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vBrownBag is a community of people who believe in helping other people. Specifically we work in IT infrastructure and we help other people in the IT industry to better their careers through education. Most frequent activity is producing the vBrownBag podcast. vBrownBag also attends global conferences to produce TechTalks and theater sessions.


Last Episode Date: 10 October 2024

Total Episodes: 91

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10 October 2024
Exploring AWS AI/ML: Beyond the GenAI Hype Train with Vivek Raja

AWS Hero Vivek Raja goes beyond the GenAI hype and explores AWS AI/ML offerings, AI ethics, and more. 04:05 Introducing Vivek 👋 11:54 Exploring the technology hype cycle 20:50 Considering computer vision, as an example of the hype cycle 25:06 Where is Gen AI in the hype cycle? 29:50 AWS & GenAI 32:29 Rediscovering AWS AI/ML services 🔍 55:44 AWS Sagemaker Studio demo 72:20 Navigating risks & ethical considerations with AI 🤔 Resources: Related videos:

1 October 2024
How To Future Proof Your Tech Job From GenAI with Andrew Brown

Andrew Brown presents a roadmap for understanding generative AI that covers the learning journey from getting started with GenAI, to prompt engineering, learning through use cases, and more. 04:25 Starting the GenAI journey 🧑‍💻 08:15 Prompt engineering 10:00 Workbenches & playgrounds 14:50 Types of LLM models 35:00 Approaching AI learning with a use case 📋 42:44 Models as a service 47:45 LLM development tools 🧑‍🎓 53:00 Understanding GenAI hardware Resources: Related videos:

1 October 2024
Deep Dive: PowerShell on AWS Lambda

In this episode of the vBrownBag, Damian does a deep dive on getting started with PowerShell on AWS Lambda. He covers setting up a development environment, packaging & publishing PowerShell on Lambda, lessons learned, and more! 00:28 A quick overview of PowerShell & AWS Lambda 💪 01:07 Anatomy of a PowerShell Lambda function 01:35 Setting up a development environment 03:00 AWSLambdaPSCore modules 03:42 Packaging a PowerShell module 04:19 Handling the handler 05:14 Publishing your PowerShell Lambda function 🚀 05:42 Understanding the AWS Lambda filesystem Resources:

24 September 2024
Terraform: Stand up test environments freaky fast!

In this episode of the vBrownBag, Shala demonstrates how & why she uses Hashicorp Terraform (for her day job!) to stand up proof of concept tests on AWS far faster than what is possible in the console. 00:00 Intro 1:37 Shala walks us through her GitLab repo 💪 5:23 We're discussing DevOps, y'all 10:52 Shala explains why she started using Terraform for proof of concept testing 13:00 Using Terraform to create AWS CloudWatch alerts 19:30 Creating specific error types in AWS CloudWatch 25:40 Using Terraform to create AWS S3 buckets & Lambda functions 27:20 Creating pipelines in GitLab to refresh & deploy AWS ECS environments 🚀 Resources:

19 September 2024
Deep Dive: Automating the vBrownBag with AWS Serverless

In this episode of the vBrownBag, Damian does a deeper dive into the Meatgrinder, showing how the different AWS services interact, how the process logs to CloudWatch, and more! 00:00 Intro 1:20 The AWS Services that power the Meatgrinder 💪 1:51 AWS S3 2:18 AWS EventBridge 2:50 AWS Step Functions 4:10 PowerShell on Lambda & Step Functions interaction 🕺💃 7:05 Python Lamba function 7:33 Logging success in AWS CloudWatch 🚀 Resources:

14 September 2024
What's in the Bag? Automating the vBrownBag with AWS Serverless

In this episode of the vBrownBag, a host is a guest! Damian does a deep dive into the vBrownBag Meatgrinder, an event-driven automation solution built with AWS Serverless that powers the show behind the scenes. Meatgrinder uses AWS S3, Event Bridge, Step Functions, Lambda, and Cloud Watch and handles post-production automation of vBrownBag content. We'll talk about the design decisions made while architecting the solution, and lessons learned along the way. 00:00 Intro and so much banter! 10:14 We actually start talking about the topic 🤣 17:13 Orchestrating Meatgrinder with AWS Step Functions 30:00 Managing state in an event-driven architecture 31:40 Showing off the Lambda functions 36:00 Meatgrinder logging with Cloud Watch 40:33 Solving the biggest technical challenges 🔥 Resources:

9 September 2024
HashiQube on CodeSpaces: HashiStack in minutes!

Riaan Nolan is a HashiCorp Ambassador that has developed Hashiqube, a DevOps development lab that runs all HashiCorp products. Hashiqube has a Docker daemon inside meaning we can run containers inside Hashiqube using Kubernetes (Minikube) or Nomad or Docker run. It runs all Hashicorp products: Vault, Terraform, Nomad, Consul, Waypoint, Boundary, Vagrant, Packer and Sentinel. It also runs a host of other popular Open Source DevOps/DevSecOps applications (Minikube, Ansible AWX Tower, Traefik etc.) showcasing how simple integration with Hashicorp products can result in tangible learnings and benefits for all its users. In this episode, we'll explore HashiQube on GitHub CodeSpaces. 00:00 Introductions 02:00 Introducing HashiQube 🔥 05:20 HashiQube demo 07:20 Hashicorp Vault on HashiQube 12:00 An overview of HashiQube integrations 21:10 @mistwire deploys HashiQube on-demand 🙌 34:45 What's next for HashiQube 🚀 Resources:

23 August 2024
How to sort anything with Python!

Reuven Lerner has been using Python for 30 years and teaching it for over 20. Join us as we talk about "How to sort anything with Python". This is sure to be a fun & interesting show as we learn more about Python with Reuven. 00:00 - Intro 03:00 - How to sort anything💡 03:32 - Why is sorting important? 04:27 - Python's list sort method 06:45 - Python's sorted function 10:00 - Sorting strings 🤖 11:49 - Sorting anything with sorted 🚀 32:38 - Summary & conclusion Resources: (All about decorators)

17 August 2024
IaC, AI, Programming Languages, & Orchestration!

Sr. Software Engineer Kat Morgan has been in the IaC and software space for a long time and she has opinions! Join us as we talk about the shifting landscape of Infrastructure as Code (IaC), AI, Programming Languages (cough cough Python) and how Orchestration is changing! 00:00 - Intro 03:20 - Kat's mad libs idea 💡 06:38 - Problem scenario 24:15 - Pragmatic honesty and internest "issues" 😅 30:40 - Obligatory AI deepdive 🤖 44:20 - Our learning workflows (what work for us) Resources:

10 August 2024
InstructLab and Open Source AI

We've been anticipating this one 🥰 InstructLab is a model-agnostic open source AI project that facilitates contributions to LLMs! In this episode, IBM DA JJ Asghar talks about InstructLab and Open Source AI! JJ walks us through how to setup and train models locally so that you too can AI 🤖😂 00:00 - Intro 04:41 - What is InstructLab? 17:35 - Taking a look 21:40 - Live demo! Resources: InstructLab workshop - The whitepaper - InstructLab site - InstructLab repo -

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