Biz and Tech Podcasts > Business > Brevant seeds Beyond Products
Last Episode Date: 01/13/2025
Total Episodes: Not Available
Hosts Andy and Ashley talk with Mario Carlone, Corteva Agriscience Corn Breeding Senior Scientist based in Illinois. Mario shares key learnings from his 40-year career, including key conversations about white cob corn and gene editing.
Retail sales agronomists from across the Brevant® seeds footprint share updates from the field, hot agronomy topics from the 2024 growing season and their favorite Brevant products in the latest episode of Brevant seeds Beyond Products podcast.
Curious about agriculture jobs and what it takes to work for Corteva Agriscience? Whether you are graduating from college or wanting to look at an internship for the Summer of 2025, this is the episode for you. Learn about internships and the Associate Territory Manager program from current intern Madi Kerr, a student at Purdue University, and former Associate Territory Manager program participant Julia Quisley, who now works as an Retail Sales Agronomist with Brevant. Also, learn what it takes to stand out from the crowd and land that next role!Additional Resources:Corteva Careers:
Corteva Market Development Specialist, Will Tubbs, joins hosts Andy Robinson and Ashley Bergthold to discuss corn and soybean diseases and whether a fungicide application is needed this season.
Ashley has a special guest this week, Dustin Voss (Retail Sales Agronomist from Minnesota) to talk about his participation in the Brevant Turn the Bag, Blue and Gold Program. We also get a chance to visit with Cassidy, Landon, and Ava from the Buffalo Lake-Hector FFA Chapter on their experience with the program. The Brevant Turn the Bag Blue and Gold Program provides six FFA Chapters per year with agronomic education, career development and fundraising opportunities.ResourcesArticle: Chapters Turn the Bag Blue and Gold with Brevant Seeds - Turn the Bag Blue & Gold Program Information -
Let’s learn more about Nitrogen Stabilizers and Optinyte® Technology. Did you know that at 80 degrees F, it only takes 6 days for ammonium to convert to leachable nitrate? Taylor Ferguson from Corteva’s Nutrient Maximizer Team teaches us how to keep Nitrogen where it needs to be for the crop to effectively utilize it. Also, Andy goes on a tangent about Flood Tolerance testing of Brevant Soybeans.
Want to learn more about corn nematodes? The Brevant team has Tamra Jackson-Ziems, Professor and Extension Pathologist from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, discuss the topic of corn nematodes and what farmers need to consider. Also, joining is Rachel Woods, Corteva Agriscience Seed Applied Technologies Technical Services Manager to discuss Lumialza as part of the Brevant seeds corn seed treatment.ResourcesAbout Lumialza:
Guest Travis Belt, Brevant Seeds U.S. Portfolio Lead, joins Ashley and Andy to talk about the new Brevant Advancement class launched in January 2024. They dive deep into the trait packages, varieties and what they’re most excited for from them. Travis discusses what makes this class special, including Corteva’s commitment to performance and how this class reflects that.ResourcesArticle: Brevant Seeds brings 24 new soybean varieties to market in 2024: Video: What's in the Brevant Seeds product pipeline for 2024?:
Guest Don Kyle, Corteva Evaluation Zone Lead/Soybean Breeder, joins Ashley and Andy to talk about the excitement around Corteva’s soybean breeding program. They dive into the yield and agronomics of the latest advancement class of Brevant Soybeans. Don helps to bring more context to other topics like soybean cyst nematodes, soybean nutrition and planting populations.
In this episode of Brevant seeds Beyond Products, hosts Andy Robinson and Ashley Bergthold discuss challenges and opportunities throughout the growing 2023 season. Joining the episode are Tony Moellers, Retail Product Agronomist in Northwest Iowa, and Lane Secor, Retail Product Agronomist in North-Central Ohio. The pair provide insight from the 2023 growing season and thoughts on harvest in their areas.
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