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Enneagram at Work

Welcome to Enneagram at Work, your Saturday leadership download. We're bringing you insights for your weekend so you're ready for Monday.

This is a podcast about understanding people at work and navigating professional relationships. We spend so much of our time at work, why not make it more enjoyable by working on creating more enjoyable relationships with our teammates?  

Listen in each week to gain self-awareness, relationship management, leadership development, personal growth insights, and real-life application ideas through the lens of the Enneagram inside educational episodes and interview conversations.

 Learn about bringing the Enneagram to your organization or group and view the current workshop menu at: enneagrammba.com 


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15 February 2025
164. Who's a Better Leader? Type 8 vs. Type 2

In this fun, competitive, and lighthearted showdown, we put Type 8 (The Commander) and Type 2 (The Coach) leadership styles head-to-head, awarding imaginary points in key leadership categories:Decision-Making Under Pressure Team Morale & Engagement Conflict Management Long-Term Team Development By the end, you'll get the real secret to great leadership—because maybe it’s not about choosing one over the other… Listen now and decide for yourself!What do you think?  Are you #Team8 or #Team2?Have a request for a future episode? Drop a text here!🏆 Begin the process of becoming a Dream Team Certified Workplace: https://www.enneagrammba.com/enneagram-certified-workplace 🗓️ Book an Enneagram Workshop for your team retreat at work:https://www.enneagrammba.com/enneagram-team-workshops ✏️ Get an overview of all nine types inside the Understanding People at Work Cheat Sheethttps://www.enneagrammba.com/cheatsheet

21 min
19 December 2024
Bonus! Behind the Scenes of the New Brand + Project Dynamics of Types 1, 5, and 7 feat. Ink & Craft

In this fun bonus episode, you'll hear a behind-the-scenes conversation on the Enneagram MBA rebrand with the agency that led the process, Ink & Craft out of Cincinnati, OH.You'll also get a fly-on-the-wall perspective of our working dynamic throughout this project as a Type 1 (Ariana Broerman), Type 5 (Matt Broerman), and Type 7 (yours truly).  Did you recognize yourself in any of these situations? Or maybe a co-worker? Learn more about bringing the Enneagram to your team or organization to learn more about your unique lens of the world and about those you work next to each day. ↳ enneagrammba.com ↳ Learn more about working with Ink & Craft: Website - https://inkandcraft.com/Instagram: @inkncraftHave a request for a future episode? Drop a text here!🏆 Begin the process of becoming a Dream Team Certified Workplace: https://www.enneagrammba.com/enneagram-certified-workplace 🗓️ Book an Enneagram Workshop for your team retreat at work:https://www.enneagrammba.com/enneagram-team-workshops ✏️ Get an overview of all nine types inside the Understanding People at Work Cheat Sheethttps://www.enneagrammba.com/cheatsheet

55 min
13 August 2024
162. A Pause for the Podcast

Stay in touch while we take a break over until the Fall over on YouTube or the Understanding People Newsletter:Subscribe to Enneagram MBA on YouTubeBecome an Ennsider of the Understanding People Newsletter Start planning your end-of-year team retreat or new-year kick-off eventHave a request for a future episode? Drop a text here!🏆 Begin the process of becoming a Dream Team Certified Workplace: https://www.enneagrammba.com/enneagram-certified-workplace 🗓️ Book an Enneagram Workshop for your team retreat at work:https://www.enneagrammba.com/enneagram-team-workshops ✏️ Get an overview of all nine types inside the Understanding People at Work Cheat Sheethttps://www.enneagrammba.com/cheatsheet

7 min
6 August 2024
161. Can You Predict Job Success with the Enneagram?

The Enneagram can help you understand your personality type and those of your colleagues. It can help you anticipate challenges, provide specific growth guidance, and navigate the complexities of the workplace with greater empathy and awareness. It cannot however predict the future. It can't tell you who will be amazing at their job, or tell you which types are best for certain roles. Listen in to hear two recent, real-workplace examples of why we want to be careful with putting types into job boxes or believing we need a specific type for a role. Have a request for a future episode? Drop a text here!🏆 Begin the process of becoming a Dream Team Certified Workplace: https://www.enneagrammba.com/enneagram-certified-workplace 🗓️ Book an Enneagram Workshop for your team retreat at work:https://www.enneagrammba.com/enneagram-team-workshops ✏️ Get an overview of all nine types inside the Understanding People at Work Cheat Sheethttps://www.enneagrammba.com/cheatsheet

15 min
1 August 2024
160. Transmitting Type 3 in the Real World feat. Trust Leadership Collective, Demetrius Parker

Using the Awareness to Action model, you’ll learn what being a “Transmitter” looks like in the real world with Trust Leadership Collective Founder Demetrius Parker. These individuals who tend to “Transmit” prioritize attracting and bonding.The 3 categories that describe someone who Transmits include:Broadcasting/Narrowcasting | Asserting | ImpressingWhen you listen in to this week's episode you'll also hear about:D's initial typing experience as a Type 9 what led him to realize Type 3 was more accurate the similarities and differences between Type 1 and Type 3why there was no question what his dominant Instinctual Bias washow he's used the Transmitting energy to succeed at workthe overlap of the Type 3 with the Transmitter key insights about the Transmitting leader Did you see yourself in any of these conversations? Or maybe someone you work with? Connect with Demetrius and let him know what you're taking away from this one!https://www.linkedin.com/in/demetriusparker/Have a request for a future episode? Drop a text here!🏆 Begin the process of becoming a Dream Team Certified Workplace: https://www.enneagrammba.com/enneagram-certified-workplace 🗓️ Book an Enneagram Workshop for your team retreat at work:https://www.enneagrammba.com/enneagram-team-workshops ✏️ Get an overview of all nine types inside the Understanding People at Work Cheat Sheethttps://www.enneagrammba.com/cheatsheet

51 min
23 July 2024
159. Co-Worker Dynamics of Type 2 and Type 9 feat. Michelle Zapata & Ryan Lenocker, Dallas Cowboys - Digital Signage Team

Enneagram Twos are striving to feel connected. Type Nines are striving to feel at peace. What's the coworker compatibility of these types on a team?Find out how those core strategies show up in a real-world working relationship between Digital Signage Manager and Type 9, Ryan Lenocker and Digital Marketing Technology Specialist and Type 2, Michelle Zapata. When you listen in you'll hear about how they see their strengths complimenting their work relationship and how they've gotten a deeper understanding of their differences and potential friction points. If you happen to identify with one of these types yourself, hearing Michelle and Ryan share about their experiences you'll be able to relate. And if neither of these is your core strategy, listen in because you'll gain a better understanding of these types at work and may end up learning more about your own co-worker. *****Connect with Michelle on Linkedin and let her know what you're taking away from this episode:https://www.linkedin.com/in/michelle-zapata-m-s-1424906b/Connect with Ryan on Linkedin and let him know what you enjoyed most about this interview:https://www.linkedin.com/in/rlenocker/Have a request for a future episode? Drop a text here!🏆 Begin the process of becoming a Dream Team Certified Workplace: https://www.enneagrammba.com/enneagram-certified-workplace 🗓️ Book an Enneagram Workshop for your team retreat at work:https://www.enneagrammba.com/enneagram-team-workshops ✏️ Get an overview of all nine types inside the Understanding People at Work Cheat Sheethttps://www.enneagrammba.com/cheatsheet

29 min
16 July 2024
158. Evolution of the Enneagram, Skepticism, and What's to Come feat. Mario Sikora

In Part 1 of this interview special guest and my Enneagram mentor, Mario Sikora shared the details of the history, myths, and misconceptions of where the Enneagram came from and even set the record straight on the origin of Wings.  When you listen in to Part 2 this week, you'll hear how Mario has seen the Enneagram evolve (and how he's played a huge role in its evolution), what he says to the skeptics, and where he sees the Enneagram going - both with a cautious and an optimistic outlook.  Get in touch with Mario:mario@awarenesstoaction.comAwareness to Action Enneagram Certification:https://ata.enneagramondemand.com/Listen to Mario's Enneagram podcast:https://the-awareness-to-action.captivate.fm/Instinctual Leadership Book:https://amzn.to/4eJdVoN*****Have a request for a future episode? Drop a text here!🏆 Begin the process of becoming a Dream Team Certified Workplace: https://www.enneagrammba.com/enneagram-certified-workplace 🗓️ Book an Enneagram Workshop for your team retreat at work:https://www.enneagrammba.com/enneagram-team-workshops ✏️ Get an overview of all nine types inside the Understanding People at Work Cheat Sheethttps://www.enneagrammba.com/cheatsheet

26 min
9 July 2024
157. Where did the Enneagram come from? feat. Mario Sikora

After listening to this 2-Part series with  Mario Sikora, my Enneagram mentor, former International Enneagram Association President, and current Founder and CEO of Awareness to Action Enneagram, you'll have earned your credits in Enneagram History 101. In Part 1 you'll hear the answers to and topics on:Where - and who - exactly did the Enneagram came from? How old is the Enneagram (spoiler alert - it's not 2,000 years)? Myths and misconceptions around the origin of the Enneagram Why is it important to understand the approach you're learning from?The skipped Enneagram class that birthed the idea of WingsWhy Mario doesn't teach Wings and what he recommends insteadTune in next week for Part 2, diving into the evolution and the future of the Enneagram!Get in touch with Mario:mario@awarenesstoaction.comThe origin of the Enneagram YouTube video mentioned by Mario:https://youtu.be/wlO3KJWnNd8?si=qDIZnyeHSJ5GXNoBAwareness to Action Enneagram Certification:https://ata.enneagramondemand.com/Listen to Mario's Enneagram podcast:https://the-awareness-to-action.captivate.fm/Instinctual Leadership Book:https://amzn.to/4eJdVoN*****Have a request for a future episode? Drop a text here!🏆 Begin the process of becoming a Dream Team Certified Workplace: https://www.enneagrammba.com/enneagram-certified-workplace 🗓️ Book an Enneagram Workshop for your team retreat at work:https://www.enneagrammba.com/enneagram-team-workshops ✏️ Get an overview of all nine types inside the Understanding People at Work Cheat Sheethttps://www.enneagrammba.com/cheatsheet

34 min
2 July 2024
156. Do You Have a Type 2, 3, or 4 Gap on Your Team? [Series - Part 4]

What should you do if you're team isn't "balanced?"Maybe you don't have someone who identifies with each type. Maybe there's one or two types that no one relates to at all. Is that a bad thing? Do you need to hire for that specific type? What happens when the team isn't "well-rounded?"What should you do with a gap? When you listen to the final episode in this 4-Part Series you'll get the answers to these questions and things to think about as a manager and as a team as a whole when you don't have anyone on the team that identifies with a Type 2, Type 3, or Type 4.Have a request for a future episode? Drop a text here!🏆 Begin the process of becoming a Dream Team Certified Workplace: https://www.enneagrammba.com/enneagram-certified-workplace 🗓️ Book an Enneagram Workshop for your team retreat at work:https://www.enneagrammba.com/enneagram-team-workshops ✏️ Get an overview of all nine types inside the Understanding People at Work Cheat Sheethttps://www.enneagrammba.com/cheatsheet

24 min
26 June 2024
155. Do You Have a Type 8, 9, or 1 Gap on Your Team? [Series - Part 3]

What should you do if you're team isn't "balanced?"Maybe you don't have someone who identifies with each type. Maybe there's one or two types that no one relates to at all. Is that a bad thing? Do you need to hire for that specific type? What happens when the team isn't "well-rounded?"What should you do with a gap? When you listen to Part 3 of this 4-Part Series you'll get the answers to these questions and things to think about as a manager and as a team as a whole when you don't have anyone on the team that identifies with a Type 8, Type 9, or Type 1.Have a request for a future episode? Drop a text here!🏆 Begin the process of becoming a Dream Team Certified Workplace: https://www.enneagrammba.com/enneagram-certified-workplace 🗓️ Book an Enneagram Workshop for your team retreat at work:https://www.enneagrammba.com/enneagram-team-workshops ✏️ Get an overview of all nine types inside the Understanding People at Work Cheat Sheethttps://www.enneagrammba.com/cheatsheet

22 min
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