Biz and Tech Podcasts > Business > Pathway to Profit as a Part Time Yoga Teacher
Bite-sized, practical, no-hype podcasts to help you build the FOUNDATION for a regular income of at least £2000 or more, every month, from teaching no more than 8 to 10 classes a week - so you can enjoy what you do, keep a balance in your life and scale up (if that's what you want to do) from a position of strength and confidence.
No hype. No promises of 6 figure months.
Just practical advice from a 70 year old yoga teacher who's built a thriving business teaching part time for ten years.....
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Total Episodes: Not Available
How would you describe your approach to growing your yoga business?If you've been following me for a while, you'll know my interest and fascination with psychology and mindset goes back a LONG way!And if there is one thing GUARANTEED to test our's growing a business!Especially if this is a whole brave new world for you; you've never really learned about marketing or building a business before and you're starting from scratch.So what's the difference between the yoga teachers who make it and those who continue to struggle or even give up?Tony Robbins taught me many many moons ago now, that the difference that makes the difference is our attitude to MASTERY.He taught me this: there are 3 types of approach to growing a business: you are either:1) A dabbler2) A stressor/achiever or3) A masterWhich are YOU? And does it matter?In this podcast, I’ll share what I learned - and you’ll have the opportunity to consider whether you are a dabbler or a stressor/achiever…. And I have to tell you - if you are either of those KNOW that it’s hurting your progress to making a successful living from teaching yoga.Hope you find this illuminating….If any of this resonates with you and you’d like to know how I can help you achieve mastery and create a sustainable business of £2k to £4k regular monthly income teaching part time Contact me @ to find out more about the 12 week mentoring and coaching programme designed to support you to do just that.No pressure - not my style. Just real support to help you master some basic business principles, and build a sustainable income from teaching part time, to students in mid life or later years.Namaste,Shona
I know this might seem a crazy question! Why on earth would you do anything to put people off coming to work with you?But the truth is, as I mentor yoga teachers keen to grow their businesses, I can see they are quite clearly, unwittingly doing just that!I call it creating “friction” in your business - and if you’re not making the income you hoped from your teaching this might be a really useful episode to listen to, as I can almost guarantee there will be friction in YOUR business you didn’t even realise!In this episode I’ll share 5 things you might be doing which are actually hurting your business growth and leaving you feeling frustrated and stuck.And if you’d like truly practical support and guidance, not only to help identify friction in your business but with building the foundations for a sustainable yoga business then perhaps I can help?Over 12 weeks I help aspiring yoga teachers understand how to build a profitable, part time business, generating £2k to £4k a month.They learn how to create a business model and a marketing strategy that means they can transition from other employment to a part-time business which they can then choose to scale if they wish. All without burning out and losing their love of yoga.If you’d like to know more about how this 12 week mentoring and coaching programme might help you, contact me direct at Namaste, Shona
Over the last 3 episodes of this podcast I’ve been diving a little deeper into the whole topic of investing in support for your business so that you can focus on what you do best: teach.In this, the fourth episode looking at the whole concept of delegating in your yoga business, I’ll share some tips and suggestions for outsourcing work to other people effectively. Because, the truth is, done effectively, hiring others should also be an investment - not a cost. The whole idea is, by hiring others to support you, you grow the business by more than you pay well as freeing YOU up to do what you do best; teach.Learn where to look for good people, and some tips I’ve learned along the way about how to delegate tasks in a way which will indeed help to make you more profitable, as well as freeing you fro the chains of trying to be chief cook and bottle washer!And if you’d like truly practical support and guidance to help YOU delegate more effectively and build the foundations for a sustainable yoga business then perhaps I can help?Over 12 weeks I help aspiring yoga teachers understand how to build a profitable, part time business, generating £2k to £4k a month.They learn how to create a business model and a marketing strategy that means they can transition from other employment to a part-time business which they can then choose to scale if they wish. All without burning out and losing their love of yoga.If you’d like to know more about how this 12 week mentoring and coaching programme might help you, contact me direct at Namaste, Shona
In the previous two podcasts I’ve shared why it’s a REALLY good idea to invest in support in your business from a very early stage and explained why it really is a false economy to think you can do it all on your own. In this episode I share the 3 ways you CAN invest in support for your business growth: in tech tools to make admin easier; in people and in yourself, and in this episode I’d like to focus on the second of these; investing in people to support your business growth.Now this can be a costly and sometimes challenging process - so it’s worth understanding how some simple principles can ensure you handle this right from the start. I share some of the mistakes I made - in the hope you don’t make the same!Learn why you need to delegate - not abdicate - and the kind of tasks I’d encourage you to consider delegating as you move forward with your plans for growth. And if you’d like truly practical support and guidance to help YOU delegate more effectively and build the foundations for a sustainable yoga business then perhaps I can help?Over 12 weeks I help aspiring yoga teachers understand how to build a profitable, part time business, generating £2k to £4k a month.They learn how to create a business model and a marketing strategy that means they can transition from other employment to a part-time business which they can then choose to scale if they wish.If you’d like to know more about how this 12 week mentoring and coaching programme might help you, contact me direct at Namaste, Shona
The second in this series on why delegating and investing in support in your business - IF done wisely, is important if you seriously want to earn a sustainable income from your teaching. Wondering if you need a website and considering doing it on your own even though it’s not your forte?Considering just using your own email system to write to potential students, or just take cash rather than invest in a booking and payment system? In this podcast I’d like to share why I believe skimping on setting up some basic tech and people support in your business early on actually means it is likely to cost you more than you realise as well as slow down your chances of growth.I’d also like to share 4 key areas I’d like you to seriously consider delegating some work to either tech or people.Which of these are you utilizing - and which could you perhaps benefit from implementing?And if you’d like truly practical support and guidance to help YOU delegate more effectively and build the foundations for a sustainable yoga business then perhaps I can help?Over 12 weeks I help aspiring yoga teachers understand how to build a profitable, part time business, generating £2k to £4k a month.They learn how to create a business model and a marketing strategy that means they can transition from other employment to a part-time business which they can then choose to scale if they wish.If you’d like to know more about how this 12 week mentoring and coaching programme might help you, contact me direct at Namaste, Shona
In a previous podcast looking at what holds us back from thriving as yoga teachers I explained I see 3 key things which hold us back: First – your INTERNAL belief patterns.Beliefs such as- I’m not good enough/don’t know enough yet- It’s impossible to make a real living teaching yoga- I’m not good with techI looked at 7 key beliefs I’ve held, and I constantly see the teachers I work with hold, which I KNOW stop us from being successful, but over which we DO have control to change for the better….The second beliefs that can hold us back are our EXTERNAL belief patterns And I’d like to delve a little deeper into these on this session.And the third and final thing holding so many teachers back is their business model which I’ll talk about in the next podcast in this 3 part series. In this episode I share 4 external limiting beliefs YOU may be holding which prevent you from becoming the thriving yoga teacher you aspire to be. Whether it’s believing the yoga market in your area is saturated and you’ve no chance of getting a foothold, to the fact you work full time being a barrier to building a yoga business - how on earth can you transition when you have bills to pay - I cover this and more in this episode.And If you’d like support to help you overcome YOUR limiting beliefs and lay the foundations for a sustainable yoga business then perhaps I can help?Over 12 weeks I help aspiring yoga teachers understand how to build a profitable, part time business, generating £2k to £4k a month.They learn how to create a business model and a marketing strategy that means they can transition from other employment to a part-time business which they can then choose to scale if they wish.If you’d like to know more about how this 12 week mentoring and coaching programme might help you, contact me direct at Namaste, Shona
In this, the final podcast in this series looking at how to revitalise your yoga business, I’d like to talk about something which might sound a little boring - but which is crucial on two counts: your profitability and your happiness and satisfaction with the business you end up with.Are you CLEAR what your business model is and is it right for you? Are you clear how it will generate the revenue you hope to achieve?And are you in danger of trying to achieve a model you’re not actually ready for yet? (Which will only frustrate or overwhelm you?)I explain why I see too many yoga teachers trying to run before they can walk - why going online, or running workshops or retreats may NOT be right for you just yet in your journey, and share 3 tips on how to avoid the trap of choosing the wrong business model for the stage of business you’re at…. And instead build a model which works for you, which fires you up AND is rewarding, both emotionally and financially….Want to understand how to lay the foundations for a sustainable yoga business?Perhaps I can help?Over 12 weeks I help aspiring yoga teachers understand how to build a profitable, part time business, generating £2k to £4k a month.They learn how to create a business model and a marketing strategy that means they can transition from other employment to a part-time business which they can then choose to scale if they wish.If you’d like to know more about how this 12 week mentoring and coaching programme might help you, contact me direct at Namaste, Shona
“I feel like chief cook and AND bottle washer!”That’s a phrase I heard quite a bit from my Mum in our household when I was young….It always came up when she was overworked, tired and struggling to juggle all the jobs, and Dad and I knew that meant we needed to chip in and help out!It’s a phrase I’ve used a lot myself over the years, and never more so than when I decided to quit paid employment and set up a business of my own.Because, if there’s one thing so many start up businesses find themselves doing – it’s trying to do it all themselves to keep costs down.Maybe you’re still holding down another job that pays the bills? Maybe you have a family/children other “must do” tasks?And when money is tight, it can feel like a hell of a risk investing hard-earned money into something you’re not sure will work….Now I’m actually ALL in favour of setting up on a shoestring…..I’m MASSIVELY in favour of testing your concept/offers on as low a budget as you can to begin with, then when you find what helps/works, scaling up from thereBut what I am NOT in favour of is driving ourselves into the ground, OR giving off the appearance of a hap-hazard business to our potential students.In this podcast I’d like to share 4 reasons why you should consider delegation in your yoga business right from the start EVEN if you don’t do much straight away.And if you’d like truly practical support and guidance to help YOU delegate more effectively and build the foundations for a sustainable yoga business then perhaps I can help?Over 12 weeks I help aspiring yoga teachers understand how to build a profitable, part time business, generating £2k to £4k a month.They learn how to create a business model and a marketing strategy that means they can transition from other employment to a part-time business which they can then choose to scale if they wish.If you’d like to know more about how this 12 week mentoring and coaching programme might help you, contact me direct at Namaste, Shona
As I record this podcast we're almost at the end of February - the first two months of the year are almost always one of THE best times of the year for anyone working in the fitness/wellness space, so hopefully you've begun the year with a good injection of cash into your business and full classes.The hope, for all of us as yoga teachers, is that interest and motivation continues otherwise we face that sometimes demoralising roller coaster of "feast and famine"So, as you look forward, to spring and beyond, how confident are you of generating consistent income into your business?Are you generating a reliable and steady income from your yoga teaching?The words “steady” and “reliable” here are crucial really aren’t they?What if I told you there may be 3 things going on for you which are almost subconsciously holding you back from achieving that steady income and prospect for growth?What are those 3 things? Over the next 3 episodes I’ll deal with each in turn. In this episode learn why what you believe is possible for you as a yoga teacher is going to have a significant impact on your results…..And If you’d like support to help you overcome YOUR limiting beliefs and lay the foundations for a sustainable yoga business then perhaps I can help?Over 12 weeks I help aspiring yoga teachers understand how to build a profitable, part time business, generating £2k to £4k a month.They learn how to create a business model and a marketing strategy that means they can transition from other employment to a part-time business which they can then choose to scale if they wish.If you’d like to know more about how this 12 week mentoring and coaching programme might help you, contact me direct at Namaste, Shona
How do you advertise your yoga business?For many, on a shoestring budget, it's posting on Instagram or Facebook for free, and the mindset is one of spending as little as possible because money is so tight.And I'm all for getting as wise as possible about your advertising strategy and ensuring that whether the advertising you do costs you time, energy and money or all 3, you see a return on that investment.But one thing I also see is a reluctance to spend anything on paid advertising - and I'd like to suggest that this is not necessarily a good strategy nor is it wise for any business long term.In this podcast I'd like to share why I believe any serious business should be willing to risk a little in terms of paid advertising, in order to create something sustainable for the long term. Learn how I turned a £125 ad spend into an immediate £900 return PLUS why understanding the lifetime value of your students is even more important as you build your business.Because I know that £125 spend will result in over £6000 into my business over the coming months….isn’t that what we need? Sustainability?And if you’d like support to help you create adverts that bring sustainable business into your business then perhaps I can help?I help aspiring yoga teachers build a profitable, part time business, generating £2k to £4k a month,They learn how to create a marketing strategy that keeps on bring them a return on their investment of time, energy and money; that generates more enquiries, more interest and more students – and with a lifetime value which means the business is sustainable NOT up and down like a yoyo..If you’d like to know more about how this 12 week mentoring and coaching programme might help you, contact me direct at to find out more about the 12 week mentoring and coaching programme designed to support you to do just that.Namaste, Shona
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