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Money Tips Podcast

Money Tips by Charles Kelly, author of Yes, Money Can Buy You Happiness.  Charles spent over 25 years in financial services working for banks, Insurance companies and as a qualified Independent Financial Adviser running his practice, before setting up his speaking, consultancy and property business.  Money Tips will help you save, make and accumulate more money whether you are a business owner, entrepreneur, employee or still searching for your vocation.   For more tips and information visit The Information given in this podcast is for your entertainment and should not be construed as financial advice. As always, take independent financial advice before making any investment decisions.


Last Episode Date: 26 July 2024

Total Episodes: 440

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26 July 2024
How Will the New Labour Government Transform the UK Housing Market?

How Will the New Labour Government Transform the UK Housing Market? What will this mean for Landlords and Tenants? The election of a new Labour government, and Prime Minister Sir Kier Starmer, brings a wave of anticipation and uncertainty, particularly regarding the UK housi...

23 min
18 July 2024
Mortgage Rates Fall Despite Bank of England Hold

Mortgage rates are coming down despite the Bank of England holding the base rate at a 15 year high at 5.25%. In this episode we discuss: Housing market and mortgage rates Section 24 Tax Trap for Landlords Money Management and Financial Freedom Gold and Silver Vs Cash Curren...

19 min
11 July 2024
Financial Planning And Wealth Management For High-Earning Millennial Couples

Interview with Theodore (T.J.) van Gerven CFP, as Boston-based Certified Financial Planner and podcaster covering the subject of “How to maintain financial independence and create growth and income streams from investments”.  In this episode we discuss: ‘F.I.R.E’ f...

34 min
4 July 2024
Understanding BRICS: A Rising Global Economic Force And New World Order

The BRICS group, comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, represents a formidable alliance in the global economic landscape. Formed in 2006, this coalition of emerging economies has steadily gained influence, shaping international trade and economic policie...

10 min
27 June 2024
Leasehold Property Owners MUST Watch This!

Leasehold Property Owners MUST Watch This! Housing Market Update Leasehold Reform Act Passes into law. Join me online on my free live money management training Wednesday at 7.00PM. Places are limited, so register now Click: The UK leasehold system has ...

21 min
20 June 2024
How To 10X Your Business Value And Cash Out TAX FREE With Marc Adams

Learn how to 10X Your Business Value And Cash Out TAX FREE  With Marc Adams, author of:  Secrets To 10Xing Your Business: And Cashing Out Tax-Free - Imagine reshaping the destiny of your business with strategies proven to not only multiply its w...

58 min
30 May 2024
Renters and Leasehold Reform Bills Could Fall as UK July General Election Announced

See also: Leasehold SCAM -  References: - "Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Bill" – UK Parliament: [Link]( –  The Guardian on Leasehold Abuses: [L...

10 min
23 May 2024
Leasehold Scandal: The Biggest Property Scam in UK History?

Why leaseholds are ripping you off! The UK leasehold system has long been a contentious issue, and many argue it’s one of the biggest scams in history. The current system, which dates back to feudal times, sees homeowners purchasing property but not the land it stands on. ...

19 min
16 May 2024
You Get What You Tolerate Not What You Deserve!

We are told that we get what we deserve, but is that true? We get what we tolerate, accept and put up with.   People will put up with the most terrible situations in their lives including abusive relationships, bad jobs and low wages for years.  Have you noticed that ther...

16 min
25 April 2024
Unveiling SSAS Secrets: Insights from an Expert Interview

In the realm of pensions and retirement planning, the Small Self-Administered Scheme (SSAS) stands as a potent yet lesser-known tool. To uncover its hidden gems and understand its potential benefits, we delve into an enlightening interview with Brian Harvey, an expert in the...

35 min
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