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SPARKED by Emma Campbell

Emma Campbell is a certified Mindset + Performance Coach, qualified in Business + Psychology with over 10+ years supporting purposeful leaders + teams to unlock their SPARK + truly thrive. Combining psychology, strategy, neuroscience, and results-based coaching, tune in if you're ready to unlock your highest potential, step into your power and truly own your role as a leader so that you can amplify the positive impacts of your purposeful work. This podcast is here to inspire belief in what's possible for you - because its all SO possible.


Last Episode Date: 5 July 2024

Total Episodes: 88

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5 July 2024
Ep 90. 5 Ways I Prepared The Business For Travel

After months of planning and preparation, our family has finally begun our lap around Australia! There were a lot of strategies I had to implement in order to ensure my business would continue to thrive while we went on this adventure. In this ep we cover: The five key th...

9 min
14 May 2024
Ep 89. Why bonus schemes won't solve your culture issues (and what will)

This is a BIG episode. Powerful stats and advice on the power of running your business in a way that drives long term success AND personal fulfilment. In this ep we cover : Why bonus schemes are not the answer to your culture issues What an inside-out approach to culture...

30 min
26 March 2024
Ep 88. The 5 Key Skills Every Empathic Leader Needs

From someone who has been partnering with small businesses and heart-led leaders for over 12 years now. I know exactly which skills you already rock at - and which ones you need to smash through your fears, limiting beliefs and step into your power. In this episode, we cover...

25 min
26 March 2024
Ep 87. Create a Life You Love (Alcohol Free) with Sarah Rusbatch

Introducing our latest Purpose in Perth guest: Sarah Rusbatch! Sarah is author of the best selling book “Beyond Booze, How to create a life you love Alcohol Free’, a multi-award winning Health and Wellbeing Coach, an accredited Grey Area Drinking Coach, and global speake...

52 min
19 March 2024
Ep. 86 Shine a Light on Your Blind Spots: The Power of Pulse Checks

Today we speak about the power of team pulse checks (AKA employee engagement surveys). We cover: Why run them, the benefits to your culture + business How they can reveal your blind spots The ROI on your profit, productivity, sales and retention How they can reveal your...

28 min
5 March 2024
Ep.85 Motherhood, Seasons, Burnout & Permission to Do YOU

This week we chat motherhood, seasons, burnout, doing it all and permission to do YOU. We cover: My story with burnout and shifting to a season of sustainability Identity shifts in business and motherhood The 3 lenses of my 'business energy audit' The one exer...

29 min
21 February 2024
Ep 84. The Push Up Challenge + Better Mental Health with Nick Hudson

Nick Hudson, Australian of the year - 2024 WA local hero, international speaker, mental health advocate, and founder of The Push-Up Challenge to become Australia’s largest mental health online event. Through Nick’s leadership the event has motivated over 500,000 particip...

36 min
8 February 2024
Ep 83. Why Nature Play for Kids Matters with Kelsie Prabawa-Sear

"Purpose in Perth" is a chance to shine a spotlight on the people and organisations out there clearly on a mission to do good and make a change, to spread the impact of the work they do. Today’s guest is the CEO of nature play. Kelsie Prabawa-Sear. An NFP on a mi...

34 min
6 February 2024
Ep 82. Behind the Scenes with 3 Clients + lessons on identity, mindset & values

A new format where I share with you behind the scenes (BTS) with my clients, the challenges they're facing, the solutions they're finding and the lessons they're taking away! Today's lessons include: High performing mum of 3 experiencing identity shifts...

31 min
23 January 2024
Ep 81. Unlocking possibility: My 'word' for 2024, vision, wins, learnings + more!

Hey fam! Happy 2024 my loves. So happy to be here and excited for what 2024 has to bring. I have a good feeling about this one... A perfect time to share my own personal process for how I review my year and anchor into what's next. Tune in to hear: My personal 5 pa...

33 min
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