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The JP Revolution

Small Businesses are the foundation of our communities. Those foundations are being shaken to their core by unfair systems that give all the advantages to the big corporations. Large companies have the time, resources, and expertise to take full advantage of all the modern marketing tools. On the other hand, small business owners lack those key elements and are overwhelmed by all the options available. It’s time for a revolution. It’s time for small businesses to be back on top in our neighborhoods. That will only happen if they understand how to use their limited resources efficiently. John Preston has the unique ability to take complex marketing and business concepts and break them into easily digestible stories.


Last Episode Date: 17 January 2024

Total Episodes: 100

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17 January 2024
The Mission ofThe JP Revolution

"The Mission of the JP Revolution" podcast addresses the challenges small businesses face in marketing and advertising, overshadowed by more giant corporations' prowess. The episode delves into the evolution of advertising tools from newspapers to digital platforms, highligh...

6 min
25 October 2023
Small Business in Small Bites merges with WakeUp2Success to form The JP Revolution

Small Business in Small Bites has helped small business owners all over the world better understand their customers.  WakeUp2Success has helped many of those same business owners deal with the internal stresses of running their businesses.  Now both are being combined into...

2 min
25 March 2022
Are you to comfortable? Success is seldom found in your comfort zone?

One of the biggest obstacles many of us face on our way to success is the simple fact that we like to stay in our comfort zone. It takes a lot of determination and willpower to take chances, risk rejection, and do the extra work needed to be successful. Many of us often fa...

4 min
21 March 2022
Understanding Google - It takes more than showing up in a search to grow your business

Do you understand your customers? One of the most important aspects of taking your business to the next level is having a good awareness of how your customers make decisions about whether or not to use your products or services. Unfortunately, many business owners mistaken...

9 min
17 March 2022
Sales Tip #7 - Don’t be afraid to be the ”Expert”

"Imposter Syndrome" is a real thing. Because we know our own weaknesses, it's very easy for us to look at others as knowing more than we do... even when it comes to our own product or service. We walk around convinced that someone is going to see behind the curtain and real...

3 min
16 March 2022
Sales Tip #6 - The ultimate goal of sales should always be to create a win-win deal.

Frequently the sales process is portrayed (and perceived) as a confrontational encounter. A mano-e-mano battle between the person with the goods or services versus the one with the money and the need. At least, that's the way many who aren't comfortable with the process li...

4 min
15 March 2022
Sales Tip #5 - The 3 C’s of selling: Confidence, Conviction, and Confidence

Achieving the level of success that every entrepreneur-minded person dreams of always requires a mastery (or at least a proficiency) of sales. It is often a fear of sales or fear of coming off as a "salesperson" that derails many dreams. Once you convince yourself you are ...

5 min
14 March 2022
Sales Tip #4 - The customer doesn’t care about your product; they want to know how it helps them.

One of the biggest mistakes any salesperson makes is to spend way too much time talking about themselves and their products. No one likes to listen to someone talk about themselves. As hard as this is to hear, they don't care about your product or services. What they do care...

4 min
11 March 2022
Sales Tip #3 - The best way to handle objections is to Validate and then Conversate

Most news salespeople are terrified of coming across as "too pushy". They have visions of the old used car salesman in the plaid jackets seen in hundreds of movies and TV shows. To avoid being that person, they almost always err too far the other way. They become so passi...

5 min
10 March 2022
Sales Tip #2 - First educate about your product, then make the customer comfortable with buying

Truly great salespeople have three distinct skill sets: the ability to educate, the ability to persuade, and the ability to make the client feel comfortable enough to buy. Often, the first two make up the easiest part of the sale. If your product/service is good and you a...

5 min
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