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Totally Exposed: Real, Raw & Authentic

"Totally Exposed" is my personal journey of stepping into who I know I was made to be! Having been diagnosed with Alopecia when I was 4 years old, which is an autoimmune hair loss disorder, I have never been courageous enough to go without my wig until now! As I step into my real, raw, and authentic self...I am excited to journey down a road of personal growth, as I explore various personal development topics and am eager to learn from those who have followed their own dreams of stepping into who they were made to be. So come along let's dig deep and be "Totally Exposed" together!


Last Episode Date: 23 January 2024

Total Episodes: 49

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23 January 2024
How a Reishi mushroom coffee can change your health and your life!!!

On this episode I sat down with Dr Bob Rakowski who is an expert in Clinical Nutrition, Chiropractic, Kinesiology, Bio terrain analysis, acupuncture, and nursing and offers a wide variety of root cause approcahes to maintain optimal health and performance for his patients. Â...

56 min
18 January 2024
How Health Starts with your Cells!!!!

Soooo this interview was done a year ago and due to personal shifts I had with a big life change, it is just getting published now!  I have spoken with Jess Kane and she has graciously approved me to still release our interview together!  So if you are wondering why 2023 i...

50 min
9 August 2023
Change your VIBE Change your Life!!!

On this episode of Totally Exposed I got to sit down with my new friend Dr Steven Schwartz who is the creator of the VIBE Bed aka the Vibrational Individualized Body Enhancement System!  Steven is a visionary technology designer, sound alchemist and regenerative medicine ex...

70 min
28 June 2023
Oral Health the gateway to your health!!!

On this episode of Totally Exposed I got to sit down and chat with my own personal Integrative Biological Dentist Dr Pascal Nguyen!  Dr Nguyen takes a unique approach to treating the common aliments you can't seem to get rid of...he treats the body directly through the mout...

78 min
2 May 2023
Ready to live on the Edge? How Iceless Cold Tub Therapy could level up your game!!

On this episode of Totally Exposed I got to sit down with one of the co founders of Edge Theory Labs Joshua Church where we chat all about cold tub therapy!  Joshua and his cousin built the world's first "iceless ice bath" with built in filtration, hot-tub mode, and a porta...

45 min
9 March 2023
What is really behind your prescription meds?

On this episode I got to sit down with Dr John Kim who is a functional medicine pharmacist in New Jersey.  He has been in clinical practice for 15 years and he has been a foremost voice in health, wellness, and preventive medicine.  He received his Doctors in Pharmacy from...

61 min
9 January 2023
Raw Milk A Super Nutrient

On this episode of Totally Exposed I got to sit down with my very own local Orthomolecular Restorative farmers Theo and Kira from Helios Farms out of Yoncalla, OR!  For awhile now I have been wanting to do an episode on the benefits of raw milk and to "undo" the myths of wh...

97 min
14 November 2022
Are your genetics impacting your ability to detox?

On this episode of Totally Exposed I got to sit down with health practitioner Shawn Bean from Matrix Health & Wellness.  Many of Shawn's colleagues consider him to be one the most innovative clinicians in practice today.  Shawn has the unique ability to uncover hidden ...

73 min
2 November 2022
Mushy Love

On this episode I got to sit down and chat with my two good friends Chase & Mimi from the Medicin Podcast!!  I came across these two haphazardly through a mushroom coffee brand and was blown away by their story and knew that I wanted to have them come here to share thei...

94 min
21 September 2022
Homeopathy: Natures Medicine

On this episode of Totally Exposed I got to sit down with the amazing Dr. Ana Jackson to chat all about homeopathy!  For awhile now, I have been interested in homeopathy and like me I am sure people have wondered....what is it and how does it work??  Dr. Ana has a private ...

71 min
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