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Conservation Careers Podcast

Nick Askew from Conservation Careers uncovers what it's like to work in wildlife conservation. He explores how to get a conservation job, and discusses the latest industry news, by speaking to professional conservationists who share their career stories and advice. So if you want the inside scoop on the life of a professional conservationist and their industry, are feeling lost in your conservation job hunt and need some direction, or wanting to switch careers into conservation but don't know where to start - this is the podcast for you! Conservation jobs, conservation volunteering, conservation internships, conservation careers, conservation news, conservation stories. Check us out at to find the most conservation jobs and the best conservation careers advice.


Last Episode Date: 25 July 2024

Total Episodes: 124

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25 July 2024
From Navy to conservation diversity leader | Taurean Meacham

Today we explore the world of conservation and diversity with digital storyteller Taurean Meacham. Working for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Taurean is the Program Coordinator for the Diversity Joint Venture for Careers in Conservation.In this episode we delve into T...

55 min
9 July 2024
The power of words in wildlife conservation | Jon Monsoon

Why do so many people get into conservation because of a love for animals, only to discover that it's all about people?  And why, if you’re interested in making an impact in conservation, should you focus on improving your communication skills to advance your car...

41 min
24 June 2024
From bartender to Gorilla guardian | Greg Cummings

How Passionate Individuals Can Transform Their Careers and Save Wildlife, With Our Guest Greg Cummings.How can someone transition from being a bartender in London to leading an organisation helping to protect Gorillas - one of the most charismatic species on the planet? ...

46 min
17 June 2024
Switching careers from IT to conservation | Clare Roberts

How do you switch careers from working in IT and Quality Management for 20 years to making a real impact in conservation? That’s exactly what today’s guest - Clare Roberts - has achieved in the past few years, and she’s here today to share her story. We start...

47 min
10 June 2024
Connecting to conservation from the corporate sector | Raoul Bollen

How corporate professionals can contribute to conservation efforts, with our guest Raoul Bollen.How can corporate professionals contribute to conservation efforts? What skills can they bring from the boardrooms of the private sector to help wildlife charities specifical...

44 min
14 May 2024
Navigating Conservation Challenges in Africa | Ademola Ajagbe

How The Nature Conservancy (TNC) in Africa use partnerships, science, and sustainable finance to tackle the biodiversity crisis, with our guest Ademola Ajagbe.Today we’re speaking with an old friend and colleague Ademola Ajagbe, the Regional Managing Director atThe Nature ...

47 min
15 April 2024
Dr Carrie Goucher | How to stop wasting precious time in mediocre meetings!

Meetings are a core part of our working lives, and yet studies have found that 50% of time spent in meetings is often wasted.When viewed as a whole that's often billions, if not trillions, of dollars wasted annually, which could be put to much better use.But why do we spend ...

51 min
1 April 2024
Dr Stephen Green | Course Leader MSc Conservation Project Management

Have you considered going back to university and doing a Master's Degree in order to become more employable within the sector?   Perhaps you’ve looked at many programmes and wondered if they are tooling you up with the right skills employers value.   In today’s ...

49 min
19 March 2024
Cristianne Close | Deputy Global Conservation Director WWF International

In this episode we’re speaking with the Deputy Global Conservation Director at WWF International, Cristianne Close.  Cris describes herself as ‘passionate about creating positive change in the world, especially aiming to make the impossible, possible’.  In this e...

46 min
4 March 2024
How to plan for a gap year or career break? Julia Rogers | EnRoute Consulting

Have you ever felt like escaping the rat race and travelling the world? Seeking impact, adventure and new experiences? Perhaps volunteering for nature conservation organisations, and setting yourself for a career change or education when you return? But with the world as you...

47 min
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