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The Unplugged Leader

Welcome to The Unplugged Leader, a podcast in which I dive deep into the transformative journeys of the people who have experienced our powerful Unplug 48 retreats. I'm your host, Carlien Cavens, founder of Unplug 48. In each episode, we'll explore the trials, triumphs, and transformations of our guests, digging into their pre-retreat life, their retreat experiences, and how they've evolved since. Let's unplug and start the conversation.

Note: This used to be 48 Minutes, a podcast series in which I interviewed inspiring leaders, to discover what makes them stand out. 


Last Episode Date: 14 May 2024

Total Episodes: 35

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14 May 2024
About growing up in Eastern Europe, getting rid of self doubt and the gift of a holistic life crisis. A conversation with Change Architect Mariya Koteva.

"I used to believe in a linear life. You start somewhere and go up the ladder and there is only one way to go there. And now I believe in circles. You close one circle and move on to the next one.  Actually it's totally not linear at all.  The more you understand...

67 min
5 April 2024
Over je intuïtie volgen, verhuizen naar Portugal en absolute vrijheid. Een gesprek met Lonneke Boonzaaijer.

"Ik werk op jaarbasis ongeveer acht tot twaalf weken en de rest van die tijd ben ik gewoon aan het zijn.""We zijn op een bepaalde manier geprogrammeerd met zoveel angsten die ons tegenhouden om de vele mogelijkheden van het leven te omarmen.""Het is ...

72 min
2 April 2024
About Flow and female energy management. A conversation with biologist and executive coach Emma Russell.

“We women tend to downplay our normal feminine biology, whereas actually there is huge power in it.” Emma Russell is a biologist and executive coach who helps female leaders to thrive by embracing their female superpowers. She will be joining me on April 26th for the FL...

55 min
4 March 2024
Over discipline, de nood om "alleen" te zijn en het loslaten van controle. Een gesprek met Louis Lammertyn.

“Ik denk dat ik letterlijk zou crashen als ik niet systematisch de dag alleen zou kunnen starten.”Louis Lammertyn is gepassioneerd om passagiersvervoer koolstofarm te maken en werkt momenteel bij HINICIO op SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) en groen waterstof. Hij nam dee...

56 min
7 August 2023
About leaving the golden (corporate) cage and saying YES to what you really want. A conversation with Julie Vandermeulen.

“My life was all working out for me and still I was really hurting. I wasn’t sure about anything. I lived a life that, from the outside, was great, but I was constantly doubting whether that’s what I wanted. It felt very meaningless. What am I actually doing with my li...

53 min
30 November 2021
Paul Van Oyen (CEO Etex) - about purpose, "becoming the CEO" and the role of companies in society

On this next episode of 48 Minutes: Paul Van Oyen, the outgoing CEO of Etex. Etex is a multinational construction materials company with roots in Belgium. Their slogan is “Inspiring Ways of Living”, which intrigues me by the mere fact that it contains the word “inspir...

50 min
27 September 2021
Jerry Colonna (CEO whisperer & founder Reboot) - About the need for leaders to grow up, the illusion of being busy & the patterns he sees in coaching executives.

In this episode I talk to one of my personal role models Jerry Colonna. Jerry is a world class executive coach and is often referred to as the CEO whisperer. He coaches many Silicon Valley startup CEOs and coached amongst others Brad Feld from the Foundry Group, Chad Dicke...

52 min
24 June 2021
Lieven Vanlommel (CEO Foodmaker & StarMeal) - Over de wereld veroveren met gezonde voeding, ondernemen met zeer weinig slaap, en het belang van financiële stabiliteit (DUTCH).

In deze aflevering spreek ik met Lieven Vanlommel, CEO van Foodmaker en StarMeal, twee voedingsbedrijven die gezonde voeding naar de massa brengen. Momenteel zijn ze actief in België, Nederland en Frankrijk, maar de ambitie reikt veel verder. Lieven zijn droom is om een wer...

60 min
8 June 2021
Steven Peleman (CEO Triple Helix) - About circular economy, leaving the golden cage and the parallel between ski & business.

In today’s episode I talk to Steven Peleman, who is a sustainability and circular economy expert that recently left his golden cage at Deloitte and started his own venture, Triple Helix. With Triple Helix, Steven plans on building circular and sustainable material companie...

44 min
25 May 2021
Jeroen Wils (VTM, Bepublic) - Over de Dutroux affaire, het belang van mildheid en zijn sabbatical (DUTCH).

In deze aflevering van 48 minutes spreek ik met Jeroen Wils, criminoloog, journalist en ondernemer. Hij was één van de sleutelfiguren in de verslaggeving rond de Dutroux affaire in de jaren 90 en was nadien onder andere chef nieuws bij VTM. Hij had ook zijn eigen misdaad d...

63 min
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