Biz and Tech Podcasts > Business > Inside Value
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We've hit the season 1 finale of Inside Value, but this is NOT the end! This episode's a little different from usual: I'll be reflecting on my journey, both in creating this podcast and my journey with you as the listener or viewer over these past 10 episodes (and 10 weeks!), and what I've got cooking for season 2, coming in June/July 2024 Watch to hear more about how we'll be taking Inside Value forward, together!
We’ve now got a whole bunch of value opportunities mapped out; how do we synthesize these into strategies that we can apply? Once created, how do we then integrate these Value strategies into our day-to-day operations? We’ll be answering these two questions, and more in today’s episode! Grab this week's diagrams and case study here!
This week, we round out the final sector of the Value Mapping framework, Value Networks and Ecosystems! Value Networks and Ecosystems is my ultimate favourite sector in the entire framework, because it really puts the ‘Innovation’ in Value Innovation. Listen in to learn more about why that is! As always, click here to download a copy of the framework and case study and follow along with the episode
This week's sector, Niche Value Analysis, is a pretty exciting one because it's the first place where we start taking the enterprise's external environment into account when discovering Value opportunities and formulating its Value Strategy Listen in to learn how this works! Click here to view and download the Value Innovation summary doc, with the framework included! And click here to download a pdf of this week's case study!
This episode is our second instalment of Value In Practice, where we invite a guest to speak about their understanding of Value in their area of expertise, and this week we’ve got Nompumelelo Moshoeshoe as our guest! Listen in to learn how Nompumelelo uses her expertise as a strategic consultant in enterprise development and change management, and how she understands Value and Value creation as it relates to empowering businesses for long-term success
This week, we're exploring the second sector in the Value Mapping framework, the Business Strategy sector Despite the name of the sector being Business Strategy, it's still very applicable to NPOs or other enterprises that don’t neatly fall into the definition of being a business. Listen in to hear how that is, how this sector works in the framework, and how you can find value opportunities existing within your existing business strategy Click here to view and download the Value Innovation summary doc, with the framework included!
In this week's episode, we're going through the first sector in the Value Mapping framework, the Value Proposition sector This sector is pretty crucial within Value Innovation, and we’ll be going over why exactly the Value Proposition itself is so important, both for your business or NPO specifically and within Value Innovation as a whole, and delving into the type of thinking you should hold when mapping value opportunities connected to your Value Proposition Click here to view and download the Value Innovation summary doc, with the framework included!
This episode is our very first instalment of Value In Practice, where we invite a guest to speak about their understanding of Value in their area of expertise, and this week we’ve got Mercury Duma as our guest! Listen in to learn how Mercury leads with Value and serves his community in his non-profit organization, the Duma Literacy Foundation
There’s a variety of reasons for Value creation and leveraging on it coming front and centre in the minds and operations of businesses and non-profits in recent years In this episode, we’ll be jumping into Value Creation as a concept, introducing Value Innovation as a strategic methodology for Value creation for your business or NPO and uncovering the framework that we at Vivre Consulting use to visualise Value creation opportunities Click here to view and download the Value Innovation summary doc, with the framework included!
Value has been a hot topic for as long as we can remember, but in actually is a challenging concept to get a grip on, particularly when you try to create and leverage upon it as a business or non-profit leader. In our very first episode, Siya gets into the basics of how Value can be defined and understood in in the enterprise context, and uncovers the basic principles that underpin Value creation and Value Innovation
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