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Welcome to Hymans Robertson On. In this podcast we’ll be covering a broad range of topics from pensions, savings, technology, insurance, responsible investment, financial education and much more. Founded in 1921, Hymans Robertson is one of the longest established independent actuarial firms in the UK. We deliver a full range of services including actuarial, insurance consulting, enterprise risk management, investment consulting, third-party pensions administration and communications consulting. Our client base includes FTSE 100, FTSE 250, privately owned firms and financial institutions. We’re also recognised leaders in the field of public sector pensions.


Last Episode Date: 18 December 2024

Total Episodes: 124

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Investment - The implications of prevailing global equity market concentrations - Episode 125
18 December 2024
Investment - The implications of prevailing global equity market concentrations - Episode 125

In this episode of Hymans Robertson On... Investment, our host David Watson is joined by Oriana Mezini, Senior Investment Research Consultant here at Hymans Robertson and Alexander Philipps from Longview Partners for a discussion on equity market concentrations.During our podcast, our experts share:An overview of the current level of concentration in global equity markets.A look back at prior periods of high concentration, discussing similarities and differences. Merits of and challenges that investors may face with passive market-cap equity market exposure. Alternative approaches that can help investors address concentration risks.If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything further, please get in touch. Additional resourcesInvestment Perspectives - August 2024 

23 min
Understanding Longevity - The ILC's healthy ageing and prevention index - Episode 124
12 December 2024
Understanding Longevity - The ILC's healthy ageing and prevention index - Episode 124

35 min
Investment - Deforestation - what might it mean for future investors? - Episode 123
4 December 2024
Investment - Deforestation - what might it mean for future investors? - Episode 123

In this episode of Hymans Robertson On… Investment, our host Amy Sutherland is joined by Tom Prince, Investment Associate Consultant at Hymans Roberston and Pei Chi Wong from Global Canopy for a discussion on deforestation and what it might mean for future investors.During the podcast, our experts discuss:How deforestation links to wider biodiversity and climate issues.What investors can do to play their part in reducing deforestation and protecting biodiversity.Additional resourcesDeforestation guidance for the pensions sector.Information on the deforestation free transition plan.If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything further, please get in touch. Hymans Robertson disclaimerThis podcast has been prepared by Hymans Robertson LLP, and is based upon our understanding of events as at release date. It is designed to be a general summary of topical investment matters and is not specific to the circumstances of any particular employer or pension scheme. The information contained in this podcast should not be construed as advice and not be considered as a substitute for specific advice as the information is generic in nature. Where a podcast refers to legal matters please note that Hymans Robertson is not qualified to provide legal opinion and therefore you may wish to obtain independent legal advice to consider any relevant law and/or regulation. Hymans Robertson LLP accepts no liability for errors or omissions. Your Hymans Robertson LLP consultant will be pleased to discuss matters raised in this podcast in greater detail. Guests views are separate to that of Hymans Robertson.The information provided in this broadcast is not financial advice. Past performance is not a guide to the future. Please note the value of investments, and income from them, may fall as well as rise. This includes but is not limited to equities, government or corporate bonds, derivatives and property, whether held directly or in a pooled or collective investment vehicle. Further, investments in developing or emerging markets may be more volatile and less marketable than in mature markets. Exchange rates may also affect the value of investments. As a result, an investor may not get back the full amount of the original investment. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Hymans Robertson LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Licensed by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries for a range of investment business activities.

32 min
Investment – end game planning, productive finance and the brave new world for DB pension scheme investment - Episode 121
8 November 2024
Investment – end game planning, productive finance and the brave new world for DB pension scheme investment - Episode 121

In this episode of Hymans Robertson On... Investment, our host Ben Farmer is joined by Elaine Torry, Head of DB Trustee Investment at Hymans Robertson, and John Hamilton, Group Taxation Director at Stagecoach Group plc, for a discussion on endgame, how DB shcemes can invest in productive finance and DB scheme investment.During the podcast, our experts discuss: What we mean by 'productive finance'Productive investmentWhat does it mean in practiceIf you have any questions, or would like to discuss anything further, please get in touch.Hymans Robertson disclaimerThis podcast has been prepared by Hymans Robertson LLP, and is based upon our understanding of events as at release date. It is designed to be a general summary of topical investment matters and is not specific to the circumstances of any particular employer or pension scheme. The information contained in this podcast should not be construed as advice and not be considered as a substitute for specific advice as the information is generic in nature. Where a podcast refers to legal matters please note that Hymans Robertson is not qualified to provide legal opinion and therefore you may wish to obtain independent legal advice to consider any relevant law and/or regulation. Hymans Robertson LLP accepts no liability for errors or omissions. Your Hymans Robertson LLP consultant will be pleased to discuss matters raised in this podcast in greater detail. Guests views are separate to that of Hymans Robertson.The information provided in this broadcast is not financial advice. Past performance is not a guide to the future. Please note the value of investments, and income from them, may fall as well as rise. This includes but is not limited to equities, government or corporate bonds, derivatives and property, whether held directly or in a pooled or collective investment vehicle. Further, investments in developing or emerging markets may be more volatile and less marketable than in mature markets. Exchange rates may also affect the value of investments. As a result, an investor may not get back the full amount of the original investment. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Hymans Robertson LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Licensed by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries for a range of investment business activities.

54 min
DC Quarterly Round-up - November 2024 - Episode 120
5 November 2024
DC Quarterly Round-up - November 2024 - Episode 120

In this episode of Hymans Robertson On... Kirsty Moffat, Senior DC Investment Consultant, presents our latest DC quarterly round-up. In this instalment, Kirsty discusses:The pensions review under the first phase of the new Labour governmentThe FCA's initiation of a new value-for-money framework for DC schemesUpdates on pension dashboardsConcerns around pension adequacyKey developments for Master TrustsThe FCA's latest data on the retirement income marketRelated ContentLabour’s Pension Review – Terms of referenceThe FCA’s new VFM frameworkThe Pensions Dashboard – Compliance and enforcement policy‘Act now on pensions dashboards so we don’t have to’ blog  GOV.UK One Login – identity service provider Pension adequacy concerns – IFS reportNew Master Trust policies – more information on the regulator’s websiteFCA’s latest data on the Retirement income marketMore Info on pension dashboard staging dates can be found on the UK government website hereThe PDP’s new progress report summarising its activity over the last six months and looking at the areas it is going to focus on in the coming months which can be found hereFurther information from Hymans on pension dashboards can be found hereDisclaimerThis podcast has been prepared by Hymans Robertson LLP, and is based upon our understanding of events as at the date of issue. It is designed to be a general summary of topical matters and is not specific to the circumstances of any particular employer or pension scheme. The information contained in this podcast should not be construed as advice and not be considered as a substitute for specific advice as the information is generic in nature. Where a podcast refers to legal matters please note that Hymans Robertson is not qualified to provide legal opinion and therefore you may wish to obtain independent legal advice to consider any relevant law and/or regulation. Hymans Robertson LLP accepts no liability for errors or omissions. Your Hymans Robertson LLP consultant will be pleased to discuss matters raised in this podcast in greater detail. The information provided in this broadcast is not financial advice. Past performance is not a guide to the future. Please note the value of investments, and income from them, may fall as well as rise. This includes but is not limited to equities, government or corporate bonds, derivatives and property, whether held directly or in a pooled or collective investment vehicle. Further, investments in developing or emerging markets may be more volatile and less marketable than in mature markets. Exchange rates may also affect the value of investments. As a result, an investor may not get back the full amount of the original investment. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Hymans Robertson LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Licensed by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries for a range of investment business activities.

10 min
Understanding Longevity: AI in Longevity - Episode 119
2 October 2024
Understanding Longevity: AI in Longevity - Episode 119

Ross Murray and Nicola Torley are joined by Rose Commander from HannoverRe’s Life and Health Digital Business Accelerator, to discuss the ways in which AI can support actuarial insurance and reinsurance, as well as some of the risks and challenges of using AI.

22 min
How has DC oversight grown and what will it look like in the future? - Episode 118
11 September 2024
How has DC oversight grown and what will it look like in the future? - Episode 118

In this episode of Hymans Robertson On... we discuss the evolution of DC oversight and what the future holds for it. We'll be exploring:Technological support for good governance.Alignment of corporate objectives with DEI and ESG.The future of DC oversight for retirement provision.If you’d like to hear more about the benefits of setting up a pension oversight group or improving how your oversight group currently operates, please get in touch.Hymans Robertson disclaimerThis podcast has been prepared by Hymans Robertson LLP, and is based upon our understanding of events as at release date. It is designed to be a general summary of topical investment matters and is not specific to the circumstances of any particular employer or pension scheme. The information contained in this podcast should not be construed as advice and not be considered as a substitute for specific advice as the information is generic in nature. Where a podcast refers to legal matters please note that Hymans Robertson is not qualified to provide legal opinion and therefore you may wish to obtain independent legal advice to consider any relevant law and/or regulation. Hymans Robertson LLP accepts no liability for errors or omissions. Your Hymans Robertson LLP consultant will be pleased to discuss matters raised in this podcast in greater detail. Guests views are separate to that of Hymans Robertson.The information provided in this broadcast is not financial advice. Past performance is not a guide to the future. Please note the value of investments, and income from them, may fall as well as rise. This includes but is not limited to equities, government or corporate bonds, derivatives and property, whether held directly or in a pooled or collective investment vehicle. Further, investments in developing or emerging markets may be more volatile and less marketable than in mature markets. Exchange rates may also affect the value of investments. As a result, an investor may not get back the full amount of the original investment. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Hymans Robertson LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Licensed by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries for a range of investment business activities.

29 min
Investment - Taking the dive - how can investors tackle marine issues - Episode 117
29 August 2024
Investment - Taking the dive - how can investors tackle marine issues - Episode 117

In this episode, our host Amy Sutherland is joined by André Ranchin, an Investment Consultant at Hymans Robertson, and Will Oulton, Trustee Director, Marine Conservation Society, for a discussion on marine biodiversity. During the podcast, our experts:Take a deeper dive into all things marine biodiversityThe blue economyWhat it might mean for investorsHymans Robertson disclaimerThis podcast has been prepared by Hymans Robertson LLP, and is based upon our understanding of events as at release date. It is designed to be a general summary of topical investment matters and is not specific to the circumstances of any particular employer or pension scheme. The information contained in this podcast should not be construed as advice and not be considered as a substitute for specific advice as the information is generic in nature. Where a podcast refers to legal matters please note that Hymans Robertson is not qualified to provide legal opinion and therefore you may wish to obtain independent legal advice to consider any relevant law and/or regulation. Hymans Robertson LLP accepts no liability for errors or omissions. Your Hymans Robertson LLP consultant will be pleased to discuss matters raised in this podcast in greater detail. Guests views are separate to that of Hymans Robertson.The information provided in this broadcast is not financial advice. Past performance is not a guide to the future. Please note the value of investments, and income from them, may fall as well as rise. This includes but is not limited to equities, government or corporate bonds, derivatives and property, whether held directly or in a pooled or collective investment vehicle. Further, investments in developing or emerging markets may be more volatile and less marketable than in mature markets. Exchange rates may also affect the value of investments. As a result, an investor may not get back the full amount of the original investment. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Hymans Robertson LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Licensed by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries for a range of investment business activities.

39 min
Understanding Longevity - Vapes - Episode 116
5 August 2024
Understanding Longevity - Vapes - Episode 116

In this episode of Hymans Robertson On... Understanding Longevity, our hosts Ben Johnson and Nicola Torley are joined by Nicky Draper, a medical researcher at Crystallise Ltd for a discussion on the topic of e-cigarettes and their impact on health and mortality rates.

32 min
Investment - Resilience in Property – leading with Environment and Social values - Episode 115
31 July 2024
Investment - Resilience in Property – leading with Environment and Social values - Episode 115

In this episode of Hymans Robertson On... our host, Mostafa Nasim, presents his first podcast episode in our investment series, and is joined by Steven Grahame, Senior Investment Research Consultant at Hymans Robertson, and Kevin Aitchison, Managing Director and Head of Europe at Savills Investment Management.In this podcast, Mostafa and our guests have a discussion on the future Resilience in Property, leading with Environment and Social values, highlighting some of the key challenges and risks that clients should be considering regarding their property portfolio allocation.   If you have any questions on anything discussed during this podcast, please get in touch.Hymans Robertson disclaimerThis podcast has been prepared by Hymans Robertson LLP, and is based upon our understanding of events as at release date. It is designed to be a general summary of topical investment matters and is not specific to the circumstances of any particular employer or pension scheme. The information contained in this podcast should not be construed as advice and not be considered as a substitute for specific advice as the information is generic in nature. Where a podcast refers to legal matters please note that Hymans Robertson is not qualified to provide legal opinion and therefore you may wish to obtain independent legal advice to consider any relevant law and/or regulation. Hymans Robertson LLP accepts no liability for errors or omissions. Your Hymans Robertson LLP consultant will be pleased to discuss matters raised in this podcast in greater detail. Guests views are separate to that of Hymans Robertson.The information provided in this broadcast is not financial advice. Past performance is not a guide to the future. Please note the value of investments, and income from them, may fall as well as rise. This includes but is not limited to equities, government or corporate bonds, derivatives and property, whether held directly or in a pooled or collective investment vehicle. Further, investments in developing or emerging markets may be more volatile and less marketable than in mature markets. Exchange rates may also affect the value of investments. As a result, an investor may not get back the full amount of the original investment. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Hymans Robertson LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Licensed by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries for a range of investment business activities.

37 min
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