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Club Hype

English: Club Hype is the bi-lingual podcast by Hype1000 about all things corporate podcasting and communications. Every two weeks Jan and Max talk about podcasts, formats, and much more.

The format switches between English and German for each episode.

Deutsch: Club Hype ist der zweisprachige Podcast von Hype1000 über alles, was mit Podcasting und Kommunikation zu tun hat. Alle zwei Wochen sprechen Jan und Max über Podcasts, Formate und vieles mehr. 

Das Format wechselt in jeder Folge zwischen Englisch und Deutsch.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Last Episode Date: 11 April 2024

Total Episodes: 41

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The Art of Storytelling in Podcasts
11 April 2024
The Art of Storytelling in Podcasts

In this episode of Club Hype, Jan and Max dive into the art of storytelling within the realm of podcasting. They explore why storytelling holds a unique position in the podcasting world, its comparison to other mediums like books and movies, and share their favorite storytelling formats and series. This episode also marks the finale of Club Hype, as Jan teases an exciting new project in corporate communications and podcasting.Featured Podcasts:American Scandal - Dives into historical scandals across several episodes, covering stories from Enron to the Unabomber.Wondery Series - Notable for engaging narratives on real events and figures, such as Aaron Hernandez and the WeWork saga.Cuibono - A standout series from Germany exploring deep dives into intriguing topics.The Memory Palace - Offers short, atmospheric stories blending history with a poetic touch.Stay Tuned: Keep an eye out for the upcoming project announced by Jan, promising new insights and innovations in the field of corporate podcasting. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

14 min
Uniting for Audio Excellence: Hypecast's Partnership Journey
28 March 2024
Uniting for Audio Excellence: Hypecast's Partnership Journey

Club Hype Episode NotesWelcome to another electrifying episode of Club Hype, where today's focus shines on the world of corporate audio. Dive deep into the heart of podcasting with insights from our enthusiastic hosts, Jan and Max. This episode is a must-listen for audio aficionados and business innovators alike.Don't Miss Out:For more information and to secure your spot at the Audio and AI event, check the Link: Spaces are limited, so act fast to ensure you don't miss this opportunity to network and learn about the latest in audio technology.Thank you for tuning into Club Hype. Join us next time for more insights and exciting discussions at the forefront of audio innovation. Goodbye for now! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

16 min
Auf der Überholspur: Podcasting in der Automobilwelt
15 March 2024
Auf der Überholspur: Podcasting in der Automobilwelt

In dieser Episode von Club Hype lassen Max und Jan ihrer Leidenschaft für Audio und Corporate Audio freien Lauf. Sie steigen tief in das Thema Podcast-Konzeptionierung ein, diesmal mit einem Fokus auf die Automobilindustrie. Max berichtet von verschiedenen bereits existierenden Podcast-Formaten, die Themen von klassischen Autos über Porsche's Visionen bis hin zu Elektromobilität und fiktionale Erzählungen abdecken. Das Duo erkundet das Potential und die Herausforderungen in der Podcast-Landschaft der Automobilbranche und wirft innovative Ideen auf, wie man durch Audioformate Marken stärken und Nostalgie erzeugen kann. Sie diskutieren, wie man Rennformate und Abenteuerreisen mit Autos in packenden Podcasts umsetzen könnte und sehen in der Elektromobilität spannende neue Erzählansätze.Ein besonders interessanter Gedanke ist die Idee immersiver Reiseerfahrungen durch Audiotouren und Geschichten, die an historische Ereignisse und Orte anknüpfen, während man unterwegs ist. Jan stellt die Idee eines multimedialen Podcasts vor, der Zuhörer auf ihrer Fahrt mit Geschichten, historischen Informationen und sogar musikalischen Soundscapes begleitet. Max und Jan betrachten auch die Zukunft von In-Car-Entertainment und diskutieren, wie selbstfahrende Autos neue Möglichkeiten für Podcast-Formate eröffnen könnten.Zum Abschluss betonen sie, dass die Automobilindustrie reich an ungenutzten Möglichkeiten für Podcasts ist, von nostalgischen Rückblicken über transformative Technologien bis hin zu immersiven Reiseerlebnissen, die alle Facetten der Mobilität und des Autofahrens in ein neues Licht rücken. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

15 min
Amplifying Employee Engagement: The Dynamics of Corporate Podcasting
1 March 2024
Amplifying Employee Engagement: The Dynamics of Corporate Podcasting

Episode Title: Harnessing the Power of Audio for Employee EngagementWelcome to Club Hype, the podcast where we dive deep into the world of corporate audio and celebrate the transformative power of sound in our lives and workplaces. In this episode, we're exploring the critical role of audio content in enhancing employee engagement and retention, with insights from our special guest, Max, who brings a wealth of experience in internal communications and corporate podcasting.Episode Highlights:Introduction to Max and the Topic (00:05)Max rejoins us to discuss the importance of audio in internal communication strategies and its impact on employee engagement.A brief exploration of Max's journey from working on internal podcasts at L'Oreal to founding Hypecast, a platform designed to revolutionize corporate podcasting.The Challenges of Traditional Communication Tools (05:43)Max discusses the limitations of emails, memos, and text-based tools in today's corporate environments, emphasizing the over-saturation of text and the impersonal nature of such communications.Why Audio? The Case for Podcasts in Internal Comms (05:43)An in-depth look at the advantages of audio content over traditional and video content, highlighting the personal, engaging, and efficient nature of podcasts for conveying information and building connections within organizations.Success Stories: Audio in Action (08:42)Real-world examples of how Hypecast and corporate podcasts have made significant impacts on employee engagement during critical times, such as during the war in Ukraine and in large, dynamic organizations like the German Autobahn and sales teams across the US.Key Characteristics of a Successful Internal Podcast (13:04)Max shares three crucial tips for creating engaging and effective corporate podcasts: personalization, understanding the audience, and authenticity.Closing Thoughts: (14:30)A wrap-up of the episode's insights and a heartfelt thank you to Max for sharing his expertise and experiences with us.Join us again on Club Hype, where we'll continue to explore the fascinating intersections of audio, communication, and corporate culture. Don't forget to subscribe and tune in for more enlightening discussions.Thank you for listening, and have a great day! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

14 min
Corporate Audio 2024 (engl. Version)
18 January 2024
Corporate Audio 2024 (engl. Version)

Dive into the world of Corporate Audio with Max and Jan in this gripping podcast episode from Club Hype. Discover why audio is so crucial in today's hybrid work environment and how it enables companies to authentically connect with their target audiences. Max, as an expert, shares valuable insights into the importance of targeted audience analysis for podcast conceptualization and discusses challenges in integrating podcasts into marketing strategies. The hosts also provide a glimpse into trends of 2023 and venture into the future with potential developments for 2024. This episode offers profound insights into the fascinating realm of Corporate Audio.Club Hype Community: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

15 min
Corporate Audio 2024
4 January 2024
Corporate Audio 2024

Trends, Herausforderungen und ExpertenmeinungenUnsere Community: unerserem Weihnachtsspecial: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

18 min
Unveiling the Audio Potential of the Fashion Industry
14 December 2023
Unveiling the Audio Potential of the Fashion Industry

Get ready to challenge the norms as we redefine the way you perceive fashion podcasts! This week, we're igniting your imagination with a fresh approach, as Max and Jan join us in a brainstorming session to construct a captivating fashion podcast from scratch. Buckle up for an exciting journey as we attempt to unravel the potential of this visually-driven industry in the audio realm, inspired by our personal fashion choices and experiences.We we dive into various facets of the fashion world, including style history, trends, and sustainability, providing industry insights and contemplating on an audit-style podcast format that encourages outsiders to scrutinize a brand's sustainability practices. To keep things fun, we also reminisce about fashion faux pas we've committed, reflecting on how our fashion choices reflect our personalities. Moreover, we discuss the significance of inclusive representation in fashion podcasts, considering the evolving landscape of the industry. So tune in, and let us inspire you with our innovative ideas for the fashion industry in the podcast world. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

16 min
True Crime in der Versicherungsbranche & Innovative Versicherungsaufklärung!
30 November 2023
True Crime in der Versicherungsbranche & Innovative Versicherungsaufklärung!

In dieser Folge des Club Hype Podcasts tauschen die Moderatoren Max und Jan Ideen für innovative Podcast-Formate aus. Der Fokus liegt auf der Versicherungsbranche, wobei Max die Idee eines True Crime Formats für Versicherungsbetrugsfälle einbringt. Jan wiederum präsentiert die Konzeption eines externen Podcasts zur Versicherungsaufklärung für verschiedene Lebensabschnitte. Die Diskussion umfasst Strukturüberlegungen, Potenzial für interne und externe Nutzung sowie die Monetarisierung durch geotargetete Werbung. Die Episode endet mit einem Appell an Versicherungsagenturen, solche Formate vorzuschlagen, und der Vorfreude auf zukünftige Konzeptfolgen. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

15 min
"Mordlust" Deconstructed
10 November 2023
"Mordlust" Deconstructed

Wir untersuchen, was True Crime ausmachtEntdeckt mit uns, Max und Jan, warum der True Crime Podcast "Mordlust" von Paulina Kraser und Laura Wolas so faszinierend ist und was es so erfolgreich macht. Lernt, wie die Mischung aus Storytelling und lockeren Gesprächen, sowie der entspannte und humorvolle Ansatz der beiden Journalistinnen, die Zuhörer begeistert. Wir entdecken außerdem gemeinsam, was wir von erfolgreichen Podcast-Formaten lernen können und was sie so besonders macht.In der menschlichen Psyche und dem Rätsellösen in True Crime Podcasts liegt ein ungeahnter Reiz. Wir erörtern, wie sensibel mit heiklen Themen wie der Verspottung und Missachtung von Angehörigen umgegangen werden kann. Aber wir bleiben nicht nur in der Theorie: Wir diskutieren auch über die Produktion von Podcasts und welche Elemente ein großartiges Hörerlebnis schaffen können. Zuletzt werfen wir unsere Gedanken in die Zukunft und untersuchen, wie True Crime auch in Unternehmenskontexten und anderen Genres genutzt werden kann und wie man seine Zielgruppe besser verstehen und bedienen kann. Kommt mit auf eine spannende Podcast-Reise!Der Beitrag zum Thema Zielgruppe: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

22 min
'Revisionist History' Deconstructed
26 October 2023
'Revisionist History' Deconstructed

Decoding the Charm of Malcolm Gladwell's 'Revisionist History'Calling all history buffs and podcast enthusiasts! Tune in for an enlightening discussion that promises to redefine your podcast experience. We're dissecting the acclaimed 'Revisionist History' podcast by Malcolm Gladwell and exploring its unique charm of revisiting the forgotten and misunderstood events of yesteryears. From an emotional deep dive into the controversial switch of McDonald's fries recipe to the seamless blend of scientific and pop culture elements, we uncover why this podcast has struck a chord with listeners worldwide.In the second part of our episode, we journey further into the heart of 'Revisionist History', celebrating its compelling structure, expert interviews, and Gladwell's knack for unbiased storytelling. We admire the way Gladwell captivates listeners with personal narratives, delivering transparency with his data sources that quickly establishes credibility. Listen in as we express our love for audio and podcasts, and how they've uniquely shaped our understanding of history. Don’t miss out on this episode that's sure to leave you with a newfound appreciation for the art of podcasting. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

20 min
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