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Life After PhD

An intimate glimpse into the career (and broader, life) choices of PhDs. Support this podcast:


Last Episode Date: 3 October 2024

Total Episodes: 12

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Dr. NiLa Austin, educator and advocate for education, researcher
3 October 2024
Dr. NiLa Austin, educator and advocate for education, researcher

It was my great pleasure to interview Dr. NiLa Austin for the first episode of Season 2! Dr. Austin holds a BA in Psychology from George Mason University, a research fellowship at Howard University, an MA in Applied Developmental Psychology from George Mason, and a PhD in International Psychology from the Chicago School. Dr. Austin is an innovative educator who spends her time creating creative curriculum and advocating for middle schoolers welfare. She leverages her background in psychological research to ensure that all students have the opportunity to develop critical thinking and research skills that will benefit them throughout their life. I mean, I'm not joking: to date, Dr. Austin has created 15 youth programs/initiatives including cosmetology, barbering, high school/college prep , digital photography, young writers, doctors pathway, public speaking and more. These programs are completely FREE for students, with the majority scheduled during the school day and aligned with Common Core State Standards. I had such a great time chatting to Dr. Austin, and I hope you also enjoy our conversation! LinkedIn: Giveland: Want to be my next guest? Please get in touch on email (brielle.stark[at] or via LinkedIn ( --- Support this podcast:

53 min
Dr. Krit Sitathani, a chemist turned financial tech & environmental banking researcher
14 March 2024
Dr. Krit Sitathani, a chemist turned financial tech & environmental banking researcher

Dr. Sitathani and I go back many years -- mostly as competitors in the sport of rowing at Cambridge University! He graduated with his PhD in 2016 in physical chemistry, studying gas emission from diesel engines. Then, he embarked on a career in financial tech (you'll hear Krit say "fintech," which is what this is), and now is an Assistant Managing Director at a large bank in Thailand. His job now comprises both research and financial consulting, largely on environmental-related fund management. As he says in this podcast... he started doing something (fintech) that had nothing to do with his PhD in Chemistry, but has now suddenly found himself with a research-related role in a banking institution that's focused on many of the topics he researched in his PhD. It's fun how life can come 'full circle'! Hope you enjoy. LinkedIn: --- Support this podcast:

41 min
Dr. Angela Quiroz, fostering diversity and equity during and after her PhD
7 March 2024
Dr. Angela Quiroz, fostering diversity and equity during and after her PhD

Dr. Angela Quiroz works in Diversity and Equity, is a professor at a community college, and also runs her own consulting business! She holds a PhD in International Psychology, and a BA and an MA in Criminal Justice. It was a pleasure to chat with her and better understand her journey to where she is today. I hope that you enjoy! LinkedIn: --- Support this podcast:

38 min
Dr. Beejal Oza: a psychologist who finds herself in a business school
29 February 2024
Dr. Beejal Oza: a psychologist who finds herself in a business school

It was a real pleasure to chat with Dr. Beejal Oza, a psychologist and counselor working full-time as the Global Director of Counseling & Coaching Center & Assistant Professor at SP Jain School of Global Management in Dubai, UAE. Dr. Oza is also a Global Mental Health Consultant. She's got a spectacular outlook on life and emotional intelligence, and it was such a pleasure getting to spend some time with her! I hope you enjoy. --- Support this podcast:

48 min
Dr. Kacy Barker: returning for a PhD after 10 years in a career, navigating life/work boundaries, and an emphasis on social justice
8 February 2024
Dr. Kacy Barker: returning for a PhD after 10 years in a career, navigating life/work boundaries, and an emphasis on social justice

It is my pleasure to host Dr. Kacy Barker on this episode of Life After PhD! Dr. Barker has a PhD in International Psychology with a concentration in Trauma Services, a Master's degree in Forensic Psychology, and a Bachelor's degree in Psychology. She spent approximately ten years working before returning for her PhD, and shares some great life experiences that helped to motivate her to get a PhD, and also how her life experiences shaped her PhD and the time after it. She is a tireless social advocate, and shares a lot of information about her research on destigmatizing sex work and more globally on harm reduction. Please check out the links below for more information on these topics. I hope you enjoy listening to Kacy as much as I did! LinkedIn: Dr. Barker's PhD, " How Values Shape Attitudes: The Stigma of Sex Work in Amsterdam, The Netherlands": Harm Reduction Coalition:  Recommended further reading on sex work: If you're interested in being featured on Life After PhD, please reach out to Dr. Brielle Stark at --- Support this podcast:

38 min
Dr. Michele Veldsman: a neuroscientist, entrepreneur, mentor and leader
1 February 2024
Dr. Michele Veldsman: a neuroscientist, entrepreneur, mentor and leader

Welcome back to Life After PhD! Dr. Michele Veldsman is currently the head of Research & Development in Neuroscience at Cambridge Cognition, based in the UK. She graduated with her PhD from Cambridge University, and completed several postdoctoral roles / research scientist roles before taking her current job. She is a well-known mentor in the field of human neuroscience, especially to women and persons from marginalized and minoritized groups. She's gone out of her way to help others seeking a change from academia, and in her spare time (I joke, I joke), is about to go live with her startup, Playroom! Learn more about Michele, below. LinkedIn: Playroom: (and nice write-up: Dr. Veldsmans' courses: Interested in being on the podcast? Reach out to me (Brie) at --- Support this podcast:

43 min
Dr. Alexandra Moussa-Tooks: an academic career in the clinical sciences
18 January 2024
Dr. Alexandra Moussa-Tooks: an academic career in the clinical sciences

Dr. Alexandra Moussa-Tooks and I talk about her trajectory from a clinical psychology PhD, to a clinical internship, postdoctoral fellowship, clinical education professorship and now her role as a first-year tenure-track Assistant Professor. She has some great insight into her own favorite parts of doing a PhD (creativity! being interdisciplinary!), and great takes on lessons learned along the way. Dr. Moussa-Tooks academic page: Google Scholar: Some terminology we use: PI = Principal Investigator NIH = National Institutes of Health PBS = Psychological and Brain Sciences Wet Lab = a type of laboratory where it is necessary to handle various types of chemicals and potential "wet" hazards, such as with animal models If there's ever a word/phrase you're unfamiliar with, let me know and I'll add it to these notes. I'd love to host you next! Send me an email: --- Support this podcast:

53 min
Dr. Saajan Bhakta: A PhD in Psychology and the world of merger-acquisitions
11 January 2024
Dr. Saajan Bhakta: A PhD in Psychology and the world of merger-acquisitions

It's my pleasure to bring you this conversation with Dr. Saajan Bhakta, who I met many years ago during our time serving on the youth board of a non-profit. Dr. Bhakta received his PhD in International Psychology and applies many of those skills into the Mergers & Acquisitions industry. He also holds a role as a Associate Professor in a medical school, enabling him to stay close to the psychology research world. Join me in learning more about Dr. Bhakta's path -- and spoiler alert, he's probably been to more countries than all of us combined! LinkedIn: Apologies for a few audio blips; let's blame the WiFi! --- Support this podcast:

40 min
Dr. Emily Beswick: Extending your skills in the postdoc
4 January 2024
Dr. Emily Beswick: Extending your skills in the postdoc

Join me in chatting with Dr. Emily Beswick, who graduated with her PhD in 2022 and is now about to start her second postdoctoral position. Learn about how she decided to stick with a postdoc, but also learn about her interests in industry and next steps. LinkedIn: Some acronyms we mention on here: PI = Principal Investigator, usually director of a lab --- Support this podcast:

40 min
Dr. Neal Fox: Developing young minds in the Sierra Nevadas
4 January 2024
Dr. Neal Fox: Developing young minds in the Sierra Nevadas

Dr. Neal Fox is Founder and Executive Director of Sierra STEM, which runs experiential learning, educational consulting, and professional development programs in the beautiful Sierra Nevadas. Dr. Fox holds a PhD in Cognitive Science from Brown University. Following a very successful 'traditional academic path,' Dr. Fox found joy in high school teaching and then morphed his love of the outdoors and his science training to start Sierra STEM. Learn more about Neal: LinkedIn: Sierra STEM: I mention a little audiobook in the podcast. It's this one! "The National Parks" by Dayton Duncan and Ken Burns. It has a segment on Hetch Hetchy which then lead me to read/learn much more about the social and political history of the area. Some acronyms we mention on here: NSF = National Science Foundation NRSA = A training grant NIH = National Institutes of Health ECOG = Electrocorticography PI = Principal Investigator, usually director of a lab --- Support this podcast:

54 min
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