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The Shift Control Sales Podcast

Useful sales stuff for sales professionals - from sales trainee to sales director and business owner


Last Episode Date: 24 July 2024

Total Episodes: 141

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24 July 2024
Best Hurling Final Ever, Wise Up.

Best Hurling Final Ever, Wise Up. by Shift Control

15 min
19 July 2024
Where's your next fire?

On holiday mode but still find myself thinking about work - what;'s needed to finish this year with a flourish and then what lies beyond 2024. in battle mode - doing the stuff you strategised about last year - you don't get much time to think about beyond the short term. Fi...

13 min
17 July 2024
It's Boxy, but Safe.

A Dudley Moore movie that should speak to anyone in communications - sales, marketing etc...Crazy People. I now know that its Boxy, but good but I always remember it being boxy but safe. Anyway..Marcus Sheridan's book They Ask, You Answer, reminded me of the movie - as it di...

14 min
9 July 2024
Everybody Needs A Break

Follow up from the last episode where I talked about managing your energy - never said it was easy, no way. But it is doable. Stendhal Festival would be the perfect place to tune into nature and get into some great local music and art, unwind, chill out and relax. Changing...

14 min
30 June 2024
You've got to lively up yourself

'Lively up yourself and don't be no drag' The first line of the Bob Marley song is a call to arms for everyone to raise your vibration - get your energy levels up. Bring your A game to everywhere, everything and everyone. And into work. Especially in sales, the energy we ...

16 min
21 May 2024
Motivated or disciplined?

How is your sales team set up? Motivated or disciplined? Neither or both? A trip to IFAT in Munch teaches me a lot about both and 2 trips to see Bruce Springsteen reminds me about the importance of thought

16 min
30 April 2024
Filling in small pockets of dead time

I'm sat here waiting for an engineer to arrive to install broadband. They'll be here soon, well some time but it might not be soon at all, in fact just like last Friday, they might not arrive at all...

8 min
25 April 2024

Spending 2 days at an exhibition in Birmingham with plenty of time to think and a cancelled flight with the Irish national air carrier of real choice - not Ryan Air - gave me some food or thought on how some of the very basic sales techniques of the past can compete with the...

12 min
17 February 2024
Building sales momentum

Sales momentum is critical for any business - are you able to turn the heat up when you need to or does your team operate at inconsistent levels across the year? Would you trade of 3 hours of flow sales for a day of?

17 min
7 February 2024
Reciprocal Customer Loyalty

This podcast gives a brief insight into a project that I had the good fortune to work on over the last 3 years that culminated in a customer service charter. All the good work of a business that has a clear focus on driving value through a better working relationship with c...

7 min
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