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Cliff’s Notes on Profitable Coaching

In this podcast I share what I have learned about building a profitable coaching business. If you have a desire to bring about massive transformation in the lives of those you serve and get paid extremely well to do it, this is the podcast for you. Be sure to check out my main podcast, The Cliff Ravenscraft Show, in your favorite podcast directory.


Last Episode Date: 25 July 2024

Total Episodes: 44

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25 July 2024
044 - The Mark Mason Sessions - Session 07

 This is session 07 of The Mark Mason Sessions. Email Mark at and Cliff at   NEXT LEVEL COACHING PROGRAM If you found today's conversation insightful and are looking to take your coaching business to the next lev...

81 min
20 June 2024
043 - The Mark Mason Sessions - Session 06

This is session 06 of The Mark Mason Sessions. In this month's conversation, Mark came away with the following insights: Mark recognized his pattern of committing to more tasks than he can realistically complete each day up to this point, leading to unmet exp...

82 min
8 June 2024
042 - Let’s Put An End To The Myth of The Overnight Success

I’ve been observing an alarming trend. Many people are prematurely quitting their day jobs, having fallen for the myth of overnight success. In this episode, I will discuss the myth of overnight success and its negative impact on the wellbeing of those who believe in it. I...

68 min
23 May 2024
041 - Turning Missteps into Success: Insights for Coaching Entrepreneurs

In this episode, I open up about the top three mistakes I've made over the past. I'll share how stopping my weekly podcast content, neglecting consistent email communication with my audience, and abandoning my life-giving early morning routine impacted my journey. Join me as...

49 min
9 May 2024
040 - Mark Mason Session #5 Supplemental - The Three Takeaways

My favorite aspect of coaching is witnessing the transformation in the life experiences of those I work with. I find it even more rewarding when the clients I work with apply what they've learned and share their knowledge to positively influence others. That's precisely what...

28 min
3 May 2024
039 - The Mark Mason Sessions - Session 05

This is session 05 of The Mark Mason Sessions. In this month's conversation, Mark came away with the following insights: Mark gained clarity on how his values and rules impact his progress and success, and that redoing the values exercise more thoroughly coul...

93 min
2 April 2024
038 - The Number One Method For Finding And Reaching Your Ideal Clients

In this podcast episode, I interview my dear friend Jessica Rhodes about her podcast guesting service business, Interview Connections, which she started in 2013. Over the past decade, her business has become a powerful entity that helps individuals reach their ideal cli...

62 min
1 April 2024
037 - The Mark Mason Sessions - Session 04 | Uncovering Your Unconscious Values and Rules

Below is the email follow up that I sent to Mark after this session. Pay special attention to the additional resources section which has a link to where you can find the full instructions to the value/rules exercise.Mark, It was wonderful to connect with you during our call ...

105 min
4 March 2024
036 - The Mark Mason Sessions - Session 03

Below email followup that I sent to Mark following this session: Mark, It was so wonderful to connect with you during our call today. Below, you will find a link to the recording of our session, along with details for our next session. Additionally, you'll find a list of ins...

90 min
2 February 2024
035 - The Mark Mason Sessions - Session 02

Welcome to Session Number 2 of "The Mark Mason Sessions." In this series, I am coaching business leader and internet marketing expert Mark Mason, one-on-one, and you'll get to hear every detail of each of these twelve sessions. Over the course of the year, I will work c...

92 min
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