monique Betty, PCC: From Chief of Staff to Executive Coach

Today, we’re speaking with Coach Monique Betty, PCC — a former executive from Coca-Cola and Eli Lilly, who came to coaching some 17 years ago — the early days of the profession. Along the way, she spent five years as a coaching instructor, took part in rewriting the ICF’s code of ethics, and today helps high performing career strivers achieve their ambitions faster — and more importantly — more in line with who they truly aspire to be. You can find our more about and connect with coach Monique Betty on LinkedIn, but first, get to know hew here, on the Coach’s Corner podcast. Find Coach Monique Betty here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/moniquebetty1/And, find your host, Eric Goeres, right here: https://www.ericgoeres.com/And, ICF South Florida: https://www.icfsouthflorida.org/

30 min
17 July 2023
Episode 32: Kevin Huntting, ACC: Coaching Executives Through Building Emotional Intelligence

Today we speak with Kevin Huntting, an emotional intelligence based coach who works with senior executives — which makes sense because Kevin spent his pre-coaching career as a marketing executive at some companies you’ve heard of: Banana Republic, Fossil, and General Electric, to name a few. Today we’ll talk about Kevin’s path to coaching, his training at IPEC, and how he used the basis of his IPEC training to develop his own developmental coaching programs for his clients. You can connect with Kevin at www.2stepsforwardcoaching.com and in social media @2stepsforwardcoaching.And you can connect with the host of Coach's Corner, Eric Goeres, PCC at: www.ericgoeres.com

38 min
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