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Invisible Machines podcast by UX Magazine

UX Magazine presents the Invisible Machines podcast. Conversational AI is going everywhere. Join great weekly conversations with experts in a podcast about conversational AI and hyperautomation, covering the intersection of UX, business, technology and design. Robb Wilson and Josh Tyson, authors of Age Of Invisible Machines, the first bestselling book about conversational AI, envisioned the moment we’re in with ChatGPT and the AI revolution. Join weekly as they continue their discussion with leading thinkers and doers.


Last Episode Date: 5 September 2024

Total Episodes: 81

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5 September 2024
S4E7 Are AI Agents the End of SaaS?

As AI agents continue to remake the way we communicate with machines, what will become of SaaS companies? In this episode, Robb and Josh are joined by Janelle Teng, Vice President at Bessemer Venture Partners’ San Francisco office, who recently noted that “2024 has not b...

72 min
29 August 2024
S4E6 How Human Should AI Agents Really Be?

Sophie Bushwick is a regular contributor to Science Friday on NPR and has previously worked for Scientific American and Popular Science. As the Senior News Editor at New Scientist, she joined Robb and Josh in exploring anthropomorphism and AI. Sophie’s work reminds us th...

58 min
22 August 2024
S4E5 Agentic Micro UIs IN ACTION

Micro UIs are powerful interfaces built on-the-fly by. We've talked about micro UIs a lot on this podcast, as they are a critical component of AI agents, adding graphical functionalities to an automated conversational experience. Micro UIs let AI agents show users interactiv...

45 min
15 August 2024
S4E4 The Intelligence All Around Us

There are many lenses through which we can view the world, and that's especially true when considering the technologies associated with artificial intelligence. In this episode, James Bridle, author of Ways of Being, joins to explore a multitude of perspectives relating to o...

73 min
8 August 2024
S4E3 The AGI in Organizational Agility | McKinsey & Co.'s Aaron De Smet

We're rounding out our deep dive on organizational AGI with Aaron De Smet, a Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company who helped identify "The keys to organizational agility" with colleagues back in 2015. As we discussed in our first episode on organizational AGI, agility is...

68 min
1 August 2024
S4E2 Ephemeral Applications and AGI

We're entering an age when software will be written on-the-fly, by machines, to meet individual needs—an era of ephemeral applications. This will have a massive impact on the emergence of artificial general intelligence (also called AGI or singularity) and Ben Goertzel ret...

66 min
25 July 2024
S4E1 Organizational AGI

How do AI agents fit into a strategy for increasing a business' longevity? Imagine having a conversational operating system for your organization that was always learning. The advanced orchestration of AI agents can create a broader technology ecosystem that sets a traject...

60 min
11 July 2024
BONUS EPISODE: Building an Autonomous Company with AI Agents

In April, our co-host Robb Wilson was asked to join Jess Larsen on the Innovation & Leadership podcast to discuss AI agents and taking an agentic approach to workflow automation at an organizational level. As AI agents take center stage, we're reposting this conversation...

53 min
13 June 2024
S3E22 AI is a UX Term with Tanmay Bakshi, AI & Application Architect at IBM

Tanmay Bakshi is a technology wunderkind. He started coding when he was only four years old and his first iOS app was released just five years later, when he was nine. An autodidact and deeply curious technologist, Tanmay works as an AI and application architect for IBM, whe...

59 min
7 June 2024
S3E21 Forging Humanistic AI with Tom Gruber, Co-Founder of Siri

Journey into the innovative mind of Tom Gruber, co-founder of Siri and Chief AI Strategy Officer of Robb and Josh welcome Tom for an enlightening exploration of humanistic AI—systems that augment and collaborate with humans, rather than replacing or competing wi...

55 min
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