Biz and Tech Podcasts > Business > Dirgha Joshi, PhD
जुन देशका युवाले आफ्नै देशमा आफ्नो भविष्य देख्दैनन्, त्यो देशको भविष्य कहिल्यै उज्वल हुँदैन l Dr. Dirgha Raj Joshi ** आफुले जानेको निशुल्क सिकाउने र सिक्ने प्रयत्न। विश्व भर छरियका नेपाली तथा नेपाली भाषीहरुका लागी |
#Education: - Postdoctoral, National Institute of Health, USA - PhD in Medicinal Chemistry, Yonsei University, South Korea - MS Pharmacy, Medicinal Chemistry, Wonkwang University, South Korea - Bachelor in Pharmacy, Pokhara University, Nepal - Diploma in Pharmacy, CTEVT, Nepal
#Research -1 USA patent, 1 EU patent and 3 Korean Patents -10+ Q1 ranked research articles in organic synthesis and drug discovery - 600+ citations, several reviews and other articles
#Leadership Role - President at Society of Nepalese Students in Korea (SONSIK, 2021-22) - President at Crimson Association of Pharma Students (CAPS, 2013-14)
Last Episode Date: 18 February 2024
Total Episodes: 1
Ep. 2: श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता: विषय सूची, पृष्ठभूमि, प्रस्तावना र सामूहिक छलफल || ISKCON Nepali in USA#iskcon #bhagavadgita #krishna
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