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Tough Things First

Wisdom from Silicon Valley’s longest serving CEO, Ray Zinn


Last Episode Date: 24 July 2024

Total Episodes: 10

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24 July 2024
Is College Worth the Cash?

The question is what has more value, the price of an education or work experience? In this Tough Things First podcast, Ray Zinn says one has an edge over the other. He’ll explain why smart choices will help you navigate these life decisions. Rob Artigo: I’m Rob Artigo, y...

10 min
10 July 2024
Circular Action is NOT Action

Running in circles pushing a cart full of goals will lead to two things. Exhaustion and a cart full of unfulfilled goals. In this Tough Things First podcast, Ray Zinn explores the difference between action for action’s sake and action with purpose. (Watch the Video Podcast...

13 min
3 July 2024
Wages Have Consequences

Good or bad, a rise in wages results in reaction. The earner may first have more money, but prices follow and can wipe-out the gains. In this Tough Things First reality check, Ray Zinn explores a game that is less than zero sum when it’s forced.   Rob Artigo: We once talk...

12 min
26 June 2024
What Kind of Leader Are You?

Effective leadership is about being a people person, not about people pleasing. In this Tough Things First podcast, Ray Zinn wonders if a better understanding of your own leadership style can help you communicate better with different personalities. Ray Zinn: Hello there, Ro...

11 min
12 June 2024
Conservative vs. Liberal: Not politics, but people.

Diversity is a natural course of business. Not just in gender and race, but in thought. In this Tough Things First podcast, Ray Zinn discusses the key differences between the proverbial left and right brains on the job. Rob Artigo: Now you’re someone who has run a diverse ...

13 min
5 June 2024
Enemies of Innovation

The enemy of innovation comes in many different forms, but usually the goal is the same. To throw you off your game. As Ray Zinn tells us in this Tough Things First podcast, stifling innovation can take a whole company out. Rob Artigo: Let’s talk about this, ways in which ...

11 min
29 May 2024
Ruined by Mismanagement and Greed

Some train wrecks are easily seen coming down the tracks while others go off the rails because of bad drivers. In this Tough Things First podcast, Ray Zinn discusses the faulty CEO who goes off the rails because their priorities get out of whack. Rob Artigo: Well, a company ...

10 min
22 May 2024
U.S. Chips: A Race Against Monopoly?

The Chips and Science Act is supposed to lower silicon chip manufacturing costs, create jobs, and strengthen supply chains. It all started three years ago, but as Ray Zinn explores in this Tough Things First Podcast, China’s head start caught many by surprise. Rob Artigo: ...

14 min
15 May 2024
Global Turmoil

Between global turmoil and more local chaos, how do you stay focused in life, and stay profitable in business? In this Tough Things First Podcast, Ray Zinn explores the finer points or knowing where to put your energy and what to avoid. (Watch Video Podcast) Rob Artigo: Well...

16 min
8 May 2024
Get Your Mojo Working

Many entrepreneur’s know when their mojo is working, but some people just do not know how to tap into it. In this Tough Things First podcast, Ray Zinn offers a surefire way to find your mojo. Rob Artigo: Entrepreneurs at their heart are creative, ambitious people. Am I gen...

10 min
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