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Energy Thinks with Tisha Schuller

A podcast about how the oil and gas industry will lead into the energy future.


Last Episode Date: 28 May 2024

Total Episodes: 91

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28 May 2024
Beyond Single Solutions with Amy Cradic

Tisha Schuller welcomes Amy Cradic, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Non-Utility Businesses, Strategy and External Affairs, at New Jersey Resources, to the Energy Thinks podcast. Amy is responsible for providing leadership, management, and vision to NJR C...

27 min
14 May 2024
Work the Problem with Shawn Patterson

Tisha Schuller welcomes Shawn Patterson, President and CEO at Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline, to the Energy Thinks podcast. Listeners will hear how Shawn sees opportunities within all risks. Shawn holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Rose-Hulman Institut...

38 min
30 April 2024
Fueling the Future of Aviation with Air bp’s Federica Berra

Tisha Schuller welcomes Federica Berra, senior vice president of Air bp, one of the world’s leading suppliers of aviation fuel products and services, to the Energy Thinks podcast. Listeners will hear about how the aviation industry is working collaboratively to push toward...

29 min
16 April 2024
How to Be an Optimist with Albert Girgis

Tisha Schuller welcomes Albert Girgis, head of growth at EQT, to the Energy Thinks podcast. Listeners will hear about EQT’s grit, resilience, and laser focus to get things done. Albert Girgis serves as EQT’s head of growth which is part of the new ventures practice th...

25 min
2 April 2024
Lessons from Four Years of New Energy Ventures with Brian Hlavinka

Tisha Schuller welcomes Brian Hlavinka, vice president of new energy ventures at Williams, to the Energy Thinks podcast. Listeners will hear Brian’s insights and advice on how oil and gas companies can expedite success in their new energy ventures endeavors. Brian also spe...

43 min
19 March 2024
Climate Plan of Attack with Regina Mayor

Tisha Schuller welcomes Regina Mayor, global and U.S. head of energy and natural resources at KPMG, to the Energy Thinks podcast. Listeners will hear Regina’s insights into KPMG’s 2023 CEO Outlook survey including key takeaways for future proofing energy leaders. Regina ...

25 min
5 March 2024
Energy Leadership is Personal w/ NY Public Service Commissioner Burman

Tisha Schuller welcomes Diane Burman, New York State Public Service Commissioner, to the Energy Thinks podcast. Listeners will hear Diane’s thoughts about the personal, emotional, and unique relationship stakeholders have with energy. Diane also discusses her experience en...

33 min
20 February 2024
Moving the Needle at COP 28 with Saamir Elshihabi

Tisha Schuller speaks with Saamir Elshihabi, principal lead of energy transition at the UAE Climate Change Special Envoy, on the Energy Thinks Podcast.

42 min
6 February 2024
Optimize, Baby! with Arjun Murti

Tisha Schuller welcomes Arjun Murti, partner at Veriten and author of the “Super Spiked” newsletter, to the Energy Thinks podcast.

51 min
5 December 2023
The Conservative Futurist: James Pethokoukis

Tisha Schuller welcomes James Pethokoukis, senior fellow and the DeWitt Wallace Chair at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), to the Energy Thinks podcast. Listeners will hear James discuss the optimistic themes in his book, The Conservative Futurist (

28 min
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