Biz and Tech Podcasts > The Mike Sizemore Podcast Life, Leadership and more……
Last Episode Date: 02/19/2024
Total Episodes: Not Available
People want to follow people with wet feet. Do you know what I mean by this statement? If you desire to be a leader...someone that others follow, your feet must be wet. You cannot ask people to go somewhere you have never been. And you cannot lead people to places you have never been. When you seek to lead others...when you desire to be an example to others, they need to know you have already been there. That you know the path, you know the traps, you know the enemies strongholds. You have waded through the waters. You asked the questions, you received the answers, you won and lost, but in all of that you obtained a victory. And in those things and can confidently say, "follow me." And they will follow! But it begins with getting your feet wet. You going into the arena to fight, to get muddy and bloody. This is who people are willing to follow.
In 1955, Walt Disney faced something of a dilemma. How could he shelter his beloved Disneyland from the rest of the world? The answer was actually a berm around the entire park. And with all the dirt they had from constructing the park, it was pretty easy. Well, how do you shelter your personal life? How do you build a berm to block out all the distractions and noise? That too is simple. In todays episode, I help you walk through the process of keeping noise out and allowing creativity and peace in. I hope you enjoy... Questions or
Life, like driving a car or running a race is out in front of us. When you get in the car, there are two places to look. One is the rearview mirror and the other is our front windshield. The rearview is narrow and small. While to front windshield is large and vast. Sometimes in life we reverse the two. We spend way to much time gazing at the past and not spending time looking at our future, where life is going be lived. So what are you doing with your life today? Living in the past...or working toward your future. We have that choice every day. Make living forward your and every day.
Have you ever been around a group of folks when someone says...It all started with... Well for me, 38 years ago, it all started with a question. A question to a young lady at church, that has led to the most amazing years of my life.
How do you define leadership or a leader. I believe Lee Cockerell best defined it this way...Leadership is not a title, but the sum total of the actions you take. As leaders our role is to demonstrate by our actions and behaviors positive impact on those around us. So ask yourself these questions: Do my actions speak louder than my title? Am I leading by example? What is my impact on those around me? Am I an authentic leader? Do I make decisions and problem solve effectively? Is my communication accurate and clear? If not, we've got work to do? And as the old saying goes....we need to change our conduct or change our title.
How many of you have ever been given a completely "softball" question. You know...the type that is just laid up there for you to knock out of the park. Well, I got one of those this past week. I have a great opportunity and privilege to be the guest on a new and very successful podcast that originates from my area. Our main topic was leadership. Leadership at work and in the home. Well this particular question had to do with leadership successes and failures, particularly at work. And'll just have to listen here first to know what should have happen, then go over to The Male Cartel Podcast to watch my "crash and burn". Please enjoy at my expense.
Welcome to The Mike Sizemore Podcast, the show where we dive into the world of leadership, management, life and more. So, whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned business professional or someone who simply loves hearing stories about business and life, you're in the right place. I'm your host Mike Sizemore, and I'm sure glad you tuned in! So grab a cup of coffie, take a seat in your favorite chair, get your pods in for that run, or give us a listen while driving around town. Any way you can.....I hope you'll give us a listen as we provide content that is both useful and productive.
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