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Energy Unpacked

Energy is at the center of decarbonising the economy, and we need all hands on deck to do it, so why not start here? Your co-hosts Bronte Wilson and Adam White will provide jargon-reduced insights into the Australian Energy Transition, a transition from a fossil-fuel-dependent and centralised energy system to a decentralised renewable-based one. You can expect short explainer episodes on some of the key challenges and opportunities, as well as longer Q&A episodes with industry experts.


Last Episode Date: 5 March 2024

Total Episodes: 11

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Hedda Ransan-Cooper- Community batteries and the role of households in the energy transition
5 March 2024
Hedda Ransan-Cooper- Community batteries and the role of households in the energy transition

This week we speak to social scientist Dr Hedda Ransan-Cooper about her insights on community batteries and DER as it relates to residential customers. Hedda leads the social science program within the Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program (BSGIP) at ANU.We explore what differentiates a community battery from other battery projects, and community expectations around the problems these batteries should solve/ services they should provide. Hedda also highlights some of the issues and risks associated with an energy system relying on customer owned DER. Learn more about Hedda’s research here:, and connect here

43 min
Skill Shortages
27 February 2024
Skill Shortages

It seems fitting to round out one of our last episodes of this season with a call for more people to join the energy industry as we embark on a once in a lifetime transition. There is no shortage of work required to decarbonise our electricity grid, but there are shortages in the people and skills required to do that work. In this conversation we provide an overview of this looming problem, the drivers, and potential solutions. Sources used in the creation of the episode include: 2021 Infrastructure Market Capacity Report 2022 Local Government Workforce Skills and Capability Survey E3 Fast track The Australian Electricity Workforce for the 2022 Integrated System Plan: Projections to 2050.Revision 1.

7 min
Matthew Charles-Jones - Lessons from Yackandandah’s Community Energy Journey
21 February 2024
Matthew Charles-Jones - Lessons from Yackandandah’s Community Energy Journey

On the podcast today, we interview Matthew Charles-Jones on the topic of community energy. Matt is a founding member of the community energy group Totally Renewable Yackandandah, which is helping power a small Victorian town with 100% renewable energy. In this episode we unpack how Yackandandah came to be a national leader in the adoption of rooftop solar, and what the takeaways are for other parts of Australia. You can learn more about Totally Renewable Yackandandah and their initiatives here;

52 min
Securing Social License
13 February 2024
Securing Social License

It’s no secret that to build out all the new renewable generation, storage and transmission infrastructure we need to reach an 80% renewable grid by 2030, we need communities onboard. In this episode we cover some of the challenges around securing social license, and pathways for progressing this important element of the Energy Transition. Sources used in the creation of this episode include;  AEMO’s 2022 Integrated System Plan HumeLink transmission project shapes up as a test of governments’ will Strategic Benefit Payments Scheme Overview 

9 min
Mining Minerals and Metals for the Energy Transition
6 February 2024
Mining Minerals and Metals for the Energy Transition

If you enjoyed listening to our recent conversation with Rob and Sam from Solar Recovery Corporation, don't miss this episode! Tune in to learn more about the challenges and opportunities we face meeting the scale of minerals and metals required to enable the energy transition.  This podcast was largely informed by the following sources: Powering Up: Unleashing the Clean Energy Supply Chain The net-zero materials transition: Implications for global supply chains. The Role of Critical Minerals in Clean Energy Transitions.

12 min
Rob Gell and Sam Agostino-Recovering materials from end-of-life solar panels
30 January 2024
Rob Gell and Sam Agostino-Recovering materials from end-of-life solar panels

This week's podcast episode features insightful discussions with Sam and Rob from Solar Recovery Corporation, shedding light on the immense scale of solar panels that Australia will need to process in the coming decade as well as the exciting opportunity to reuse recovered materials for other clean technology applications. Discover more about Solar Recovery Corporation's tried and tested technology by exploring their website at

45 min
Carbon Credits & Greenwashing
23 January 2024
Carbon Credits & Greenwashing

On the podcast this week we start to unpack the complex and often controversial topic of carbon credits. We cover the role of carbon credits in the energy transition and the challenges associated with creating a transparent and effective offset market.  You can find information about the ACCC’s guidelines on greenwashing here:  Sources used in the creation of this episode include: Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units. Why offsets are not a viable alternative to cutting emissions. Climate Active Trademarks- Carbon Neutral Claims Australia-Institute-complaint-Climate-Active-WEB.pdf Claims Code of Practice Building Integrity in Voluntary Carbon Markets.  How additional is the Clean Development Mechanism Carbon farmers are raring to go, but experts say the soil carbon method is flawed.

14 min
Megan Fisher- Insights on Australia's energy innovation ecosystem
16 January 2024
Megan Fisher- Insights on Australia's energy innovation ecosystem

On this episode we had the opportunity to learn about some of the up and coming startups in the clean tech space from CEO of EnergyLab Megan Fisher, as well as the challenges of the start up ecosystem in Australia. Click here to learn more about EnergyLab and the different programs they offer

35 min
Season 1 Trailer: Energy Unpacked
4 January 2024
Season 1 Trailer: Energy Unpacked

Energy is at the center of decarbonising the economy, and we need all hands on deck to do it, so why not start here?  Your co-hosts Bronte Wilson and Adam White will provide jargon-reduced insights into the Australian Energy Transition, a transition from a fossil-fuel-dependent and centralised energy system to a decentralised renewable-based one.  You can expect short explainer episodes on some of the key challenges and opportunities, as well as longer Q&A episodes with industry experts. Topics for Season 1 range from the future of solar panel recycling to the state of our clean energy innovation ecosystem, and the role of community batteries in our future grid.  If you’re passionate about climate change or the energy industry or just want to learn more about the Energy Transition please plug in. 

2 min
Scale of the Australian Energy Transition
4 January 2024
Scale of the Australian Energy Transition

To kick off Series 1 of the podcast, we are unpacking exactly how large the scale of the energy transition in Australia is. Whether you work in the energy industry or not, it can be helpful to zoom out and look at the big picture before diving into specific topics. There is no denying that the challenge of transforming our centralised energy system to a decentralised renewable system is immense, but with this comes great opportunities and more importantly, critical climate stakes.  This podcast was supported by information from AEMO’s 2022 ISP Report which you can find here;

6 min
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