Biz and Tech Podcasts > Business > SELF Reflections
Last Episode Date: No Date found.
Total Episodes: Not Available
As we kick off a new year, SELF's own Jessica Vega and Lois Gormley walk you through the 10 most frequent questions that SELF receives regarding AB 218 and the Revived Liability Funding Plan created to address the financial impact of this law as it approaches its fifth anniversary.
Join host Lois Gormley and Erica Vogel, Chief Executive Officer of Community Matters, as they delve into the widespread issue of bullying in our schools. Hear how one innovative strategy combats this ongoing problem and creates a safer learning environment for all students.
Leilani Aguinaldo, Director of Governmental Relations for School Services of California, Inc. and SELF’s Legislative Advocate, speaks with host Lois Gormley about a handful of key bills that have changed the liability landscape for California public education since 2020. Note: This episode touches on issues that are sensitive and have myriad facets. Topics addressed do not reflect a lack of empathy for, or an intent to trivialize or discount, the pain of those who have been victims of CSA.
Host Lois Gormley talks to Candace Collins, Director of Strategic Alliances at Praesidium, about Childhood Sexual Assault (CSA) statistics in the education setting and prevention efforts.
Meet Self Reflections host Lois Gormley. In this first episode, we introduce ourselves and cover the basics of Schools Excess Liability Fund (SELF). Lois, SELF's Director of Communications & Member Services, has a conversation with CEO Dave George and Board Chair Renee Hendrick about what SELF does, how it operates, and why SELF and similar organizations are relevant today.
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