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Farrier Focus Podcast

The Farrier Focus Podcast shares inspiring tips, techniques, and strategies to help farriers unlock the secrets to succeeding in their businesses. With informative interviews, stories, and ideas, you’ll hear real advice on what it takes to succeed in today’s competitive environment.

Last Episode Date: 10/02/2024

Total Episodes: Not Available

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2 October 2024
Lessons Learned from Horses - Interview with Dr. Doug Butler

In this episode, Dr. Butler shares lessons he has learned over a lifetime of working with horses and tips that can help you be a better farrier.

51 min
19 September 2024
8 Diseases of the Horse's Foot and Their Treatment - Dr. Doug Butler

In this episode, you'll hear a discussion that Dr. Doug Butler had with a group of farriers and veterinarians on eight specific foot diseases including abscesses, white line disease, keratoma, canker (and the rare coronitis), quittor, pedal osteitis, osteomyelitis, and low ringbone. These correspond to pictures and additional information that can be found in Chapter 39 of The Principles of Horseshoeing 3 on Diseases of the Horse's Foot. He discussed the DACCT method of studying and describing foot diseases: D - stands for definition of the condition A - stands for anatomy of the structures involved in the condition C - stands for clinical signs of the condition C - stands for cause(s) of the condition T - stands for treatment of the condition, including prognosis This episode covers several common and several rare foot diseases and what can be done by farriers and veterinarians to help the horse.

35 min
15 February 2024
Dr. Frank Gravlee and Dr. Doug Butler Discuss Founder

In this episode, Dr. Frank Gravlee of Life Data Labs and Dr. Doug Butler discuss the treatment of founder. You'll get a lot of great insights from this informative discussion from a previous Farrier Focus conference.

69 min
13 November 2023
How to Recognize and Treat Club Feet in Horses - Dr. Doug Butler

In this episode, Dr. Doug Butler shares insights of how to recognize and treat club feet in horses. He shares techniques, stories, and strategies you can use to deal with this condition. You'll gain valuable insight from his experiences, his mistakes, and his successes that will help you more successfully deal with this condition in the horses you encounter that have a club foot.

33 min
2 November 2023
How Farriers Develop the Ability to See to Better Understand Balance and Shoeing

In this episode, Dr. Doug Butler explains how drawing helps you learn to see so you can do a more efficient shoeing job. He talks about the mind shifts successful farriers make and outlines exercises that can help you be more efficient in your work. He also discusses balance and which dimension is easiest and most difficult for farriers to learn. He also shares stories and experiences about how he learned to see better and the path he took to better understand balance. By understanding the principles outlined here, you will be a better farrier.

42 min
22 September 2023
Cushings Disease and Founder Treatment with Dr. Doug Butler

In this talk given at a Farrier Focus Conference in 2005 in Indiana, Dr. Doug Butler discusses Cushings disease and some principles for treating the laminitis and founder that often follow. Cushings disease is a hormonal imbalance caused by a tumor on the pituitary gland in the brain that causes a horse to produce too much ACTH (Adreno Cortico Tropic Hormone) which regulates cortisol levels in the horse. Often, these horses develop long shaggy coats, lose weight and develop laminitis. Treatment often involves veterinary care and mechanical application of heart bar shoes. If you would like to contact us with questions relating to your business, specific cases, general horse hoof care questions, or suggestions for future podcasts, please email us at farrierfocuspodcast@gmail.com. We might even feature your email in a future episode.

42 min
How to Diagnose and Treat Laminitis with Dr. Doug Butler
27 April 2023
How to Diagnose and Treat Laminitis with Dr. Doug Butler

In this episode, Dr. Doug Butler explains laminitis and how a farrier can recognize its symptoms, diagnose, and treat it. He also explains how farriers and veterinarians should work together to explain the treatment and care to horse owners. In this episode, you'll hear valuable tips, stories, and techniques that will help you treat this condition. You'll also learn how to classify laminitis cases, things you should pay attention to on radiographs, and the best way to discuss treatment options with concerned horse owners.

37 min
24 February 2023
Interview with World Champion Farrier Steven Beane, FWCF

In this episode, we're privileged to talk with Steven Beane, FWCF of North Yorkshire, England. Steven is a five-time World Champion Blacksmith, three-time European Champion and three-time British National Champion. He has been selected for the English farrier team 16 consecutive years and is a renowned judge and clinician.  Steven talks about how he got his start as a farrier, his practice regimen, and why he is so good as a competitor. He shares tips for farriers who want to be better in competitions and the sacrifices and price someone must pay to be at the top. He shares numerous lessons from his time on the British farrier team, his thoughts on the value of certification, lessons on learning to see shapes, how he got into making tools and his thoughts about the future of farriery. This is an extremely insightful look into mind of an incredible champion and what it takes to achieve excellence and remain at the top.

50 min
Dr. Doug Butler - Selecting Therapeutic Shoe Solutions
10 February 2023
Dr. Doug Butler - Selecting Therapeutic Shoe Solutions

In this episode, Dr. Doug Butler talks about the criteria a farrier should use when selecting which therapeutic shoe option should be utilized for different foot conditions. You'll get a lot out of this episode from a previous Farrier Focus conference.

32 min
2 February 2023
Secrets of Six Figure Shoers - Dr. Doug Butler

In this episode, Dr. Doug Butler discusses what it takes to build a farrier business that consistently produces six figures plus each year. He discusses highlights from his book Six Figure Shoeing and shares stories and insights into what makes farriers successful in their business.  This episode shares valuable insights on the mindset, business systems and skills necessary for farriers to succeed in today's competitive marketplace.

52 min
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