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Publishing Power helps writers succeed!
Learn how to successfully write, edit, publish, and launch your book today from proven leaders and talented writers.
Discover the latest tips, tools, and tricks to publishing independently, traditionally, or as a hybrid publisher.
Listen to our carefully selected, knowledge-based interviews with the leading writing-industry experts. We’ll provide insight and up-to-date guidance in the ever-evolving world of publishing.
Learn how to plan, what to do, and where to get help publishing when you need it.
Plus, you get honest reviews of the various writing tools, apps, plugins, and services which can help (or hinder!) you to publish successfully!
Regardless if you write fiction, nonfiction, copy, or academic research, you will find a golden nugget here that will help you succeed.
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Today we’ll be talking about chapter length. Many writers find themselves asking how long chapters should be and if there even are any rules to begin with.
Hi! Welcome to First Editing. I’m JoEllen and today we’ll be talking about five essential prewriting steps for authors. Prewriting is the stage before writing the first draft – it’s when you brainstorm where your story could go, outline your plot, and do the necessary research. Listen to learn more!
Today we’ll be talking about indie publishing. While traditional publishing or self-publishing are both very popular ways to have your story see the light of day, there’s also another option you might not be so familiar with: indie publishing. So, what is it and how does it work?
The words “memoir” and “autobiography” sound like pretty much the same thing, right? After all, both memoirs and autobiographies describe a person’s life from the first point of view. If you were to write a book about yourself, it could be a memoir as well as an autobiography. However, there are actually slight differences between the two, differences that can completely change how you approach your manuscript and market it afterward.
You’ve worked hard to make your thesis the best it can be. Now that it’s finished, it’s time to submit, right? Not just yet! The next stages of the process are editing and proofreading, both of which are of the utmost importance when it comes to the quality, validity, and readability of your thesis. You can either take on both tasks yourself, or you can reach out to professional thesis proofreading services to ensure that your work meets the highest standards. But what does a thesis proofreading service comprise? And is it the right choice for you? Let’s find out!
If you’re about to conduct an experiment or write a research paper, chances are, you may need to familiarize yourself with the terminology and research basics that come as part of the scientific package. And the difference between dependent and independent variables is one of those. While not every academic paper includes variables – for example, a literature-based analysis looks quite different from that of a physicist – it’s common to orient one’s work around variables in scientific and statistical fields. Here’s everything you need to know about dependent vs independent variables!
Today, I’m finally going to write. Okay, well, I didn’t get around to it, but I’ll definitely write tomorrow. Huh…maybe I’ll start on Monday? Sounds familiar? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. In fact, procrastination is common among writers. It’s quite funny when you think about it – we love writing with all our heart, yet we often struggle to actually sit down and write. Today, we’ll unpack why procrastination is such a writing hurdle and how you can jump through its hoops in order to build a proper writing routine. Ready to overcome procrastination? Let’s go!
Self-editing is the part of the writing process that helps you arrange thousands of random puzzle pieces into one cohesive picture. Contrary to popular belief, self-editing isn’t only about checking for grammar, typos, and punctuation errors, though. It’s about bringing your whole book, article, or dissertation closer to reaching its full potential. Have you ever committed some of the following mistakes when self-editing? It might be time to switch things up!
Gone are the days when traditional publishing was the only viable way to get noticed. Sure, self-publishing has always been an option, but the costs often made it impossible for new authors to send their books into the world without also spending a large sum of money. Enter…Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing)! With over 1.4 million self-published books released every year, Amazon KDP is considered the largest e-book hub and an amazing way to publish your work independently. Today, we’ll have a look at all the pros of publishing with KDP, as well as a detailed breakdown of the process and multiple tips to propel you toward success.
Writing is a bit like building a house. It is painstaking work that comprises multiple different elements, all of which have to be in perfect harmony to remain stable, not to mention that it takes a very long time to piece everything together. But once it’s done… you can’t help but feel accomplished and proud of how far you’ve come. Over the years, I’ve realized that having a writing process – a simple set of steps you can follow – makes the whole writing-a-book business much less complicated. And while there are some major differences between fiction and non-fiction, the importance of a good writing process applies to both. Let the work begin!
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