Biz and Tech Podcasts > Business > STEM Sirens
Last Episode Date: No Date found.
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This week we have an important update, and we've decided to tackle burnout babyyyyy! Thanks for your continued support baby scientists!
Welcome back baby scientists! This week’s episode we’re chatting about: Disclaimer: 0:00-0:45 Intro and Roses and Thorns: 0-24:00 MAJOR SPOILERS 11:50-22:40 Thinking about grad school resources: 26:00-46:00 In grad school resources: 47:00-49:00 Quick mono story: 49:00-52:00 Back to grad school health resources: 53:00-57:00 Grad school academic resources: 58:00-1:14:00 Undergrad resources for those not seeking grad school: 1:15:00-1:19:00 RFGF: 1:19:00-1:37:00
Welcome back to another week baby scientists! Hope everyone is not a dearly departed! This week: *how to start lab work *what to expect when everything happening is unexpected *existential dread over earth spinning faster * why the entirety of the nation of Australia is out of pocket for calling flip flops th0ngs *a not so minor rant about respectful lab etiquette *how a raging caffeine addiction and ADHD meds do not jive TIME STAMPS: 0:00-22:00 : ROSES AND THORNS AND UPDATES 22:30-46:0 : GRAD SCHOOL TOPIC 57:30-1:15:00: RED FLAG GREEN FLAG
Hello! We’re back to our regularly scheduled programming! This week we’re talking all about FEELINGS!o friendshipso dino reproductiono How we are Pavlovian slaves to our seminar luncho Work life balanceo Cliques in grad schoolo Hobbieso Finding peace in alone timeo Dealing with burnouto Consumerism and womeno Beef w mentor/PIo Sleep healtho How to hold on to the end of your rope
Thank you so much for all of the new followers! We are so appreciative! This week we're diving into:* Our gratitude for our influx of listeners* Interviewing* Touring* DEADLINES FOR APPS* How tf did dinosaurs reproduce* SHREK BABBYYYYY* PUT THE DOGS AWAY THROUGH TSA* Hozier
Hello to our many new friends! Our third episode is out tomorrow! Def our best one yet! We'd love it if you tuned in, rated, followed, or perhaps even shared this pod! We'd love some feedback! Or don’t! Up to you man! This week’s topics:* A vs B track* ToG vs ACOTAR* Letters of Recommendation* How to start your program* How to tackle your lit review* Disney Adults* a solid 10 min rant about grindset culture/autonomy in grad school
Episode 2: All about application and admission. This week's topics: * Kate Middleton * TikTok Ban * Should you go to grad school? * Should you transfer institutions * The application process * Finding housing * Making friends * Why the Big Light is the worst
Hey! Welcome to the pod! Our first episode is a chaotic dive into who we are, and what we're doing! This week we're covering: how to determine if you should go to grad school, the application process, and what to look for when choosing a grad school. Follow our insta: @stem_sirens_podcast Feel free to comment any topics or suggestions you think are important below, or by sending us an email at
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