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Bringing Business to Retail

Want a business that fills your soul AND your bank account? Retail Strategist Salena Knight, shares information, inspiration and interviews with business leaders, to help you create a more profitable, sustainable and dynamic retail or eCommerce business.


Last Episode Date: 25 July 2024

Total Episodes: 525

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25 July 2024
Avoid This Hiring Mistake

Would you let an ads manager spend thousands of dollars every month, even though you’re not getting any new customers or sales? How about having to fire a friend or family member, because they're just not what you need to move you to the next level? Or, would you let a poo...

34 min
19 July 2024
Make Better Decisions With This Simple Hack

As business owners, we're always looking for the next best thing. Faster results. Better ROI. More customers. More sales. More profits. In a world that moves fast, it can sometimes be difficult to make the best decision. Do you make the best decision for now, or the best dec...

9 min
11 July 2024
A Retailer's Secret Weapon: How A Simple Playlist Can Increase Sales by 10% - Dean Cherny

I walked into a cute little boutique the other day. The store windows were gorgeous and there was a pink top on the mannequin which had caught my eye. Excited that I had stumbled across a piece of clothing that was my "season" (Clear Spring if you were wondering - SOOOO hard...

43 min
4 July 2024
What Should You Spend Money On Right Now?

Money Tight?   I can safely say, after weathering the GFC, that the economy WILL pick back up.   And I want your business, to still be here when that happens.   In tougher economic times, every dollar counts. This must-listen episode reveals the 3 key areas I think...

41 min
27 June 2024
If You Want To See Different Results - Do This

Are you struggling to manage your workload as a busy business owner? Feeling stuck in your routine and lacking creativity? This episode will show you how to boost your productivity and change your results. I'll be sharing my own experience burning out while trying to keep up...

28 min
20 June 2024
SEO Strategies The Big Brands DON'T Use (But You Should) - Amanda King

If you're like most independent retailers and e-commerce store owners, SEO can feel like a never-ending battle. No matter how hard you optimize your site, tweak your content or experiment with keywords, it seems like the big brands always outrank you. In this episode, that's...

46 min
13 June 2024
Rebecca's 5/5 Promo You Need To Copy - Rebecca Harper

Today I've got a real go-getter on the show, Rebecca from Weft and Warp Fabrics. She is no stranger to challenges - she opened her store while still teaching full-time! But with the support of her husband and some creative promotions, she's really leveling up. I was blown aw...

75 min
6 June 2024
4 Tactics Working Right Now, To Drive More Sales

As a retailer, I know you're feeling the pressure right now - sales are down and customers are tightening their belts. You're probably wondering how you'll survive this economic storm..   But I have good news!   Your competition is cutting back...   Which means YOU...

31 min
30 May 2024
Increase Profits Without Losing Sales With These 7 Strategies

My coconut body wash does more than make me feel like I’m going on holiday.  It also showcases a number of ways that business owners could be increasing their profits. That seems like a lot to get from a $25 bottle of body wash, but trust me, it’s just the start (and ye...

34 min
24 May 2024
What Can You Be Doing Right Now To Keep Your Business Going

Take it from someone who started a business during the GFC, I know business is challenging right now. I’ve been there. BUT it won’t last forever, and if you still want to be in business in 12 months, you’ll want to hear how to turn this difficult season into a golden o...

21 min
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