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LIKELY LOSER – Clarity Coaching, Confidence, Calling, Christian Entrepreneur

✨The Go-To Podcast for Introverted Christian Women Ready to Be the Leaders They Are Called to Be ✨Top 5% Global Podcast 🫵🏾Are you tired of feeling different, like the odd-ball-out, overlooked, misunderstood? 🫵🏾Do you feel called to grow a Kingdom online business, to lead, to serve, to make more money and more impact, but you don't know how? 🫵🏾Are you sick of feeling pressure to be more talkative, bolder, or more experienced before you even start? There is a way to grow your business, grow your confidence, without completely dismantling who you are. Hey I'm Sheereen aka Reen, I am a Christian Business Coach, CEO, and speaker all while being the quietest weirdo ever. Want to learn how? In this podcast, I will teach you how to: -> Grow your business without having to be talkative, on social media 24/7, or experienced -> How to lead with confidence -> How to stand out and make money from your business by using your personality -> How to grow spiritually as a Christian Entrepreneur You ready to go find your tribe, have candid conversations, embrace your unique path, and go BIG for the kingdom? Listen in, grab your paper, pen, and cup of coco and let's do it! It's time to create an online business with confidence, clarity, authenticity, and God-given calling. Binge away! Next Steps: Join The Community Connect With Me Visit The Website Email Us


Last Episode Date: 15 October 2024

Total Episodes: 62

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61 | Lessons from Job, Day Two: Finding Strength in Quiet Endurance
15 October 2024
61 | Lessons from Job, Day Two: Finding Strength in Quiet Endurance

Scripture Reading:Job 2:9-13 Key Verse:"When they saw him from a distance, they could hardly recognize him; they began to weep aloud, and they tore their robes and sprinkled dust on their heads." — Job 2:12 Reflection:Job’s friends initially showed their support by sitting in silence with him for seven days. There’s something powerful about quiet endurance, a concept many introverts resonate with. Sometimes, the most significant growth in our journeys happens not through grand actions but through steady, silent endurance. You might feel unseen or unheard as you quietly work on your business and yourself, but it’s during these silent periods that God often refines our character and deepens our trust in Him. Let's Take Action: How do you handle periods of waiting or uncertainty in your personal and professional life? How can you embrace moments of quietness and reflection to find strength in God? Prayer Focus:Pray for patience and endurance, trusting that God is working in the quiet moments to bring about His plans for you.   What's Next: 1. Free Personality Test 2. FREE 10-Minute Content Plan 3. JOIN a Like-Minded Community 4. HELP Starting An Online Business To Email Us:

19 min
60 | Lessons from Job, Day One: Trusting God's Sovereignty
8 October 2024
60 | Lessons from Job, Day One: Trusting God's Sovereignty

Scripture Reading:Job 1:6-12, Job 1:20-22 Key Verse:“The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.” — Job 1:21 Reflection:Job was a man who had everything, but in an instant, he lost it all. His wealth, family, and health were taken away, but Job’s response was not one of immediate anger or resentment. Instead, he worshiped God, trusting His sovereignty. As introverted entrepreneurs, when we face hardships in our businesses—failed launches, low sales, or even external criticism—our first instinct can often be to retreat or feel defeated. But Job teaches us the importance of recognizing that God is still in control, even in times of loss or uncertainty. Let's Take Action: How do you typically respond when things don’t go as planned in your business or life? What can Job’s response teach you about trusting God’s plan in-the-midst of setbacks? Prayer Focus:Ask God to help you trust His plans for your business and personal life, especially when things seem to be falling apart. What's Next: 1. Free Personality Test 2. FREE 10-Minute Content Plan 3. JOIN a Like-Minded Community 4. HELP Starting An Online Business To Email Us:

20 min
59 | How to Turn Any Skill Into Income
1 October 2024
59 | How to Turn Any Skill Into Income

In this episode, we’re diving into how you can turn the skills you already have into a profitable online business. Whether you’re just starting out or looking for new ways to monetize your talents, this episode will guide you through practical steps to transform your unique abilities into sustainable income streams. If you’ve ever wondered how to leverage your gifts for financial growth, this episode is for you! Key Takeaways: Identify Your Marketable Skills: Self-Reflection: Start by taking an inventory of your skills, talents, and hobbies. Ask yourself what you’re good at, what people often come to you for, or what you enjoy doing. Sometimes, we overlook our abilities simply because they come naturally to us. Examples of Skills That Can Be Monetized: Writing, graphic design, public speaking, teaching, coaching, organizing, or even a specific hobby like photography, baking, or gardening. Biblical Insight: Proverbs 22:29 reminds us, "Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings; he will not serve before obscure men." When we sharpen our skills, God can open doors of opportunity. Research the Market: Target Audience: Determine who would benefit most from your skills. Narrow down your target audience and understand their pain points. Tailoring your skills to meet a specific need can help you stand out in a crowded market. Create Income Streams From Your Skill: Freelancing/Consulting: Offer your skills as a service on freelance platforms (e.g., Upwork, Fiverr) or directly through your own website. Consulting is a great way to get started with little upfront investment. Coaching or Teaching: Package your knowledge and teach others how to do what you’re skilled at. Online courses, coaching programs, or workshops can be profitable and scalable. Products and Content Creation: Create products based on your skills, such as eBooks, online courses, or digital downloads. You can also use your skills to create engaging content on platforms like YouTube or Instagram to generate income through ads or sponsorships. Biblical Insight: Matthew 25:14-30, the Parable of the Talents, reminds us that God has given us skills and abilities to be used, multiplied, and invested wisely for the kingdom and our benefit. Pricing Your Skills:  Don’t undervalue your skills. Research competitive rates for your services or products in your industry. Remember, your time, effort, and expertise are valuable. Start Small, Scale Up: If you’re new, start with an introductory offer or price to attract clients, then raise your rates as you gain experience and credibility. Biblical Insight: Luke 10:7 teaches, “The worker deserves his wages.” Don’t feel guilty about charging for your skills and talents. God blesses us with gifts, and we are called to steward them well. Promote Your Skill and Grow: Marketing Your Services: Use social media, email marketing, and word-of-mouth to promote your services or products. Focus on providing value and solving problems for your audience. Consistent Growth: As you gain clients or customers, ask for testimonials and reviews. Use these to build credibility and attract more business. Practical Steps to Turn Your Skill Into Income: Write Down Your Skills: Start with a list of all your marketable skills, both professional and personal. Then narrow it down to what you love doing the most. Choose a Niche: Focus on one skill or talent that you can offer in a way that meets a need in the market. Define your target audience and tailor your offerings to them. Start Small: Begin by offering your services to friends, family, or local groups. Use feedback to refine your offerings and gradually scale up. Set Up an Online Presence: Create social media accounts and a website to showcase your skills, build credibility, and attract clients or customers. Charge Accordingly: Set competitive prices for your skills, ensuring that your rates reflect the value you provide. Don’t be afraid to raise your rates as you gain more experience Let's Take Action: This week, identify one skill you can begin monetizing. Write down how you can package it as a service, product, or content. Research competitors or others in your niche to understand how they’re monetizing similar skills. Create a social media post or website page that highlights this skill and how potential clients can benefit from working with you. What's Next: 1. Free Personality Test 2. FREE 10-Minute Content Plan 3. JOIN a Like-Minded Community 4. HELP Starting An Online Business To Email Us:

17 min
58 | The Real Cause of Your Problems... It's Not What You Think
24 September 2024
58 | The Real Cause of Your Problems... It's Not What You Think

In this episode, we discuss the real enemy working behind the scenes in your life and business—the devil. We often misplace our frustrations on people or situations, but Scripture reveals that our true battle is spiritual. Discover how to recognize the schemes of the enemy and how to fight back using biblical principles, especially as laid out in Ephesians 6:10. Key Takeaways: Understanding Your Real Enemy: Not a Flesh-and-Blood Battle: Ephesians 6:12 reminds us, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Our real enemy isn’t the people around us, our circumstances, or even ourselves—it’s the devil working behind the scenes. The Devil’s Schemes: The enemy’s goal is to distract, deceive, and destroy (John 10:10). When we face challenges in our businesses or personal lives, it’s important to recognize the spiritual warfare that may be happening. Recognizing the Devil’s Tactics: Deception: The enemy often works through lies, convincing you that you’re not good enough, your efforts will fail, or that God doesn’t care about your situation. His strategy is to plant seeds of doubt and fear. Distraction: The devil uses confusion and busyness to keep you from focusing on God’s purpose for your life and business. He wants to shift your attention away from God and onto worldly concerns. Division: The enemy thrives on creating division in relationships, both personal and professional. He sows discord to isolate you from the support you need. How to Fight the Real Enemy: Put on the Armor of God: Ephesians 6:10-18 is a powerful passage that equips us for spiritual warfare. “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes” (Ephesians 6:10-11). The armor includes: The Belt of Truth: Stand firm in God’s truth to combat the enemy’s lies. The Breastplate of Righteousness: Guard your heart by living in alignment with God’s ways. The Shield of Faith: Use your faith to deflect the fiery darts of doubt and fear the enemy throws at you. The Sword of the Spirit (God’s Word): Use Scripture to fight back, just as Jesus did when He was tempted in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11). Practical Steps to Fight the Enemy: Daily Prayer: Start each day by putting on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). Pray for God’s protection and strength in the face of spiritual attacks. Memorize Scripture: Equip yourself with key verses that you can use to fight against the enemy’s lies. Jesus used Scripture to rebuke the devil, and we can do the same (Matthew 4:4). Identify the Real Source of Conflict: When you feel overwhelmed or attacked, step back and ask if the enemy is behind the scenes. Pray for wisdom and discernment to see the spiritual battle at play. Stay Connected to Community: The devil works best when we are isolated. Stay connected to a supportive faith community, where you can receive prayer and encouragement. Let's Take Action: This week, focus on identifying any areas of your life or business where you might be feeling spiritually attacked. Spend time in prayer and ask God to help you put on His armor and stand firm. Memorize Ephesians 6:10-12 as a reminder of where your true battle lies. What's Next: 1. FREE Marketing Strategy Based On Your Personality 2. FREE 10-Minute Content Plan 3. JOIN a Like-Minded Community 4. HELP Starting An Online Business To Email Us:

21 min
57 | The Biggest Best-kept Secret to Get Clients 10X Faster
17 September 2024
57 | The Biggest Best-kept Secret to Get Clients 10X Faster

In this episode, we dive into one of the most powerful yet often overlooked tools in business—storytelling. Discover how weaving compelling stories into your marketing and branding can help you connect with your audience on a deeper level and attract clients quickly.  Key Takeaways: Why Storytelling is a Game Changer for Your Business: Human Connection: People relate to stories on an emotional level. Stories create trust and empathy, making potential clients more likely to invest in your products or services. Memorability and Influence: Facts tell, but stories sell. Stories make your message more memorable and persuasive, leading to faster client conversions. Biblical Example: Jesus often taught through parables, using storytelling to communicate deep truths (Matthew 13:34). His use of stories reached people's hearts, and we can use this method in our own work. How to Craft a Compelling Brand Story: Identify Your Core Message: What is the heart of your brand? Clarify the message you want your audience to understand about who you are and what you offer. Your Why: Share why you started your business, the challenges you’ve overcome, and the passion that drives you. This builds authenticity and relatability. Customer-Centered Storytelling: Focus on how your clients or customers are the heroes of the story. How does your product or service help them solve a problem or improve their lives? Elements of a Great Story that Converts Clients: A Relatable Problem: Start with the problem your audience is facing. Make it clear that you understand their struggle. Your Solution: Position yourself as the guide who can help solve their problem with your products or services. A Clear Outcome: Show the transformation your clients will experience after working with you. Paint a picture of what success looks like for them. Examples of Storytelling in Marketing: Social Media Posts: Share personal anecdotes or client success stories that show your audience the impact of your work. Website Copy: Use storytelling to make your "About" page and product descriptions more engaging. Email Marketing: Include a short story or testimonial in your emails that illustrates the value you provide to clients. How Storytelling Attracts Clients Fast: Creates Emotional Connection: Stories tap into the emotions of your audience, making them feel understood and valued, which encourages them to take action. Builds Credibility and Trust: Authentic storytelling establishes trust, showing potential clients that you’ve helped others and can help them too. Call to Action (CTA): Every story should lead to a clear next step, whether it’s booking a call, purchasing a product, or subscribing to a service. Let's Take Action: Challenge yourself to share one story that connects with your audience’s emotions and addresses their pain points. What's Next: 1. FREE Marketing Strategy Based On Your Personality 2. FREE 10-Minute Content Plan 3. JOIN a Like-Minded Community 4. HELP Starting An Online Business To Email Us:

21 min
56 | What to Do If You Feel Unheard and Unseen
10 September 2024
56 | What to Do If You Feel Unheard and Unseen

In this episode, we address the deep and often painful feelings of being unheard and unseen. Whether in relationships, business, or life in general, these emotions can weigh heavily. We’ll explore biblical truths to remind you of your worth and God’s presence, even when you feel overlooked by others. Key Takeaways: 1. Understanding the Feeling of Being Unheard and Unseen: Common Human Experience: Feeling unnoticed or undervalued is something many people go through, but it can be especially challenging for introverts or those who feel isolated in their personal or professional lives. Biblical Perspective: Even in moments of loneliness, God assures us that He sees us. Just as Hagar, in Genesis 16:13, called God “El Roi” (The God who sees), we can be reminded that no matter how invisible we may feel to others, God always sees and hears us. You Are Known by God: Psalm 139:1-3 says, “You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.” God’s intimate knowledge of you means you are never truly unseen. 2. Lean on Your God-given Talents Often times we allow ourselves to fade in the background because we haven't started walking in our greatness YET. Explore your gifts and talents. Understand what lights you up and what you are good at. 3. Finding Community and Support: Reach Out to Others: Feeling unseen can be isolating, but God often works through people to remind us of our worth. Don’t be afraid to reach out to trusted friends or family for support. Join a Faith-Based Community: Being part of a community that shares your faith can provide a space where you are truly seen and valued. Hebrews 10:24-25 encourages us not to “give up meeting together” but to “encourage one another.” Let's Take Action: This week, spend time in prayer, asking God to reveal His presence in your life, even in moments when you feel unseen. Reflect on Genesis 16:13 and Psalm 139. Write down your thoughts on how these verses can remind you of God’s constant awareness of you. Consider reaching out to someone in your community or faith circle for connection and encouragement. What's Next: 1. FREE Marketing Strategy Based On Your Personality 2. FREE 10-Minute Content Plan 3. JOIN a Like-Minded Community 4. HELP Starting An Online Business To Email Us:

13 min
55 | Mindset 101: An Introvert's Guide to Boost your Confidence
3 September 2024
55 | Mindset 101: An Introvert's Guide to Boost your Confidence

In this episode, we explore how introverts can boost their confidence by developing a strong, faith-based mindset. We’ll discuss practical steps for overcoming self-doubt, embracing your unique strengths, and aligning your confidence with biblical truths. Key Takeaways: Understanding Confidence as an Introvert: Embracing Your God-Given Personality: Recognize that being an introvert is a strength, not a weakness. God has designed you with a quiet strength and deep thinking abilities that can be leveraged in powerful ways. Reflect on Psalm 139:14 Renewing Your Mind with God’s Truth: Overcoming Self-Doubt & Affirming Your Identity in Christ:: Combat negative thoughts and self-doubt by renewing your mind with Scripture and focusing on your identity as a beloved child of God. Reflect on Romans 12:2 and 2 Timothy 1:7. Practical Steps to Boost Confidence: Speak Life Over Yourself: Practice positive affirmations grounded in Scripture. For example, declare Philippians 4:13 over your life: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Set Small, Achievable Goals: Build confidence by setting and achieving small goals. As you see progress, your belief in your abilities will grow. Prepare and Practice: Confidence often comes from preparation. Whether it’s speaking in public, networking, or launching a new project, take time to prepare and practice to build your confidence. Leaning on God’s Strength: Trusting in God’s Promises: Remember that your confidence doesn’t come from your abilities alone but from trusting in God’s promises. Reflect on Isaiah 41:10 Prayer and Dependence on God: Make prayer a regular part of your routine, asking God to fill you with His confidence and guide you in your endeavors. Embracing Your Unique Introvert Strengths: Deep Thinking and Listening: Use your strengths of deep thinking and listening to make meaningful connections and provide valuable insights in your work and relationships. Quiet Leadership: Lead with humility and authenticity, knowing that true leadership isn’t about being the loudest voice but about making a lasting impact through thoughtful actions. Let's Take Action This week, choose one biblical affirmation to meditate on daily. Reflect on how it impacts your confidence and mindset. Identify a small goal you can achieve to start building your confidence. Celebrate each step forward as a victory. Take time to pray and ask God to help you embrace your introverted strengths and use them for His glory. What's Next: 1. FREE Marketing Strategy Based On Your Personality 2. FREE 10-Minute Content Plan 3. JOIN a Like-Minded Community 4. HELP Starting An Online Business To Email Us:

14 min
54 | Different Ways to Make Money Every Day with Your Online Business
27 August 2024
54 | Different Ways to Make Money Every Day with Your Online Business

In this episode, we explore practical and actionable strategies to help you make consistent sales every day in your online business. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to boost your daily revenue, these tips will provide you with the tools you need to create a steady stream of income. Key Takeaways: Leverage Email Marketing: Build and Nurture Your List: Focus on growing your email list and regularly engaging with your subscribers through valuable content, offers, and promotions. Utilize Social Media Marketing: Engage with Your Audience: Interact with your followers by responding to comments, answering questions, and participating in conversations. This builds trust and encourages sales. Use CTAs: Clear Call-to-Actions (CTAs): Ensure that every page on your website as well as every post on social media has a clear and compelling CTA that guides visitors towards making a purchase. Offer Upsells and Cross-Sells: Upselling: Encourage customers to purchase a higher-end product or add-ons by offering relevant upsells during the checkout process. Cross-Selling: Suggest complementary products or services that enhance the main purchase, increasing the overall transaction value. Host Webinars or Live Events: Educational Content: Offer free webinars or live events where you provide valuable information related to your products or services. Use these events to pitch your offerings at the end. Engage and Convert: Engage with your audience during the event, answer questions, and provide special offers or discounts for attendees to encourage immediate sales. Utilize Content Marketing: Blogging and SEO: Write blog posts that target keywords related to your products or services, driving organic traffic to your site and increasing sales opportunities. Link Mentioned: All-inclusive selling platform- Kajabi Let's Take Action This week, commit to taking action on at least one strategy to increase your daily sales What's Next: 1. FREE Marketing Strategy Based On Your Personality 2. FREE 10-Minute Content Plan 3. JOIN a Like-Minded Community 4. HELP Starting An Online Business To Email Us:

16 min
53 | Does God Want Me To Fulfill My Dreams, A Biblical View Part 2
20 August 2024
53 | Does God Want Me To Fulfill My Dreams, A Biblical View Part 2

In this episode of, we dive into the question that many believers wrestle with: Does God want me to fulfill my dreams? We’ll explore the relationship between our personal dreams and God’s will, and reflect on the wisdom found in Psalm 105 to guide our understanding. Key Takeaways: God’s Faithfulness to His Promises: Psalm 105 recounts God’s faithfulness to His people, highlighting how He fulfills His promises in His perfect timing. This chapter reminds us that God’s plans are always for our good, even when they involve seasons of waiting or challenges. Joseph’s Story as an Example: The Psalm reflects on Joseph’s journey from dream to fulfillment, showing that God’s timing and path to fulfillment can involve trials and growth, but His promises never fail. Let's Take Action Spend time in prayer this week, asking God to reveal His purpose for your dreams. Reflect on Psalm 105, focusing on God’s faithfulness to His promises and how that applies to your life. Write down ways in which your dreams can glorify God and serve others. Share your insights with a mentor or friend to gain further clarity and encouragement. What's Next: 1. FREE Marketing Strategy Based On Your Personality 2. FREE 10-Minute Content Plan 3. JOIN a Like-Minded Community 4. HELP Starting An Online Business To Email Us:  

15 min
52 | How Do I Know if God Is Calling Me to Entrepreneurship? Part 1
13 August 2024
52 | How Do I Know if God Is Calling Me to Entrepreneurship? Part 1

In this episode, we explore the spiritual and practical signs that may indicate God is calling you to entrepreneurship. Learn how to discern this calling, align your business aspirations with your faith, and step forward with confidence and purpose. Key Takeaways: Understanding God’s Calling: What Is a Calling? A calling is a deep sense or direction that aligns with God’s will for your life. It often involves using your unique gifts and talents to serve others. Signs of a Calling: Recognize signs such as a persistent desire to start a business, a sense of peace when thinking about entrepreneurship, and confirmation through prayer, scripture, and wise counsel. Prayer and Seeking God’s Guidance: Daily Prayer: Spend time in prayer, asking God for clarity and guidance regarding your entrepreneurial journey. Listening to God: Be open to hearing from God through scripture, sermons, and the still, small voice within. Seek His direction in every step of the decision-making process. Aligning Your Talents and Passions: Identify Your Gifts: Reflect on the talents, skills, and passions that God has given you. Consider how these can be used to create a business that glorifies Him. Passion and Purpose: Ask yourself if your business idea aligns with your passions and if it serves a greater purpose beyond just making a profit. Confirmation Through Wise Counsel: Seek Mentorship: Consult with mentors, your community, or trusted friends/family who can offer guidance and perspective on your calling. Testing the Waters: Start Small: Begin by testing your business idea on a small scale. This can help you gauge your passion, the market’s response, and whether you feel God’s peace as you move forward. Trusting God’s Timing: Patience and Faith: Trust in God’s timing for your entrepreneurial journey. Sometimes, a calling to entrepreneurship may require waiting for the right season or circumstances. Obedience Over Outcome: Focus on being obedient to God’s leading rather than the immediate success of your business. Trust that He will guide your steps. Let's Take Action: Spend dedicated time in prayer this week, asking God for clarity on your calling to entrepreneurship. Reflect on your talents and how they align with potential business ideas. Seek out a mentor or spiritual advisor to discuss your thoughts and receive guidance. Consider starting small by testing your business idea in a low-risk way. What's Next: 1. FREE Marketing Strategy Based On Your Personality 2. FREE 10-Minute Content Plan 3. JOIN a Like-Minded Community 4. HELP Starting An Online Business To Email Us:

19 min
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