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You Can Turn This Around-The Podcast-with Lazara Canton

Brand new podcast from Lazara Canton who is a Mentor/Guide to Senior Leaders & Influential Change Makers.

I am here to explore the connection between personal development and spiritual growth.

The joining point where the human experience of growth meets soul evolution.

Pushing ourselves to be the best version of us. 

Coming in to our true essence and power.

Lazara Canton.


Last Episode Date: 14 October 2024

Total Episodes: 31

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14 October 2024
Episode 30-"Holding Your Vision"

Episode 30, Holding Your Vision When life’s tough and it feels like you’re making it even harder on yourself, it’s time to go within. To reconnect to your vision for your life. What needs to be let go of? What’s your soul asking from you?Join me in this latest episode, whereby I share the tears, triumphs and adventures that form the tapestry of my life.Continue to share your feedback and questions, I love hearing from you!

27 min
23 September 2024
Episode 29-"Transcending The Craziness of This Life".

Episode 29, Transcending The Craziness of This Life I can’t believe the multiple things that I’m transcending & experiencing in my life.& I know that many of you are feeling it too - because you’ve written to me!Hang tight for a fast paced - all around the houses - episode where I share an unfiltered story of my life in recent days & weeks.If you’ve loved this episode - let me know! Sending love as you too transcend the craziness of your own life.

33 min
11 September 2024
Episode 28-"Following Your Heart..."

Episode 28-"Following Your Heart..." Especially when it seems scary!Join me as I share my recent life experiences. How I’ve followed my heart’s calling, even when I was afraid.Sometimes we have to do what we’re called to, even when our mind is telling us not to.I hope you enjoy this episode & if you would like to explore more around the topics I discuss. here for Reconnect & Re-centres resource follow Renn you can find her,

35 min
3 September 2024
Episode 27-"Maintaining High Standards"

Episode 27, Maintaining High StandardsIf you listened to my last episode on rituals & habits that lead to self mastery, this episode is the antithesis!Join me as I share my experiences of this last week, the highs & the lows + the impact of too much alcohol & not enough self mastery.Enjoy listening to my latest adventures & if you’d like to book your own ‘Getting Unstuck’ call or if you want to share your experience -

27 min
20 August 2024
Episode 26-" Rituals & Habits That Lead To Self Mastery".

Episode 26, Rituals & Habits That Lead To Self Mastery. It’s my birthday week & I’m excited & grateful to share my sparkly Leo energy with you. Join me for an episode dedicated to my journey into self mastery. I share what’s working for me to stay in alignment & I share all the techniques that have lead to my spiritual growth & development.Of course there’s a lot still to do & yet as I approach my 46th birthday, I am very grateful to be where I am today!Some links I promised to share -All you need to know about EFT &  some great free resources https://www.thetappingsolution.comI’ve shared this before & resharing as it’s the closest I find to the type of journaling I do.

36 min
7 August 2024
Episode 25-"Consistency As A Superpower"- Leslie Collins

Episode 25,  Leslie Collins, Consistency As A Superpower Join Leslie & I as we talk about what it takes to make your dreams come true.Leslie is a Vice President & leader in Arbonne.She is a friend whom I respect & admire for her brilliant work ethic, her dedication to her health & fitness & her role as a mother.  If you’re curious about how to create the life & business that you love, this episode is for you. So many takeaways & inspiring moments, listen in!To connect with Leslie & to find out more

45 min
31 July 2024
Episode 24-"On The Cusp Of Adventure"

Episode 24, On The Cusp Of Adventure Join me as I share what’s on my mind these days.I’m on a mission to continue to live a life full of freedom & adventure & in today’s episode I share reflections on what it’s taken to get me to this point. & more importantly; what I am cultivating for this big move coming up in the near future!If not already done so, please - Listen, share & review it would mean the world to me. To sign up to my Money Mastermind & to sign up to my newsletter, visit me at

30 min
19 July 2024
Episode 23 "It's Not Your Fault!"

Episode 23, It’s Not Your Fault! Today’s episode is an exciting one - change is in the air dear listeners.Women & Wealth is an essential topic that requires our attention & energy if we want to make this world a better place.This summer I’m launching a community for change, whereby women can come together to shift the dynamics that have held us back in wealth creation & cultivation. Thank you for being here! As promised below are some links for further reading -

30 min
12 July 2024
Episode 22-"A Life ‘Well Lived’ " with Mike Stevenson

Episode 22, A Life ‘Well Lived’ with Mike Stevenson Mike is an international motivational speaker who has lived the most extraordinary life & at 74 is just getting started.In this episode we get to explore, homelessness, being in a rock band, how best to connect to other humans & motivational leadership and few other detours in between.Join us dear listeners for an uplifting episode & as always, please share with others & share your feedback.

50 min
5 July 2024
Episode 21- "Self Liberation" with Ciara Commins

Episode 21, Self Liberation with Ciara ComminsCiara is a mother, founder & CEO, a personal friend & inspiration in my life. Join Ciara & I as we explore how connecting with our monthly cycles & with the cyclical nature of the seasons, can liberate our energy & habitual ways of being.Ciara shares how she gave up alcohol & coffee & how her life has transformed since she began to work with the natural rhythms of her body.Enjoy dear listeners! To connect with Ciara -

54 min
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