Biz and Tech Podcasts > Business > The Biz Body Podcast
Principles of Neural Science, Eric Kandel, Greg Mack How We Learn to Move, Rob Grey Why does memory matter? Everything we do is based on it. Memories are constructed. Constructed from experiences. Experiences that have to be sensed, encoded, and then stored. Amazing how our cells can do that. I share three main ways I use memory as an exercise professional to deliver positive experiences to my clients. Enjoy.
How many of your clients have been injured at one time or another? How many are dealing with undiagnosed disease? Here are some ideas that I have struggled with when it comes to real time decision making during sessions.
Spend your time wisely by understanding exactly what your clients need. Strengthen your practice with timely questions.
Your clients are depending on you. Especially if they are dealing with orthopedic and medical problems. They want to get healthy!!! Here is a way to meet them where they are at.
Look for next level business and practice info to help you work with populations that need it most. People need exercise professionals that are capable of solving some difficult movement problems. That is exactly why we are here to help.
Why is exercise so important? Exercise Professionals use the phrase, "exercise is medicine." If it is medicine, how are we dosing it? More importantly, why are still focused on arbitrary exercises, sets, and rep schemes instead of individually dosed challenges? Properly dosed challenges may be the difference between a client feeling great, or ending the session early. This is the dawn of the modality of exercise being used as force diagnostics. Instead of making claims to what is happening, this episode is about observing and documenting. Then asking what the client perceives. This, along with establishing baselines, build the direction of where to intervene or not with any client. Enjoy the episode.
Empower your clients to better results with these resources.
In our practice, people come in when they feel good. More importantly, they know they will feel better every time they walk through the door. People stop in to feel better. This is a piece of that puzzle.
Does how you charge reflect your client accountability? Cheap = better? Does better equal higher value? If your client needs a different level of interaction, what are you doing to provide that? This and more in this episode.
Know your timeframes. Understand your client. Deliver results. This is a framework to do just that.
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