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Wake Up The Sun

A podcast devoted to the different ways in which inspiring and successful people build routine, ritual, and consistency in their lives. 


Last Episode Date: 5 October 2024

Total Episodes: 160

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5 October 2024
Phil Treiber: Dude Breathe Counseling. Why Therapy is not me changing you

I met Phil a couple years ago in the mental health and addiction counseling field. It has been an awesome experience getting to watch him grow and open his own private practice in Boca Raton Florida. In Phil’s approach to therapy, the therapist and client are like companions walking a path together in the woods, with an uneven and dark road that may also be intimidating. As therapists, our duty is to stand by your side, holding a flashlight over your shoulder to guide you toward the necessary steps to take on your own path. Sometimes, we may use sharp sticks or carrots to motivate you, but ultimately, it is your responsibility to put in the effort.Phil's approach to life and helping others is nothing short of miraculous being that he himself struggled at one point. His decision to get clean, sober and find what he is passionate about makes the journey worthwhile. If you are a loved one is struggling or you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out to Phil at Enjoy the show!

66 min
2 October 2024
Alex Price: Honoring Legacy through philanthropy, service and intentionality

I had the opportunity to meet Alex at the start of the Boca Ballroom Battle for the Georgen Snow Scholarship Foundation. As a co-competitor we were thrown into group and individual dance lessons and had some time to chat in between. Getting to know Alex through his social media and all he and his family was up to was great but what peaked my interest the most is how he was heavily involved with helping in the substance abuse space with the Opioid epidemic. At the conclusion of the Battle, we had some time to sit down and talk all things routine, fatherhood, his first entrance into the philanthropic world, being a family man and always showing up with a smile on his face.Alex is a wake up the sun kind of guy as he enjoys a run and workout prior to doing anything else and usually before anyone in his house is up. Following his morning routine he spends time with his family and drops the kids off to school before starting his work day at Priceless Solutions. Price Consulting Solutions provides expert services in fundraising, communications, PR, community and government affairs, associate engagement, and speaking. He tells his kids that starting strong and then finding someone to befriend and help during the day is what living a great life is all about. You can see that in how he, his amazing wife and family all interact and operate within our South Florida community."Start the day with intentionality and hit all the levels of physical, spiritual, mental and proper nutrition." Alex has made waves in the vast amount of businesses he has worked in and monies raised for National and local charities. His motto is simple in that you can reinvent yourself at any age and embrace the change. IF you want to get to know Alex you can reach him on his website at or on LinkedIn. We hope you enjoy the show!

51 min
25 September 2024
Evan Darnell: United in Causes because we get to

I officially met Evan at the valet line after Boca Ballroom Battle in 2023. I had heard of red meat lovers club and its gregarious group of philanthropists and ended up standing next to Evan waiting for our cars for about 30 minutes and chatting about life, charity, his ability to bench 225 40 times and many other topics. We met a week later for a cigar and got to know each other and over the course of a year was his guest at several of his events benefitting different charities in the community. Evans background is in hospitality and as a former owner and manager of several restaurants in NYC he and his family moved down to Florida. His Red Meat Lovers club was something started in college and Tulane University and resurfaced with his moving to Florida and bringing people together. During the year he averages over 20 events benefiting different charities and bringing people together over good food, fellowship, fundraising and more. If you haven't been to one of the events then you are missing out and can find them on Eventbrite.I sat down with Evan and discussed his belief in uniting community, causes and good food. His Master of Ceremonies skills are unmatched and the team of people that donate their time and resources are vast. He doesn't want to be average and leave a legacy of good will and connection while he's here on this planet.If you are inspired or want to learn more please go visit their website or on Facebook or instagram. We hope you enjoy the show!

42 min
20 August 2024
Brian Scannell: From the Boweries of Boston to the Big Screen

I met Brian several years ago through mutual friends in the sober community. Immediately found out we shared the common affinity for golf and good times. Ive heard his story and have seen some of his work but not until recently after playing several rounds did I convince him to come on the show.His journey is one of challenge and heartache. A seasoned hockey player at a young age and talent for hockey had him prepped for greatness and leaving his small community in South Boston. Through many trials his hockey career faded as his passion for drugs and alcohol became greater. He was no stranger to consequences and pain from his decisions and after years of trouble and strife he landed back in his hometown living in a halfway house with three other sober men fighting for his life.By staying the course and listening to other sober men, he dove back into work and with his connections found opportunities that took him all over the world. Today he spends his time working with others in the coaching and consulting fields, has appeared in several blockbuster films as well as consulted on several scripts. He doesn't believe in coincidence but in God shots where God acts anonymously in his life and has provided him with so many fantastic opportunities. If you want to reach out and have questions or want to work with Brian you can connect with him on instagram @bsinsoflo. We hope you enjoy the show!

43 min
20 August 2024
Jason Ross: Validate your truth and Go live your life to the fullest

I recently met Jason at our mutual friends event Hidden Summit in Naples Florida. Jason was one of the keynote speakers and delivered a highly memorable and knowledge based take on life. As a psychotherapist, Jason has worked in the field for over 20 years and as a son of two psychoanalysts he has been raised and brought up to know, speak on and help many people from all over the world.  His current practice is stationed in South Florida in Delray Beach.What was amazing about Jasons story was how relatable and simple it was. From his childhood and journey into adulthood and what he overcame to be doing what he does today. While his professional career is that of a therapist he also travel and performs as a comedian and musician. He has balanced several passions that he once put off to the side because of some underlying fears he was telling himself.Today Jason helps many people work through underlying issues and past traumas to become the best version of themselves. If you you would like to contact him you can reach him through instagram @jasonericross. We hope you enjoy the show!

48 min
30 July 2024
Kim Marrone: Living Well in Life, Family, Business and Community

I met Kim years ago in the gym. A glowing smile, contagious and upbeat energy make it hard not to feel her presence in any room. Over the years I have watched her be of maximum service to the health and wellness community of South Florida with her 18+ years of service in a shared and now her own practice. Being that she is one of the most highly sought after practitioners, I had to wait months to get her to come by the studio and so grateful we had the chance to sit down and discuss the state of health, fitness, healing, medicine and what her take is on living he best life.Kim owns and operates Evolve Acupuncture and Wellness. She and her team of amazing Women of Wellness help and aid anyone that has any health issues by taking a comprehensive and in depth approach to not just what ails them but there daily lives. From food, work, family, illness, routine etc she helps her clients find a way back to maximizing their health with small consistent actions that lead to the most impact.We spoke about her own health journey, what fuels her desire to help others, her love and peace of her personal life and much more. Like anyone that comes on the show I could keep the show going for hours because we get to uncover so many great ideas, perspectives and shared experience, strength and hope. You can find Kim by visiting her website or on instagram @evolvedelray. Enjoy the show!

78 min
17 June 2024
Allison Doss: The Unbossing. A journey from the street to the big stage

 I met Allison at the gym and we would always exchange a smile and good morning but that was about it. We never really spoke and over the months got to know her a little better and heard she had a wild story.  I thought what better way to get to know her journey than to have her on the show and share all ab out it. Prior to her joining me in the studio, I did a little research and have many questions and notes because it was unlike any other guest that I have had on the show. There are some similarities but her story is best told by her live and uncut.A lifetime of chasing to fix herself and others by sheer force, manipulation and shaming  never worked and more recently she came to find something greater than herself. A newly found freedom in sobriety, sharing her authentic story and working with other women has given her new found purpose. She is set to release her own book, The Unbossing, has spoken on stages in a professional capacity and continues to share and connect with many across the country.Her daily routine now differs hugely from the past and listening to her share of her time living on the streets to where she is today in extremely powerful. You can follow her on instagram @therealbossdoss  or her own website One of the most open and honest stories Ive heard in a long time so enjoy the show and have a most triumphant day!

46 min
10 June 2024
Kareen Walsh: You don't have to suffer for Success

Super grateful to have spent some time with Kareen as she was booked solid for her trip down to South Florida for clients and master mind groups. As she states, "Im a lot" and its because she goes above and beyond for other people and has done so for over a decade in the professional and business development space.One of my favorite lines from her page and while talking is that she is "all up in your business" and likes to take a deep dive, under the hood to see the whole process, any workplace traumas and have a common goal and understanding of how to get there. She is a healer, super connector, differentiator and part of a mastermind group with many other successful professionals where she evolves and helps others to do that on their journey. When Kareen comes across something she wants to learn more about she's all in and goes into an immersive process that allows her to better understand how it could help her and in return help her clients which lens to her belief that "you must serve yourself first before you serve others"Her routine is steadfast even with all her travels. She allows herself to wake up without any alarm or distraction that can jolt her out of her sleep pattern, already has her day planned from the night before, writes out her fresh intentions, meditation, breath work and off to the gym to get the body moving. For more you're going to have to tune into the show and hear her journey to where she is today as she has overcome obstacles and done so with grace, honesty and just being her. You can reach Kareen on instagram  @kareenzwalsh or Linkedin: kareen walsh or her personal website Enjoy the show and have a most triumphant day!

68 min
28 May 2024
Robbie Leona - Walking through fear and creating a life worth living

I met Robbie years ago at a local gym. Her energy and enthusiasm were unmatched and have stayed in touch over the years. I recently saw her posting more on her social media regarding lifestyle, fitness and overall health and asked her to come on the show and talk about her journey.Robbie shared about her career in the restaurant/bar industry, health/wellness and the personal training of clients to the journey of seeking validation through onlyfans. Robbie spoke of never dishonoring your past as things serve a purpose and teach you what you want and don't want in life. Today she keeps things simple and focuses on her day to day and what drives her to live her best life. One thing she suggested and I've been implementing is when you wake up give yourself a big smile. Admittedly, I thought that was really stupid and silly but it made me laugh and is a good start to the day before my own routine. Working on herself and helping other women is her goal today. Finding a great routine, working out, reading and coaching based off her past experiences is what makes her who she is. "Its easy to lose your worth or become so codependent" she shares when not living her authentic self. Please enjoy the show and if you have any questions or looking to learn more about coaching opportunities please visit instagram or youtube for @robbieleonaa or @robbieleona_ We hope you enjoy show.

47 min
6 May 2024
Lauren Donald from Bond Street Salon. Knowing what you want and going all in

I had heard Lauren’s name over the years as one of the most trusted artist/hair stylists in the area. Having worked and lived in Delray Beach, you get to know and familiarize yourself with local businesses. Whats remarkable about Bond Street Salon is its history and future as a Delray Beach landmark. What started as a passion from a young age, Lauren knew she wanted to be involved. She was enthralled by the experience, uniqueness and individuality that she witnessed by her first salon experience in Boca Raton Florida. Her journey continued by apprenticing in different salons locally and abroad until she was ready to go off on her own and had great mentorship to support that decision. Lauren prides herself on her routine, process and ability to handle many different businesses and personalities all at once. Her foundation is prayer and meditation as well as a strict fitness and hygiene regimen. That process translates into her growth and success of her long standing business Bond Street Salon. If you have any questions or are looking for a new salon experience please visit We hope you enjoy the show!

45 min
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