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Leadership Transformations

In the Leadership Transformations podcast, current and aspiring leaders will be inspired to clarify their highest professional and personal value that allows them to create stellar results in the workplace. Peridot Circle Consulting's principal consultants, Linda Linfield, Janet Taggart, and Niki Swan share experiences and insights using professional, real-life examples that listeners will recognize and may be dealing with in their own careers. Special guests include industry leaders who share their leadership transformation journeys, including pivotal decisions they made, principles that guided them, and what they learned along the way. You can learn more about Peridot Circle Consulting at or watch the videos of each episode on YouTube,


Last Episode Date: 3 September 2024

Total Episodes: 12

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3 September 2024
011: Getting Down to Business: Effectiveness vs. Efficiency—Which is Better?

Prioritize purpose and vision by doing the right things at the right time for the right reasons Today we are excited to be hearing from Janet Taggart, a personal leadership brand strategist who specializes in helping leaders in growth-oriented companies succeed in dynamic and complex environments. Our discussion breaks down some core differences between efficiency and effectiveness and why we should care. For many the terms seem interchangeable in their meaning and impact—but knowing the difference can change how you approach your career. Getting things done quickly is an amazing skill, yet it’s insufficient unless it is powerfully linked to the overarching purpose and vision for your work—the reasons why the items on your to-do list actually matter. Tune in for the paradigm shift you need to manage your time and resources with greater clarity.  Today we’ll talk about… [00:00:52]: The challenge holding many tech leaders back [00:01:23]: The “short game” and why it can appear as highly-productive [00:02:20]: Peter Drucker’s thoughts on “the Effective Executive”. Efficiency vs. Effectiveness breakdown [00:05:36]: Do you prioritize doing things over creating the right conditions for success? An example of one leader misunderstanding the “long game” [00:10:26]: The inflection points that can lead to opportunities [00:10:40]: How leadership coaching can help you break through limiting beliefs [00:12:45]: Strategy and implementation working hand in hand  As you tune in, you’ll have a better understanding of how to prioritize your time and attention for the greatest impact. Listen now! Follow Us Listen to the Leadership Transformations podcast on YouTube.  Keep up on news and events by following our business page on LinkedIn Peridot Circle Consulting.  If You Liked This Episode Related Article: “Unlocking the Power of Small Adjustments to Achieve Remarkable Results at Work” Join our email list for access to subscriber-only opportunities and events.  “The Effective Executive” by Peter Drucker Achieve clarity and confidential coaching for a specific problem or opportunity by meeting privately with one of our seasoned leadership coaches in a Rent-My-Brain session.

13 min
6 August 2024
010: Do You Know How to Enhance the Power of Your Leadership Presence?

Develop a leadership presence that fuels credibility, respect, and influence Today we have the privilege of hearing from Janet Taggart, a personal leadership brand strategist who specializes in helping leaders in growth-oriented companies succeed in dynamic and complex environments. Our discussion focuses on developing a key element of your personal leadership brand—gravitas.  Do you carry yourself in a way that predisposes others to not just like you, but to respect you? Establishing a credible leadership presence requires you to be intentional in how you present yourself. It is not enough to be likable or charismatic. As a leader, the essence of who you are internally should manifest externally and command respect.  Without leadership presence, you’ll have difficulty gaining attention for your ideas and obtaining buy-in on your proposals. And, you may struggle to earn the trust and proactive energy of those around you.  How can you ensure your demeanor and approach give your experience credibility and that your ideas carry weight?  Today we’ll talk about… [00:01:30]: Your leadership presence establishes gravitas [00:02:41]: You can be well-liked but not well-respected. Why?  [00:03:43]: Example of someone whose leadership presence was inhibited by his dress and language [00:04:28]: The question executives are asking themselves about you as they consider having you join them in the executive suite [00:06:17]: How the tone of your voice and your delivery plays into gravitas [00:05:55]: Does your language, demeanor, dress, and presence match your personal leadership brand? [00:07:35]: Analogy of polishing the silver, not changing the silver As you tune in, you’ll learn how to show up in a way that garners respect, buy-in, and influence. Listen now! Follow Us Listen to the Leadership Transformations podcast on YouTube.  Keep up on news and events by following our business page on LinkedIn Peridot Circle Consulting. If You Liked This Episode Related Article: “Mastering Resilience: How Personal Leadership Branding Transforms Leaders” Join our newsletter for access to subscriber-only opportunities and events. Experience a step-by-step transformative journey by joining our exclusive IMPACT® Leadership Program. Unlock your leadership potential today. 

11 min
9 July 2024
009: Taking Personal Responsibility and Cultivating an Attitude of Extreme Accountability

Empowering autonomy in your teams by applying lessons learned from more than four decades of leadership experience Today we have the privilege of speaking with David Berg, founder of the Association for Information Management’s Leadership Development Institute. David Berg started his career as a US Navy Flight Officer, eventually transitioning to business and technology where he worked for more than 25 years as a Chief Information Officer for high-tech companies like IBM, Unisys, and Sun Microsystems. Known for his leadership ability as well as his technical expertise (especially in global internet social systems), David's path took him from computer test tech one to Chief Information Officer over the course of just 18 years at IBM. Upon retirement about 18 years ago, David leveraged his passion for coaching, training, and empowering the next generation of leaders by creating the Leadership Development Institute, a leadership training program for technology professionals and executives. To date, LDI programs have engaged, inspired, and transformed more than 1,200 technology professionals from more than 115 companies. Drawing upon greater than four decades of leadership experience, Dave articulates his own leadership philosophy about how radical personal responsibility and a solutions-focused attitude can shape both your career and the experience you create for your teams.  If you sometimes feel frustrated when team members don’t take initiative or try to blame others for lack of progress, or even if you feel a bit stuck in your own career progression, our conversation about personal responsibility and attitude will illuminate the power of purposefully shifting your paradigms. You’ll find relevant insights that are clear, and immediately actionable. By adapting your attitude and behavior, you can become a magnet for opportunities and ultimately the stand-out leader you aspire to be.  Today we’ll talk about… [00:03:52]: David’s advice for how to get noticed and recognized as a high performer, plus the two life principles he lives by [00:10:06]: What his own career journey looked like—his turning point from a focus on problems to a focus on people—and when he realized that his promotions allowed him to learn more, do more of the work he loved, and to help others shine for their knowledge and contributions. And, the pay wasn’t bad either [00:18:25]: The importance of extreme accountability and how this practice can serve you in both your life and at work [00:25:02]: A big realization David had about emotional intelligence and the role it plays in a person’s success [00:29:40]: What he says are the two real enemies that can hurt an employee and why understanding these enemies is a key to your success [00:33:23]: David’s commitment to the next generation of talented IT professionals and the work he is now doing to ensure their success Tune in if you’d like to bring a more independent and determined presence to your work—and if you’d like to become a real stand-out in your environment. Follow Us Listen to the Leadership Transformations podcast on YouTube.  Keep up on news and events by following our business page on LinkedIn Peridot Circle Consulting.   If You Liked This Episode Related Article: “Is Your Leadership Mindset Helping You or Holding You Back?” Join the Peridot Circle Consulting email list for access to subscriber-only opportunities and events. Experience a step-by-step transformative journey by joining our exclusive IMPACT® Leadership Program. Unlock your leadership potential today.  

43 min
11 June 2024
008: “Winning the Wait”: A Proven Strategy for Career Resilience

When you think you’re ready for your next opportunity, but things are not going the way you think they should, what can you do to attract the right kind of attention to your capability and readiness? Not in a desperate panicked state—but in a way that allows you to move forward purposefully and powerfully.  In other words, what can you do when you believe you’ve prepared as well as you can already for an opportunity that has not materialized yet? And, what does it mean to “win the wait”? You can watch the video of this episode, along with all the interviews with our incredible guests, on our Leadership Transformations YouTube channel. Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or your favorite podcast app, and to get more empowering content aimed at maximizing the potential of employees and leaders of tech-savvy companies, please visit our blog at   We’ll see you back here soon with a brand-new episode of Leadership Transformations.   

13 min
14 May 2024
007: How Workplace Friction Can Lead to Breakthrough Opportunities

In a recent interview, cybersecurity expert SVP and CSO Kristina Belnap recalled her experience of learning to embrace workplace friction as the catalyst for her personal growth and the development of her team. By showcasing the relationship between beliefs and decision-making Kristina illuminates the power of giving and receiving feedback in the workplace. Her personal leadership philosophy has enabled her to traverse difficult organizational changes and culture shifts, establishing her credibility and presence at an executive level. Like Kristina, you can develop your leadership presence, characterized by gravitas and trust, by first recalibrating how you feel about friction and its role in the workplace. By considering friction’s role in catalyzing relationship breakthroughs and positive business outcomes, you can ignite your ability to grow professionally. And, by extension, you can build your capacity to foster your team’s growth.  You can watch the video of this episode with Kristina, and all the interviews with the other incredible guests we’ll be speaking with on our Leadership Transformations YouTube channel.  Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or your favorite podcast app, and to get more empowering content aimed at maximizing the potential of employees and leaders of tech-savvy companies, please visit our blog at   We’ll see you back here soon with a brand-new episode of Leadership Transformations.   

38 min
30 April 2024
006: Communication for Executives: How to Exude Confidence, Gain Trust, and Accelerate Problem-Solving

Stepping into a leadership role can be exhilarating yet daunting because you want to be ready for whatever challenges await you. Whether you've just accepted your first leadership position, expanded your leadership responsibility, or hope to be promoted into a leadership role—your desire to exude confidence and competence is clear.  But here's the catch: effective leadership isn't just about showcasing successes; it's about embracing vulnerability and communicating with purpose and authenticity.  While there are important benefits associated with sharing successes, your desire to impress your leaders can hinder open dialogue about specific problems that may be growing in magnitude. In conversations, especially with your own leaders, you may be afraid of disappointing them or causing them to regret hiring or promoting you. To mitigate these fears, you may find yourself downplaying or omitting concerns that are weighing on you.  On the other hand, you may be a person who tends to overshare concerns, problems, and frustrations, causing your leaders to worry about you and whether you are in over your head. In both of these scenarios, higher-level communication skills need to be developed. By becoming more self-aware of fears that can impact the effectiveness of your communication, you give yourself the opportunity to generate communication strategies that foster trust and confidence. You can learn to discern which problems need early intervention and insight from your leader. You can learn to talk about real issues honestly without sacrificing professional respect or causing unnecessary concern. [00:00:59]: As you aim to impress, are you making this mistake? [00:02:47]: The benefits of sharing your successes with your leader [00:03:51]: Does the anxiety and pressure you feel accurately represent your circumstance? [00:04:45]: A question to ask yourself to better understand your leader's perspective and concerns [00:05:31]: Ascertaining what you need to share with your boss to work more collaboratively [00:06:49]: Developing a strong thought partnership Don’t forget to subscribe to our Leadership Transformations YouTube channel:  For more empowering content, please visit our blog at:   We’ll see you back here soon with a brand-new episode of Leadership Transformations.

8 min
15 April 2024
005: Mastering Team Dynamics: Making the Most of Differences

For high-performing teams, the magic often lies in appreciating differences rather than striving for uniformity. Typically, a team is not a group of people you’ve chosen yourself. Whether you’ve been hired directly or reassigned to a team, or whether you’ve been promoted to lead former colleagues or inherited teams as a result of organizational realignment – how can you help your team thrive? Join us as we focus on how to turn a group of talented individuals into a team that achieves together. [00:01:20]: The dynamics of working on a team with diverse perspectives, strengths, and challenges [00:02:12]: Explore real-life examples of turning differences into team strengths [00:02:57]: How you can embrace the ‘magic of differences’ [00:03:48]: Slowing down and suspending judgment [00:05:27] How do you relate to your way of doing things? [00:06:12]: Two commitments that will help you navigate differences Don’t forget to subscribe to our Leadership Transformations YouTube channel: For more empowering content, please visit our blog at:  We’ll see you back here soon with a brand-new episode of Leadership Transformations.  

9 min
1 April 2024
004: Unlocking Potential: Natalie Atwood’s Journey to Transforming Workplace Culture

In today’s episode you’ll meet and hear the inspiring journey of Natalie Atwood, a vanguard in the HR industry with over 15 years of experience. From her unconventional path into HR to her transformative role at bswift, Natalie shares invaluable insights on letting go to grow, the nuances of effective delegation, and strategies for igniting true potential in others. She also discusses the challenges of standing out in an organization without overshadowing others, her collaborative efforts on succession planning with Peridot Circle, and her advice for those eager to accelerate their career trajectory.  Natalie Atwood is the chief human resources officer at bswift. With over 15 years of executive leadership experience in human resources at high-growth, top-performing, preferred employers such as bswift, Health Equity, and Breeze Airways, she is at the top of her field. Natalie was named one of Utah’s Top HR Professionals by Utah Business Magazine in 2020, and recently received bswift’s inaugural WIN Excellence in Leadership Award. Natalie continues to achieve impressive results with her successful approaches to attracting, developing, and retaining top talent in a competitive market. Join us as Natalie unravels the secrets to engaging top talent and fostering a culture of diversity, inclusion, and belonging, proving why she's celebrated as one of Utah's top HR professionals. You can watch the video of this episode with Natalie, and all the interviews with the other incredible guests we’ll be speaking with on our Leadership Transformations YouTube channel.  Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or your favorite podcast app, and to get more empowering content aimed at maximizing the potential of employees and leaders of tech-savvy companies, please visit our blog at   We’ll see you back here soon with a brand-new episode of Leadership Transformations.   

34 min
18 March 2024
003: From Technical Expert to Business Leader: Making a Successful Leap, Part 2

Do you work in a technical field and struggle to have your voice heard and your contributions recognized at work? You're not alone. Many technical professionals excel in their craft yet find themselves at a disadvantage when it comes to leadership and influence. In part 2 of this two-part podcast series on making the leap from technical expertise into leadership, we'll be diving into how to shape your communication so you can get greater buy-in and trust. You can watch the video of this episode, along with all of our impactful episodes including interviews with incredible guests, on our Leadership Transformations YouTube channel.  Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or your favorite podcast app, and to get more empowering content aimed at maximizing the potential of employees and leaders of growth-oriented companies, please visit our blog at   We’ll see you back here soon with a brand-new episode of Leadership Transformations.   

9 min
6 March 2024
002: From Technical Expert to Business Leader: Making a Successful Leap, Part 1

Are you a technical expert striving to make a broader impact beyond your defined role? This episode of the Leadership Transformations podcast dives into the common challenge of breaking through the confines of technical expertise and stepping into influential leadership opportunities. In part 1 of this two-part podcast series, we'll be diving into how to position yourself as the natural choice for leadership with a few simple strategies. You can watch the video of this episode, along with all of our impactful episodes including interviews with incredible guests, on our Leadership Transformations YouTube channel.  Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or your favorite podcast app, and to get more empowering content aimed at maximizing the potential of employees and leaders of growth-oriented companies, please visit our blog at   We’ll see you back here soon with a brand-new episode of Leadership Transformations.   

8 min
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