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Along Those Lines

The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association's podcast is focused on the important stories from across co-op country about the issues that matter most to rural America and the energy industry.


Last Episode Date: 15 July 2024

Total Episodes: 72

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15 July 2024
Protecting Electric Cooperative Consumers From Scams

Scams that target electric utility consumers have been around for almost as long as the industry itself, with criminals using the latest technologies over the years to defraud victims. Electric co-ops have a unique advantage in combating scams, being locally owned, community...

22 min
10 June 2024
All Eyes on the 2024 Hurricane Season

The 2024 hurricane season could be especially challenging for electric co-ops and their members. NOAA is predicting above-normal Atlantic hurricane activity with up to 25 named storms—a record high for its May forecast. Learn more from Matt Rosencrans, lead hurricane outl...

26 min
21 May 2024
Immediate, Irreparable Harm: The Impacts of EPA's Power Plant Rule

The EPA recently finalized its new rule to aggressively cut carbon dioxide emissions from power plants—a sweeping move that NRECA CEO Jim Matheson called “unlawful, unrealistic and unachievable." Critics across the industry have decried the regulation as a threat to reli...

26 min
22 April 2024
In the Blink of an Eye—Devastating Incident Becomes Teaching Tool

In 2021, Branden Bauer was working at United Electric in Pennsylvania as a journeyman lineman with nearly 10 years of experience. During a system improvement project, he made contact with a live conductor that he'd mistakenly thought was a neutral and suffered devastating in...

27 min
26 March 2024
Lower Snake River Dams Deal Threatens Reliability in Northwest

A long-simmering dispute over the Lower Snake River dams burst onto the headlines in November with news of a backroom deal between the Biden administration and plaintiffs in a lawsuit against the Bonneville Power Administration and other agencies that manage the dams. The de...

28 min
13 February 2024
Lessons in Succession Planning From a Small Co-op

The electric utility industry is in the midst of a “skills and people shortage,” brought on by a steady stream of senior leaders reaching retirement age, a marked increase in non-retirement turnover and an evolution toward more advanced technologies that’s making it mo...

28 min
16 January 2024
What the AI Revolution Means for Electric Co-ops

Artificial intelligence is poised to have a rapidly expanding impact on many facets of our lives—and the power industry is at the tip of the spear. How are electric co-ops already using AI, and how will it shape and change the way we approach operations, member services an...

24 min
18 December 2023
ACCESS Project Delivers Benefits of Solar to Co-ops’ Lower-Income Members

The Achieving Cooperative Community Equitable Solar Sources (ACCESS) project, a three-year, Department of Energy-funded effort in which electric co-ops have worked on innovative ways to bring the benefits of solar power to their low- and moderate-income members, is winding d...

26 min
20 November 2023
Middle-Mile Muddle

A key piece of the broadband puzzle is the “middle mile,” which connects local networks to the broader web—a particularly critical facet for rural areas. Many electric co-ops in the broadband space are finding it difficult to access reliable, affordable third-party mid...

23 min
26 October 2023
Proactive Safety: Commitment to Zero Contacts and Virtual Reality Training

The Commitment to Zero Contacts program, a joint effort of NRECA, Federated Rural Electric Insurance Exchange and statewide co-op associations to eliminate injuries and deaths caused by accidental electrical contacts, hit its five-year mark earlier this year. Phase 2 of the ...

23 min
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