Biz and Tech Podcasts > Business > My Experience
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Gary Indiana-born artist/YouTuber Jaylin FLight Boy has come onto the scene and is on his way to becoming a big artist. In this episode, he will talk about his new EP Turnt also dealing with getting scammed on Instagram for money from a known artist. Find out what huge YouTuber he is working with. YOUTUBE SPOTIFY MIDWEST MIXTAPES #podcast #artist #jaylinflightboy #youtubers #artistinterviews #fingerroll #atlanta #rap #rapartist #scam
What's Up, Everyone Today's A New Day to Learn Something New and Be Great! On today's podcast, I talk about how I started trading and what platforms I use that makes me money.
Artist Interview RPGSHAD Hosted By Producer Finger Roll RPGSHAD | Talks Fashion, the Atlanta Music Scene, the Best time to record, What music means, and How to chase the paper, on My Experience Podcast hosted Super Producer Finger Roll Follow IG @rpgshadvevo @rpgshadpromo Booking @m37_mgmt Follow IG @fingerroll1 If you are an artist in the Atlanta area and want to be interviewed on my experience channel email In the subject put interview
New Female Artist @jayannasings sits down with @fingerroll IG fingerroll1 PODCAST STYLE -Let's talk about your experience in life, Dating Favorite Foods, Wild times, heartbreaks, and music. What do you do? Do you Like Atlanta? What are Your Favorite Foods? Do you Date?
SUACE | Talks about the Ohio music scene, the Atlanta move, the Best time to record, What music means, How to chase the paper, Ask Finger Roll about Freddie Gibbs, and talks about Interview On Off The Porch, Working With Nue Blanćo My Experience Podcast hosted by Super Producer Finger Roll
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