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Dollars & Common Sense

A listener-driven radio show aired on WNIS AM790. Objective, unbiased financial advice on all personal financial planning matters delivered by CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERS™.


Last Episode Date: 29 August 2024

Total Episodes: 65

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29 August 2024
Reverse Mortgage: What are they, how do they work, what is the benefit?

This show, we do a deep dive on reverse mortgages. Once a much maligned financial product -- and for good reason -- they are now a very viable and beneficial financial planning tool.

41 min
15 August 2024
Twenty-Five Truths About Money

Short, bite-sized truisms about money to help you build a solid financial foundation and build wealth over time.

43 min
26 July 2024
How to Prioritize Savings to Growth Wealth Fast

This is the annual discussion of one our most popular podcasts -- prioritizing the right savings vehicles to maximize your net worth. It's starts with an emergency fund and ends with a traditional brokerage account, but there are a whole lot of options in between.

43 min
11 July 2024
Estate Planning: Tools, Tips, and Techniques

Estate planning is an important component of comprehensive financial planning. In this episode, we discuss why estate planning matters, the key components of a complete estate plan, and the pitfalls of a poorly crafted (or non-existent) estate plan.

43 min
26 June 2024
Financial Independence: What Is It, How to Achieve It

The different perspectives on Financial Independence, it's importance, how to achieve it, and some potential pitfalls to keep in mind.

43 min
13 June 2024
How to Live a Tax-Efficient Life

Steps you can take year-round to lower your annual tax bill and keep more money for yourself.

43 min
30 May 2024
Demystifying Long Term Care

Long Term Care - What is it, how is it delivered, types of facilities, and how to plan and pay for it.

43 min
16 May 2024
The Concerning State of Retirement Savings in the US

A recent survey shows that about one-third of the US population has nothing saved for retirement. Of those who have something saved, most have less than $100,000. We discuss this low rate of retirement savings, how you can improve your savings rate, and tell a success stor...

42 min
24 April 2024
Wealthway Investment Management Philosophy and Principles

Wealthway Financial Advisors investment management philosophy and principles are explained in detail. Money is purchasing power and its value is relative. Stocks are a superior and safer long term investment than bonds. But investors must accept more short term variations...

43 min
12 April 2024
Listener Calls

This week, we have a show full of listener calls. Hear real life scenarios from people who need help maximizing their financial resources. Kevin discusses what to do with a large windfall, how to find an experienced, ethical financial advisor, encourages a listener to buil...

43 min
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