Biz and Tech Podcasts > Business > Flipping Houses for Rookies
Last Episode Date: 02/03/2025
Total Episodes: Not Available
Bill’s Private Emails: In what might be our most revealing episode, we will expose raw, unfiltered details of deals that Bill, Pete, and their students are doing or have done in the last 90 days. If you stay all the way to the end ... you will see clearly on unveiled patterns that everyday folks, just like you, are doing to make 5-Figure paychecks on demand. Bill admits when he saw three of his students close $892,000 in real estate profits, by following simple and exact principles, it was decided this can't stay a secret any longer. But the real bombshell drops when Bill plays some videos of those students thanking us for showing them the path. This isn't theory; Bill and Pete growl. This is happening right now, in real time, and this window will not stay open for a long time. The big secret is: today's software is not the real story. It is using the proven creative techniques in overdrive. The software allows rookies to skip the beginner stage and speed things up exponentially. You are going to want to hear this. Miss this episode, and you're literally leaving money on the table!
Is it actually a time where novice real estate entrepreneurs can be on the same playing field as 30+ year veterans? More important, if you are tired of hearing some investors talk about how they “got in at the right time” and how real estate deals “used to be easier.” This single episode is going to take 97% of all rookies from the sidelines, and put them in the game. Not only that, it will allow any rookie to play as good, if not better, than any season pro. Today's Golden Era in Creative Real Estate is using powerful technology that allows deal hunting, structuring, and acquiring almost hands-free. And, 10 times better deals. To be blunt: if anyone has a pulse, and two brain cells to rub together in this golden age of Creative Real Estate. You can pile up dough like contractors pile up snow during a 5-foot snow storm in a parking lot. Now listen up ... this isn't a “nice to listen to” episode. This is like an all you can eat buffet that only has value if you haven't eaten in a week! The big boys haven't caught on yet. Which means you have a brief window of time now. So listen up quickly and get going now!
Are you in the real estate game, chasing the big bucks, but are not actually building anything? Spinning your wheels, hoping for a lucky break? Or, do you need and want a proven Creative Real Estate step-by-step system you can easily follow that will print out cash while you are still learning? Forget all the fluff and the GURU pipe dream. Let's talk about the bear-bone-basics you need to actually move the needle on your income, and success. And I am not talking about fancy strategies or complex maneuvers. It's about understanding the fundamentals while maximizing your returns on effort and time. Today's framework and formulas will clarify where to put your time and resources for gargantuan deals the others only wish they had. But we are not going to sugarcoat it, this is about putting in the correct, exact work so you can reap profits within the next 30-days. If you are serious about replacing income and building wealth, this is the first podcast episode of many to come with new technology in today's economy. So let me show you ...
Why is it that so many set goals, but never actually hit them? Or worse, forget about them, even start to implement and life kicks them in the teeth and end up with the exact opposite of the goals? Are there actual underground secrets in creative real estate that some know, and most don’t to being productive and a successful deal maker? Or, more important, what do most do when it comes to creative real estate profits that is great harm to themselves? What does a true peak performer learn and do so closing deals and getting consistent checks is like breathing air? Then there is the age old issue of time, and making sure there is enough to do it all? How do you do this? Or most important, is there an actual formula that is as natural as a spring rain falling? This may sound simplistic, but for many is not simple to do. Today we are going to drill deep into how you can easily turn your creative real estate machine into productive & successful activity with just a few easy changes. Let’s get started …
How do you actually fire your boss? Or throw that current income activity you have now, that you despise so much, in the trash and start with a new clean slate so you can actually enjoy the life you deserve? Here is the truth ... most people failing in real estate are getting crushed because they think “No Money” deals are wholesale deals, option assignments, even using private or hard money lenders for Fix & Flip. And no lie about it ... all this can make you money ... as long as you keep working. But what happens when, or if, you stop working? What if you were shown real deal examples that could get you a chunk of dough now, then some monthly cash to live with, and then a pile of retirement funds for when you stopped working. How much would that change your life? Or more important, your family's life? Forget about that raise your boss might, or might not give you. Delve into this unique, and not taught to many strategy ... and you will soon see the future “YOU" as a wealthy person living on your own terms. here we go…
In the raw, unfiltered episode.It doesn't matter if you are rolling in dough or flat broke. If you have a 500 credit score, or 800. Or, if you've done zero deals. Because for every investor making 7-figures, there are a minimum of 1,000 others grinding it out to do deals, missing kids birthday parties, family time, and even days off all to make ends-meet. give us 57 minutes of your undivided attention, and we’lll show you the exact blueprint to double profits & double your time off in your life. No theory. Just the precise framework you need to start getting 5-figure paychecks within 30-days, for matchmaking real estate sellers and buyers without a license, debt, or even risk. But, there are two conditions today: 1). Listen to the entire episode (no skipping - every minute matters) 2). take action within 30 days. If you can't commit to these two simple requests to become wealthy, please do not waste your time listening today. The clock is ticking, so make your choice. listen, or don't listen?
Today, we plan to reveal to you some of the million dollar “blind-spots” that are costing you everything when it comes to Creative Real Estate deals. Today, you may find out it is not your fault for not being successful in the world of creative real estate, and may discover how simple conceptual ideas can change your financial status forever. See, good processes are hard to learn but easy to live with once they are in play. And bad processes are easy to learn, but hard to live with Once in play. Either way, you are doing one or the other in Creative Real Estate, and you may not even know it. So after we reveal these seven gargantuan hazards (or blind spots) to you, it is possible the ball and chain holding you back will be cut and allow you to flourish and prosper the way you want. Let's get started with following where your money is, so you can grab it at will and truly live your potential freedom to the fullest - without all that hard work!
Look out rookies ... this episode will either make you a lot of money, or make you mad. If you've ever stayed awake at night, grinding your teeth because another “no money down” GURU just tried to sell you a $2,000 course ... while you were struggling to get your first deal ... then this might be the most important podcast episode you'll ever listen to. Here is why: In the next 60 minutes we are going to pull the curtain back so you can find the pile of gold in each Creative Real Estate transaction. This is not a fairy-tale weekend seminar talk, or recycled garbage flooding youtube. This single episode is for those action takers who just want to get down to business. If you are sick of having deals slip through your fingers because 97% of all sellers you talk to want “all-cash,” then in the next 60 minutes we will change everything for you. Reality Check: This isn't for everyone,. it is meant for those who don't have phone-phobia and will talk to Sellers and flip real estate documents for 5-Figure paychecks, on demand!
Before you get into today's information, we have a warning you must heed: This episode contains Creative Real Estate wealth-building strategies that any real estate lender doesn't want you to know. In fact, if you are sick and tired of hearing how everyone except you are snatching up property with zero down, and living the type of lifestyle you dream about, and want ... today you will hear some down to earth strategies you can start immediately, and we'll get you closer and closer to standing in line at the bank ready to deposit your big profit check. This podcast is aimed at the rookie whom thinks Creative Real Estate deals are too - complicated. But, be careful, only because this street level wisdom could seriously damage your excuse-making ability that is keeping you on the sidelines watching, instead of in the game scoring. Today is when you stop being a spectator in the biggest wealth game on planet earth. Listen up today and you will soon feel like starting and not even knowing why. Except it is the right thing to do ...
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