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The Secrets of Product Management Podcast by Nils Davis

The Secrets of Product Management podcast by Nils Davis is for all product manager, product marketers, innovators who want to create more value in the world through successful products. Product management tips, covering storytelling, getting a job, resumes, persuasion and influence, and more.


Last Episode Date: 11 April 2024

Total Episodes: 173

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11 April 2024
163: Chad McAllister – Unveiling the PDMA Body of Knowledge

Unveiling the PDMA Body of Knowledge with Chad McAllister This episode my guest Chad McAllister introduces us to the Product Development and Management Association’s (PDMA) Body of Knowledge (BOK), a valuable yet underappreciated resource in product management. Established in 1976, PDMA has been pivotal in advancing product development and management practices across industries. Chad, a Read More

29 min
21 March 2024
162: Chris Mason on Product Management Jobs and the PM Job Market

Chris Mason on Product Management Jobs My guest on this episode is Chris Mason, the co-founder and leader of Intelligent People, a recruiting firm in the UK that focuses on product managers and other product people – designers, heads of product, etc. In our interview, he shares his insights on the state of the product Read More

34 min
14 March 2024
161: Clifton Gilley on What The Data Shows About Product Leaders and Product Laggards

Clifton Gilley of Gartner’s Tech Product Management team In this week’s episode my guest is Clifton Gilley, a long time product manager, and now a VP Analyst with Gartner’s Tech Product Manager team. Cliff made the jump from product management practitioner to analyst because they had the data. As he says, “What really made me Read More

37 min
6 March 2024
160: Seize the Customer Conversation And Other Advice With Mike Smart

Embracing Change and Customer Engagement in Product Management In this episode Mike Smart, an old friend and longtime product management leader, instructor, and consultant, says we can’t wait for the world to change (quoting an old John Mayer song). Product management needs to seize the day, and actively engage with customers even if it means Read More

17 min
28 February 2024
159: Ryan Gottfredson on The Transformative Power of Mindsets in Life and Leadership

The Transformative Power of Mindsets in Life and Leadership In this episode, an engaging conversation about mindsets with Ryan Gottfredson, a renowned leadership and management professor, author, and mindset expert. The core discussion revolves around the foundational role mindsets play in shaping our thoughts, behaviors, and overall success in life, work, and leadership. Gottfredson emphasizes Read More

10 January 2024
158: Steve Johnson Shares His Wisdom

Steve Johnson, OG product management thinker Steve Johnson is my guest on this week’s episode. I’m sure you know of him already. And if not, you will after this episode. He’s one of the OG product management thought leaders, especially in the software world. Many people got to know Steve during his long stint as Read More

42 min
2 January 2024
157: Looking Back, Leaping Forward: 2023 Retrospective

Looking Back, Leaping Forward: 2023 Retrospective In the last episode of 2024, I go through a retrospective of the show for 2023, and share some of my plans for 2024. A few stats, lessons learned, things that went well and went badly, and then a sneak peek into what I’m planning for 2024. 2023 recap Read More

12 December 2023
156: Chris Butler on Why Meetings Are Great And Other Projects

Welcome back Chris Butler! My guest on this episode is Chris Butler, whom we first heard from in episode 107! It’s great to have him back, sharing some of his new projects since we last talked 18 months ago. Chris is a self-described “chaotic good” product manager, as well as a prolific writer and speaker. Read More

38 min
30 November 2023
323: The Secret Product Management Framework (Rerun)

This episode is a rerun of episode 323: The Secret Product Management Framework. Use that link to visit the show notes page. This episode is a rerun of episode 323: The Secret Product Management Framework. Use that link to visit the show notes page.

22 min
21 November 2023
155: The PM’s Guide to Cognitive Biases

Product Manager’s Guide To Cognitive Biases That sounds funny, doesn’t it? I’m not giving you cognitive biases in this episode. I’m giving you information about cognitive biases so you can manage them better. What’s a cognitive bias? According to Wikipedia: “A cognitive bias is a systematic pattern of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment.” Read More

21 min
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