Biz and Tech Podcasts > Business > High Performer Safety Leaders at CareUniversity
Join experts from leading medical centers as they share their lessons learned to prevent harm to patients AND caregivers. TMIT Global at is the longest running patient safety community of practice in the world. It has provided continuing education through hundreds of recorded sessions to caregivers, administrators, and governance leaders.
Last Episode Date: 7 January 2025
Total Episodes: 30
The evolving crisis of workplace violence in healthcare, schools, and institutions of higher education continues to be a daunting problem, however there is new hope.Workforce violence can be physical, verbal, and reputational. We will cover the range of prior harm and new that can befall caregivers, patients, educators, and students.In this program we will address the latest innovations in Rescue Best Practices with emphasis on Preparedness, Protection, and Performance Improvement.
Join us to address to address failure to rescue patients with sepsis. Much of the institutional memory of best practices in Failure to Rescue (FTR) patients in pre-hospitalization, hospital, and post-discharge has been lost. Natural attrition, lack of investment in patient safety, and the impact of the COVID pandemic have led to the opportunity to update our knowledge about historical innovations such as Rapid Response Teams and the process, technology, device, and pharmaceutical examples that can refresh our focus.
Much of the institutional memory of best practices in Failure to Rescue (FTR) patients in pre-hospitalization, hospital, and post-discharge has been lost. Natural attrition, lack of investment in patient safety, and the impact of the COVID pandemic have led to the opportunity to update our knowledge about historical innovations such as Rapid Response Teams and the process, technology, device, and pharmaceutical examples that can refresh our focus.Join us to address:Frequency & Severity of Failure to Rescue (FTR): We will summarize evidence that demands action.Readiness: Learn how to maintain a state of readiness for FTR Scenarios.Response: Learn about what we know about responding to common FTR Scenarios.Rescue: Learn about what is known about FTR best practices .Recovery: Learn about what we know about recovering from harm FTR scenarios.Resilience: Learn how all stakeholders can “harden the target” of organizations for FTR scenarios.
It is critical that we safeguard the safety of children and their families online. This final program of our series summarizes what we know and what we need to do. Our youth and young adults are especially at risk for harm. There is an opportunity for action by all stakeholders now.Join us to address:Frequency & Severity of Harm: We will summarize evidence that demands action.Readiness: Learn how families can maintain a state of readiness for online harm.Response: Learn about what we know about responding to online harm.Rescue: Learn about what is known about rescuing our children from harm when an event is happening.Recovery: Learn about what we know about recovering from harm after events occur.Resilience: Learn how all stakeholders can “harden the target” of our families to help our protect children.
It is critical that we safeguard the safety of children and their families online. This program builds on our prior February, March, and April sessions. Our youth and young adults are especially at risk for harm. We must act now. There is an opportunity for action by all stakeholders. Healthcare and public health safety leaders must learn global, act local, and be vocal.Join us to address:Frequency & Severity of Adverse Events: Learn about what is evidence based and expert opinion about what is being observed regarding Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM).Awareness: Participants will learn about the latest threats and solutions regarding harm to children and their families online and through smartphones including Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM).Accountability: Participants will learn who may be personally accountable for recognizing and reducing the threats children and their families online and through smartphones including CSAM.Ability: Participants will learn about specific concepts, tools, and resources they can apply to reduce the vulnerability of children online and through smartphones including CSAM.Action: Participants will learn line-of-sight actions they can take locally to reduce the harm to children online and through smartphones through CSAM.
It is critical that we safeguard the safety of children and their families online and through their mobile phones. This program builds on our first session February 15, 2024 and our second session March.Our youth and young adults are especially at risk for harm. We must act now. Children are a major target for medical identity theft and harm through their use. There is an opportunity for action by all stakeholders.Healthcare and public health safety leaders must learn global, act local, and be vocal.Join us to address:Awareness: Learn about what is evidence based and expert opinion says about what is being observed related to Smartphones and our children.Accountability: Learn about all the stakeholders who may need to be accountable for Smartphone safety.Ability: Learn about what is being considered to make families and caregivers more able to prevent harm.Action: Learn what actions may be taken to prevent harm to children now.Join us to help lead online safety of children in your communities.
It is critical that we safeguard the safety of children and their families online. This program builds on our first session February 15, 2024. Our youth and young adults are especially at risk for harm. We must act now. There is an opportunity for action by all stakeholders. Healthcare and public health safety leaders must learn global, act local, and be vocal,Join us to address:Frequency & Severity of Adverse Events: Learn about what is evidence based and expert opinion about what is being observed.Prevention: Learn about primary prevention to keep events from happening and secondary prevention of harm from events that cannot be entirely prevented.Preparedness: Learn about how to help families to maintain a state of readiness for adverse events.Protection: Learn how to protect children and families from harm and reduce harm when events do occur.Performance Improvement: Learn how to use stories, case studies, and what has been learned to date about solutions and best practices to help protect children.Join us to help lead online safety of children in your communities.
It is critical that we safeguard the safety of children and their families online. Our youth and young adults are especially at risk for harm. We must act now. Healthcare and public health safety leaders must learn global, act local, and be vocal.Join us to address:Frequency & Severity of Adverse Events: Learn about what is evidence based and expert opinion about what is being observed.Prevention: Learn about primary prevention to keep events from happening and secondary prevention of harm from events that cannot be entirely prevented.Preparedness: Learn about how to help families to maintain a state of readiness for adverse events.Protection: Learn how to protect children and families from harm and reduce harm when events do occur.Performance Improvement: Learn how to use stories, case studies, and what has been learned to date about solutions and best practices to help protect children.Join us to help lead online safety of children in your communities.
Join us for Part II of our work in personal identity and privacy consent. Along with the benefits of the development of machine learning and artificial intelligence comes enormous risks.First party data comes from a contractual relationship between you and an organization. Second party data is that which is shared about you by such a relationship. Third party data is generated by many sources unbeknownst to you. Cookies are going away. Regulations are coming to protect you. Know about them.Join us to address the 5 Rights of My Identity™The Right Consent: Informed consent to data use and of privacy preferences.The Right Information: The right information can save your life…the wrong information may harm you.The Right Access: The right access to your information means you agree to and to the conditions of such access.The Right Use: The right means you agree to the details of the use of your personal information.The Right Protection: The right protection means your data is stored and used with minimal risk of breach or use by fraudsters.Join us to address the threats to our caregivers, patients, families and consumers as we address the incredible value of our personal information and the incredible clinical and financial risk to us if that information is misused. Learn why you need a medical power of attorney and why you need to understand consent.
Along with the benefits of the development of machine learning and artificial intelligence comes enormous risks.First party data comes from a contractual relationship between you and an organization. Second party data is that which is shared about you by such a relationship. Third party data is generated by many sources unbeknownst to you. Cookies are going away. Regulations are coming to protect you. Know about them.Join us to address the 5 Rights of My Identity™The Right Consent: Informed consent to data use and of privacy preferences.The Right Information: The right information can save your life…the wrong information may harm you.The Right Access The right access to your information means you agree to and to the conditions of such access.The Right Use The right means you agree to the details of the use of your personal information.The Right Protection: The right protection means your data is stored and used with minimal risk of breach or use by fraudsters.Join us to address the threats to our caregivers, patients, families and consumers as we address the incredible value of our personal information and the incredible clinical and financial risk to us if that information is misused. Learn why you need a medical power of attorney and why you need to understand consent.
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