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David Burns’s Podcast

Based on 30 years of quality management expertise, David Burns provides management and technical support to all those business manager's tasked with developing and implementing quality management systems. 

Free - don't you just love free! My podcasts are normally a short bursts of information to support your business compliance. The podcasts range from "how to manage auditing" through to "a full on auditor training program". Please contact me at if you'd like a "quality management" podcast "specific to your needs"... more than happy to support your business - 

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Last Episode Date: 9 April 2024

Total Episodes: 14

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THE INTERNAL AUDITOR - ...wave goodbye to the classroom... listen and learn
9 April 2024
THE INTERNAL AUDITOR - ...wave goodbye to the classroom... listen and learn

Whether you're new to internal quality system auditing, or an old hand, listen and learn from our "podcast" and at the same time refer to our "free" kindle eBook from Amazon. Be prepared to present you case for internal auditing and reporting. Our internal auditor training is divided into 5 easy reference sessions:1. Developing audit concepts - why, where and when to audit2. The auditor - character and how to select the best auditor3. The audit - where to look, what to audit and who to ask4. Auditor skills - getting it right, with the correct information5. Reporting the audit - presenting the performance improvement case to management… with the primary objective of performance improvement and contract compliance.… you'll know as much as the Certification Body at the close of the podcast.For your FREE kindle e-book (copy into your browser) - information contained in this publication is designed in such a way as to give knowledge and guidance to Quality Managers and Internal Auditors. The methodologies applied throughout this booklet are well proven and will deliver performance improvement – and your reputation as an expert Internal Auditor. 

38 min
8 April 2024

Hopefully both... a cool drink, a hot sunny beach, waves crashing, and yes, an ISO 9001 podcast - living the dream or what!!Now is the right time to consider taking your business to the next level. Up date your current ISO 9001 or go for the AS 9100 certification. The positive re-structure and re-launch of your business and what better management tool – ISO9001. In just 4 days, The Assessment Register team can quickly make you ready and manage your formal certification! The foundation of continuous improvement.Yes, it is time to land the mother ship – the mother of all quality management system Standards – ISO 9001 is the cornerstone for competitive advantage and business improvement.This podcast is a simple reminder about the benefits of ISO 9001 and related certification.Enhanced reputationBusiness improvementCommercial awarenessRisk mitigationResource planningSustained developmentQuality assurance…and above all, putting your business on the tender to bit for contracts.Remind yourself of the benefits at your leisure – listen to the podcast and contact The Assessment Register for more information – 

5 min
2 January 2024
Your One Day AS 9100 & ISO 9001 Training - Awareness, Auditing & Implementation... plus free to download Kindle

An Excellent Opportunity to Attend our 4 Session Remote AS 9100 & ISO 9001 Training Program for aerospace, to include Internal Audit methodologies and best practice and the AS 91## family of support Standards, to include ISO 9001 of course. The course is also supported by a "free to download" Kindle or booklet to purchase as a point of reference guide. Go to Amazon and "search books" The Internal Quality Auditor - The Next Generation eBook  Listen to this podcast for all you need to know about attending this remote training program. We describe the 4 sessions, expertly designed as follows:1.       AS 9100 Awareness & Implementation2.       AS 9100 Technical Series & Areas Discussion3.       AS 9100 Internal Auditor Training4.       AS 9100 Case Studies & WorkshopsCourse HistoryOur “remote training” course – is all about AS 9100 and aerospace quality management "best practice" and "quality management" audit methodologies. Originally developed for our consultancy project clients, based on the need for practical understanding and not just talking about AS 9100 clause headings, but actual explanation about technical implementation in context with the organizational requirements.The course is divided over 4 x sessions, throughout 1 x day. Unlike many other AS 9100 training courses, our “remote training” course program is delivered by true practitioners with an unchallenged reputation of ensuring Certification success. The course program provides a unique blend of practical implementation advice against those awkward clauses of the AS 9100 – providing proven examples when required.We understand what the Certification Body requires from you to achieve AS 9100. Therefore, our primary focus is ensuring you successful development and implementation, through to compliance. We pride ourselves on delivering expertise for both improvement and technical compliance – we stand or fall by the quality of our AS 9100 training.Course ObjectivesOur “remote training” course program is dynamic and encourages complete delegate participation. All delegates are asked to provide us with a series of questions in advance of attending the course, relevant to specific needs to ensure we balance the course to the group – and answer your specific questions.Our “remote training” is aimed at those already familiar with the requirements of "quality management systems". In addition, fir those seeking to have a better understanding of the aerospace and defence sector requirements - all your questions will be answered with a “no-nonsense” example to support compliance.Course TutorWith over 30 years of "quality management" and "conformity assessment" experience, within the private sector and government institutions. Successfully completed over 600 legal metrology, standards, testing and quality assurance projects within the UK and internationally. From AS 9100 and ISO 9001 to ISO 17025 and AQAP to CAA JAR 145, from engineering apprentice, compliance manager to senior civil servant... to include sector scheme development for trading standards... rest assured, our course tutor is a true practitioner that won't disappoint. After listening to this podcast, contact and book your place. We can also deliver this training course program one-on-one remotely or at your organization if preferred.Email:

3 min
1 January 2024

What do we actually mean? The importance of Traceability – Its all about providing “confidence” and “integrity” within the supply chain. Everything to support the product specification and of course user (consumer) confidence and ultimately "brand image":From raw materials, such as – metals, alloys, carbon fiber, wood, packaging, food, etc. through to all matters of calibration – measurement integrity, standard reference materials for chemical analysis, legal metrology for trade, etc.That Paper Trail – We traditionally underscore our confidence with “a paper chase” (or pdf's) from the supplier of materials or components, for example:Certificate of conformity (against a technical specification or part number)Declarations of performance (against a directive for CE / UKCA Marking)Mill certificate (from the – well… the mill)Test certificates (from those within the “process” responsible for inspection / testing).However, remember…. just because you have the “paper trail” with a link to the “item” supplied, it does not mean that the material or product is correct or compliant.No.... ISO 9001 and AS 9100 only require the management of "traceability" and not material or product compliance... for that, we must delve deeper!Your customers are aware of the failures within the "supply chain" and that is why customer contracts state "supplying materials and components with certification from a quality assured and approved supplier - does not absolve you the supplier from the responsibility of ensuring material compliance". This "podcast" will provide the necessary guidance for your consideration about how you manage your supply chain integrity - risk and mitigation.

13 min
1 January 2024

With fear of stating the obvious, this podcast is about "calibration control" for general mechanical engineering and precision machining. The podcast includes hints and tips for the avoidance of audit non-conformances. Most organizations will have very good calibration control internally, although sometimes fail to manage external calibration service providers and accredited calibration laboratories.This podcast is a gentle reminder not to assume calibration is compliant in the hands of external service providers... Look at the scope of your calibration service providers accreditation schedule.Consider your customer contract obligations and requirements and then double check this against the calibration laboratory.Some will claim ISO 9001 certification for the calibration service; this is the management of the calibration service and not always the control of the calibration itself.The use of a UKAS accredited calibration laboratory is the safe bet (or other ISO 17025 accredited laboratory), but always confirm the scope of your chosen laboratory.

9 min
31 December 2023

Like me, are you fed up with the Certification Bodies and Approved Bodies mischief making over the CE and UKCA... years have gone since Brexit, but they still constrain trade through confused messages. Let us be clear. UKAS is a signatory of the EA Multilateral Agreement (EA MLA) which is a signed agreement between the EA (European Accreditation) Members whereby the signatories recognize and accept the equivalence of the accreditation systems operated by the signing members, and also the reliability of the conformity assessment results provided by accredited bodies by the signing members.As signatory to the EA MLA the accreditation system operated by UKAS continues to be accepted by the other signatories as equivalent to their own accreditation system and declare, when requested, conformity assessment results (e.g. reports or certificates) issued by those accredited by UKAS for the relevant scope to the EA MLA, to the ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement (ILAC MRA) and to the IAF Multilateral Recognition Arrangement (IAF MLA) as reliable.With this in mind, UKAS accreditation is recognized and accepted throughout the EU; does this mean that the UKCA Mark will be accepted throughout the EU in the same way as the CE Mark? Well, it certainly reads that way, because the UK has adopted all the EU legislative "product directives" into Statutory Instruments - otherwise, what would be the point of UKAS remaining a member of EA? If not to facilitate UK trade within the EU market?In brief, when being audited and certificated against the BS 1090 in the UK (UKCA), this will translate into EN 1090 (CE), because it is one of the same (against the CPR).That said, within the UK market, we have a keen focus on the NSSS 7th Edition, coupled with the “customer contract” specification being the “legal precedence” over the content of EN 1090. Refer to the NSSS 7th Edition clause 1.2.3, where the contract technical specification takes precedence over the EN 1090-2 content.From the top and to recap:·         Legal Framework - Compliance with the “Construction Products Regulation” (CPR) is the law within the UK (and the EU).·         Product Declaration - Compliance with the “United Kingdom Conformity Assessment” (UKCA) is the law within the UK (as per the CE).·         Legal Responsibility – Anyone that places a UKCA Marked product onto the UK market becomes the responsible manufacturer of the product in the eyes of the law.The BS 1090 Certification is NOT the law in the UK (the customer contract and technical specification - takes precedence over the content of the EN 1090-2 / EN 1090-4). The CPR is the legal framework.The BS 1090 simply provides a “small” point of reference for “Factory Production Control” as per BS 1090-1 Clause 6.3 and makes references to UKCA Marking. The legal reference for the UKCA Mark within the United Kingdom with reference to the CPR is the Statutory Instrument – UK SI1620 - previously known as the Regulation (EU) No 305/2011. Then we must also consider "professional and technical qualifications" of those involved with - structural design, the architect, the engineers, the auditors, etc. The customer contract agreement is key to compliance.One other thing to consider. Just because UKAS is a part of EA, does not mean instant recognition of professional qualification - "UK professional qualifications may not be recognized in the EU (and vice versa), although the UK and EU member states could decide to unilaterally recognize each other’s professional qualifications or provide streamlined routes to re-qualification".

6 min
28 December 2023

Hello my name is David Burns of The Assessment Register and welcome to our "podcast".As the "podcast" name implies, this podcast is all about considering  and controlling potential "counterfeit" within your supply chain. The AS 9100, IATF 16949 and ISO 9001 requires a level of control to mitigate "potential" counterfeit .Whether alloys and electronic or software and certificates, counterfeit can creep into the supply chain. However, be very aware. Counterfeit is only counterfeit if proven to be counterfeit. Many AS 9100  and ISO 9001 auditors forget that a counterfeit part may not be a counterfeit, but a mistake without malicious intent.Within “quality management system” circles, we are all aware that the law will take precedence over a voluntary Standard. In addition, a legally binding contract will also take precedence over a voluntary Standard. UK law around “forgery and counterfeiting” talks about “intending to deceive” through knowingly “imitating a product” and claiming it is the genuine thing.This can be achieved by incorrectly-labelling the item, false or misleading certification, creating a similar brand, etc. things that will cause confused product messaging.The AS 9100, IATF 16949 and ISO 9001 present the case for “product identification and traceability” and now “prevention of counterfeit” parts. So, nothing new, but an important consideration for the quality management system. We recommend that prevention should be an integral part of the following:·         Supplier selection – known and quality assured suppliers·         Purchasing – terms and conditions that reminds about counterfeit matters·         Training – internal awareness training for those involved with the above and inspection·         Non-conformance – reporting and containing potential counterfeit items·         Reporting – to customer and the authorities …well that’s the summary… have a great listen and then visit:

8 min
28 December 2023

Process effectiveness assessment report (PEAR's) and a simple overview of the requirements to ensure your compliance. Keep ahead of your audit and listen to this "podcast" for examples of PEAR's and KPI (key performance indicators).Where is AS9100 PEAR from and why? PEAR is an acronym that is used to help the auditor remember how to audit and fill in the audit report. The letters stand for P = people who do the job, E = environment the work is done in, A = actions that need to be performed, and R resources needed to do the job.All a bit naff, don't you think?So, again what is AS9100 PEAR form? PEAR is an acronym for "process improvement" and used as follows. P = process (identified as) E = effectiveness (measured by) A = assessment (of objective measures) R = report (presenting the data) for factual decision making "by the boss" and performance improvement.Nice PEAR,,, of course, your AS 9100 auditor will need the PEAR more than you! See the PEAR as a necessary evil for AS 9100 compliance.

9 min
CONTRACT REVIEW - get it wrong here, your product quality is screwed... give contract review the time it deserves...
28 December 2023
CONTRACT REVIEW - get it wrong here, your product quality is screwed... give contract review the time it deserves...

80% OF NCR'S CAN BE DIRECTLY TRACED TO WEAK REVIEW OF CUSTOMER CONTRACTS & TENDERS.Quality management systems require some basic ingredients to ensure effectiveness. One of the primary ingredients is "contract review" for AS 9100, ISO 9001 and ISO 17025.Keeping in mind that 80% of an organizations poor performance, can be traced to a poorly controlled "contract review" process. Due to the lack of? Yes, you've guessed it, due to the lack of "review of the contract detail". Or not reviewing the contract terms and conditions for technical and quality requirements and commercial obligations.Customer complaints, supplier issues, in-process reworking, late delivery, etc. can almost all be attributed to those involved with contract review. Those unfortunate individuals that are either under pressure, under resourced or under qualified for the task.This podcast will simply highlight the requirements for the management and administration of sales order processing and effective quality control of your customer needs.

14 min
12 February 2023

NO PERFORMANCE DETERMINED - UKCA & OR CE MARKING, THE CPR & NPDNOTE: WHEN LISTENING TO CE MARKING, ALSO UNDERSTAND THIS IS UKCA MARKING....When using the term "NPD" or no performance determined, it means just that. You are "warning" by way of the declaration the limitations of the item e.g. not everything has been specified and or tested.Within the Construction Products Regulation [(EU) No 305/2011 also a Statutory Instrument within the UK] clearly states that the "manufacture" is the one placing the product onto the market, and ultimately the one responsible the integrity of the UKCA / CE Mark as applied.(EU) No 305/2011 - see Article 2 Clause 19This basic fact about the one placing the product onto the market, is a key requirement of all CE obligations - soon to also be the UKCA requirement, currentl  revised to 1st January 2024.Calling all Notified Bodies, please wake up to the following:a) EN 1090-1 Table ZA.3 – this is the tasks for the certification [notified] body when they visit you (the enterprise) – to review the FPC only against (clause 6.3 and this limited focus is as legislated within the CPR and may exclude “design” - (EU) No 305/2011 - see Article 2 Clause 26) and with reference to; b) Annex ZA.1 – the specification for the product as provided from the customer (or if design is within the FPC scope, the internal design requirements); as applicable to the product (and contract specification, as defined), with reference to; c) Annex B – the certification [notified] body will undertake an initial inspection and on-going inspection of the FPC (as per scope – with reference to Annex B.4.2) – basically, assess the effectiveness of the FPC with consideration to the above 1 and 2; and finally; d) ZA.3 ## – the certification [notified] body will review the “declaration of performance" UKCA / CE Mark  certificate content as issued by the FPC – to include any NPD’s as confirmed within 2 above. Therefore, the Notified Body is awarding "certification" against the "factory production control" clause of EN 1090-1, 6.3 for the enterprise to issue  "declarations of performance" for UKCA / CE Mark (at the point of dispatch from their "factory production control")..Where the "factory production control" excludes design from the scope as confirmed with the Notified Body, the the legal responsibility for the product specification sits firmly with the customer and or their design experts (the CPR manufacturer in law).Why are we putting this out there?So many Notified Bodies are bouncing SME fabrication welding firms into "non-conformances" due to the SME's customer NOT providing the correct information for the product. From customers not providing the EXC level through to bolts and weld test specifications not made clear.However, in this regard, we recommend to all "non-design" EN 1090 firms to simply state NPD on their CE Marking "declarations of performance" (in line with the EN 1090 Annex ZA's). Clearly stating this within the "declaration of performance" to the customer specified requirements as per their drawing specification provided.As a non-design EN 1090 firm, you cannot be permitted to deviate from the information provided from your customer (without written consent to do so); should you deviate from the customer contract specification, this would be a breach of contract and you would be liable for any failures.Notified Bodies should focus on auditing with reference to the primary points of legal reference; the CPR and CE Marking. The EN 1090 has become the focus of attention and not the legal frame-work.

5 min
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